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İngilizce Vikipedi

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page English Wikipedia and the translation is 19% complete.

İngilizce Vikipedi, ayrıca en-WP veya basitçe enwiki olarak kısaltılır, Vikipedi'nin İngilizce dilindeki sürümüdür. Orijinal Vikipedi'dir ve proje o zamandan beri 300'den fazla dile genişlemiş olsa da, İngilizce Vikipedi en büyüğü olmaya devam etmektedir. Daha küçük Vikipediler'in kendi dillerine çeviriler için kaynak olarak İngilizce Vikipedi'ye bakması anlamında fiili küresel Vikipedi'dir (2020 itibarıyla gerçek bir dil bağımsız küresel Vikipedi kurma çabaları devam etmektedir).

Gerçekler ve istatistikler

Başlangıç: Ocak 2001

Kurucular: Larry Sanger, Jimmy Wales

Mevcut boyut: 6.965.678 madde

Toplam düzenlemeler: 1.275.476.254

Aktif editörler: Geçtiğimiz ay 126.491


English Wikipedia has the most generally comprehensive and high-quality coverage of human knowledge of any Wikipedia or other encyclopedia, although its quality remains uneven across different areas.[1]

Areas of strength
  • Breaking news and current events
  • Popular culture
  • Sports
  • Hard sciences
Areas of weakness
  • Social sciences
  • Humanities
  • Arts
  • Geography and culture of non-English-speaking parts of the world


Unique qualities
  • Combating vandalism and promotional editing
  • Achieving neutrality and maintaining user trust in an increasingly polarized information landscape
  • Addressing systemic bias against women, poor people, non-white people, and other groups underrepresented among editors
Language aspects

There is no set standard on the variety of English to use, other than that it should remain consistent within articles. By default, American spellings tend to dominate over British spellings and other varieties.

History and impact



  • One of the most trafficked websites in the world,[2] attracting around 1.5 billion visitors per month (as of March 2020)
  • Largest and most comprehensive record of humanity's collective knowledge in history
  • Inspired many other language editions, projects
