Education/News/July 2023/Wiki at the Brazilian National History Symposium
Wiki at the Brazilian National History Symposium
Participation in the Brazilian History Symposium – ANPUH
Between July 15th and 17th, 2023, Wiki Movimento Brasil had the opportunity to participate in the 32nd Brazilian Symposium on History, a huge academic conference organised by the National Association of History (ANPUH). It was given to WMB a space to set up a stand, in the hall of the building of History Studies at the State University of Maranhão, where it was been realised the participants accreditation process. The organisation expected the attendance of three thousand participants including history educators, researchers and students. The National Association of History also organises a pre-event focused on Educators and pedagogical experiences – the Education ANPUH.
At the stand, with a banner that says "Wikipedia matches with education", the WMB's team members had the opportunity to talk with several participants of the event about the pedagogical potential of Wikimedia projects. They were also able to get in contact with university professors interested in carrying out extension activities involving Wikipedia. In addition, the presence of team members on site was essential to associate Wikipedia, and WMB, with an event with such prestige in the Brazilian academic environment.
Workshop for educators – ANPUH Education
On July 15th, Wiki Movimento Brasil held a workshop through the Education and Scientific Dissemination manager, Amanda Jurno, at Education ANPUH. The event preceded the 32nd ANPUH National History Symposium and was focused on Brazilian educators. At the occasion, the manager spoke about the potential of using Wikimedia platforms – especially Wikipedia – as a pedagogical tool for the most different age groups and schooling levels.
Participation in the XVIII RedPOP Congress 2023
Wiki Movimento Brasil was also present at the XVIII RedePop Congress 2023, that had the theme: “Various Voices: dialogue between knowledges and inclusion in the popularization of science”. The event took place at the Museu da Vida Fiocruz, located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between July 10th and 16th. The event sought to show the importance of different cultures, perspectives and contexts that add to the diversity of the field of popularization and dissemination of science in Latin America and the rest of the world. A objective similar to what we do as an organisation, at WMB.
During the event, WMB set up a stand with some promotional materials and Celio Costa Filho, Wiki Movimento Brasil Administrative manager, interacted with the participants throughout the day. Celio talked about how Wikipedia and its sister projects can be used as a teaching tool and as an instrument for scientific dissemination.
RedePop is an interactive network for the dissemination of science and technology in Brazil. The Congress was a space for exchanging experiences between science promoters, educators, journalists, museologists and artists.
WMB holds workshops for Brazilian universities
Throughout June and July, Wiki Movimento Brazil held several workshops for Brazilian universities. See more information below.
Modern History students at UNIFESP
The first of these workshops was held on June 6th for a class of Modern History students, from the History Department of the Federal University of the State of São Paulo (UNIFESP). 33 undergraduate students from two different classes participated on the workshop about basic editing on Wikipedia, conducted by Amanda Chevtchouk Jurno, Wiki Movimento Brasil's Education and Scientific Dissemination manager.
The idea for the training came from the Professor Bruno Feitler, who has been using Wikipedia with his students for some time. He reached out to WMB because he became interested in using the metrics tracking tool, the Outreach Dashboard, while attending one of the WMB's Wikimedia & Education Workshops. The workshop was an opportunity to consolidate the partnership with him.
Northeastern universities workshop
On June 12, WMB held the second workshop for the interuniversity master's students from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) and the State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas (UNCISAL) 18 people attended the workshop about editing Wikimedia Commons. This training was organised by Professor Eliene Araújo, from UFRN, with Wiki Movimento Brasil's support. At the first workshop, held in April, the same group of Audiology students learned basic editing skills on Wikipedia. The activity is linked to the Wikipedia Education Program as an Active Learning Methodology and Tool for Collective Collaboration in Hearing Health.
Workshop for the project More History of the Amazon on Wiki
The third workshop was held on June 19th. At the occasion, 34 students from the Faculty of History at the Federal University of Pará, Bragança's Campus, participated in the Wikipedia basic editing training. The activity is part of the "Mais História da Amazônia na Wiki" project (More History of the Amazon on Wiki), an initiative that is focused on teaching, researching and organising extension activities of the Faculty of History of UFPA/Campus Bragança. The project aims to stimulate the edition and the creation of articles about the sociocultural reality of the Amazon from the perspective Para's Brazilian State users (students and educators), expanding the possibilities of production and free circulation of knowledge.
The objective of this project is to contribute to the decolonisation of knowledge and gaps reduction in histories, knowledge and local cultures of the Amazon within the scope of Wikipedia, based on Wiki Loves Pará initiatives. It also aims to promoting greater awareness of the potential uses of Wikipedia in teaching History as an important educational tool in a virtual environment.
XXV and XVVI Wikimedia & Education Workshops
The XXV Wikimedia & Education Workshophad the participation of Stela Madruga, a WMB's volunteer member and chief librarian at the University of São Paulo (USP). At the occasion, she talked about "Professional development through Wikidata: case study presented at the EduWiki Conference 2023". She presented the experience of holding a workshop with Brazilian librarians and talked about her experience of participating at the EduWiki Conference, in Belgrade, Serbia.
After her presentation, Lucas Piantá, a Master's student in History at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and also a WMB's volunteer member, gave the participants a tutorial on basic edits in Wikidata. He taught how to insert references and infoboxes into Wikipedia entries using Wikidata – an opportunity to explore the interconnections between the two sister projects.
At the XXVI Wikimedia & Education Workshop, Andi Inácio presented “The experience of the Lusophone women's movement on wikimedia: an active estimation”. Andi is a historian and wikimedian, PhD student in History at the Fluminense Federal University. She is also member of the user group WikiMulheres+ and Wiki Movimento Brasil.
Then, Éder Porto, Product and Technology Manager at Wiki Movimento Brasil, gave a tutorial on “More Wikidata and Scholia – disseminating and visualizing scientific production”, presenting the possibilities of using the tool for communicating and understanding scientific production.
"Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom" program now in Portuguese
The "Reading Wikipedia in the classroom" (RWC) program modules are now translated into Portuguese.
RWC is a professional development program for high school teachers led by the Education team at the Wikimedia Foundation.
The translation and adaptation of the content for the lusophone Wikipedia community were carried out by the Wikipedians Flavia Doria, Flávia Varella and Lilian Viana.
You can access the content, in Portuguese, by clicking on the links below.
Wikipedia Student GuidePDF Wikipedista Teacher Quick GuidePDF Teacher's Guide (Module 1)PDF Teacher's Guide (Module 2)PDF Teacher's Guide (Module 3)PDF