Education/News/August 2024/Let's Read Wikipedia in Bolivia reaches teachers in Cochabamba
Let's Read Wikipedia in Bolivia reaches teachers in Cochabamba
This is one of the largest educational districts in the department since it is made up of 213 educational units, that is, approximately 50% of the center of the metropolitan area.
Of this new group of teachers, the following stands out:
The immediacy with which the teachers began the application of Wikipedia in the classroom, because after the first classroom session we already had a biology teacher who applied what she learned with her students, we hope to be able to share this experience more deeply later on. The varied age range of the teachers, from 24 years old to 60 years old, most of them being women. This age and gender diversity among the teachers nurtured the exchange of knowledge and perceptions about the use of technological tools in Bolivian education, which opened up discussion and dialogue about the local contexts and situations they face as educators.
The interest in learning was reflected in the active participation and constant attendance to the workshops and virtual sessions where the three modules of the program were deepened, as one of the necessary requirements to achieve successful graduation.
Also noteworthy is the application of new ways of energizing the sessions during this version of the course, which generated a good response among the attendees who had fun and learned during the execution of the sessions.

In September, the graduation of the teachers who successfully complete the program will take place and, with that, the second graduation of the 2024 management in Bolivia will be held.