Edit Wikipedia Week/sv
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Engelsk orginaltext[edit]one you should make it opened at first to have a place to write frequently to you people because some people like myself have reading disabilities so I'm trying my best and I love knowledge but it's very hard for me to obtain it Something's Happened to me in my life and I'm back in the game I want to read I want to learn I want to know everything I'm willing to help out is there a way I can fit into the team because I muchly enjoy it It would be a chapter in my life I would never forget and I've got a large heart and I work hard and to the best of my abilities Title[edit]What is Edit Wikipedia week?[edit]This is a worldwide event scheduled to take place tentatively the week of December 3, 2007. It is hoped that this will become an annual event. Everyone should be involved in helping to stage a bunch of "Edit Wikipedia Week" events during that week. The idea is to stage outreach events around the world designed to encourage people to participate in the projects. The events can be practically anything – big or small. You can speak about the projects at a local school; get yourself booked for a television appearance; talk to a local photography club about contributing to Commons; organize a marathon weekend of translations; recruit new people to help you launch a WikiProject, or even just teach your dad how to edit. Anything that you think will improve the projects: the idea is to reach out to people who don’t edit, and encourage them to make a contribution. Edit Wikipedia Week is intended to be an experiment. The premise is that anyone can organize an event for Edit Wikipedia Week, and it can take whatever form makes sense to them. Nobody needs permission: feel free to just participate. There are no fixed rules, except the following:
Share your efforts[edit]Here is a section where you can share your efforts to spread the word about the Edit Wikipedia Week.
Events scheduled[edit]Here is a section to record what kind of events/initatives you or people you know have taken for the Edit Wikipedia Week
Ideas for events[edit]Whether you intend to hold an event or not, you can help others by adding some ideas for events here. More specific ideas are more likely to come to life...
Alternative ways you can help[edit]If you can't help at or organise an event you can still work on this experiment. Print out some posters, and hit your local coffeeshop with Internet access. Other candidates for posters are University noticeboards and restaurants in the areas surrounding faculties. If you're not a student or member of a college's staff you may not be able to commandeer a computer lab and do an evening session. Perhaps you could aim to get a local cybercafe to let you put up some posters and you and a couple of wiki people could help people get the basics of editing in a session there. In such a case they'd pay for the Internet access - all you might need to do is go to CafePress and get a T-shirt so they know who to ask. Why Wikipedia?[edit]The event is focused on Wikipedia, because it's our biggest and best known project, and therefore most likely to generate interest among the media and general public. That doesn't mean we couldn't hold similar events for Wikinews, Wikibooks, Wikisource, or any other WMF project. One idea on the implementation of this would be to set up edit.wikipedia.org, which would redirect to pages in the local Wikipedias. Each of those pages would also refer back to the ongoing fundraiser with a little info-box (something along the lines of "There are different ways to help Wikipedia..."). Sources[edit]To prevent new editors being disappointed by having their edits reverted, an ideal place to have such an event would be a public library. When teaching people how to edit, show them how to source the info they add (after sandbox edits) before they save their first edits to a namespace page. See also[edit]
External links[edit]
Svensk översättning[edit]Title[edit]Vad är 'Redigera-Wikipedia-veckan'?[edit]Det är världsomfattande arrangemang som preliminärt har planerats in vecka 49, med start måndagen den 3:e december 2007. Förhoppningen är att det ska bli ett årligt arrangemang. Alla borde hjälpa till med att genomföra ett antal 'Redigera-Wikipedia-veckan'-arrangemang under veckans gång. Tanken är att genom arrangemang som når ut till allmänheten, uppmuntra människor att delta i Wikipedia och andra projekt. Arrangemangen kan vara precis vad som helst - stort som smått. Gå till skolan och berätta om projekten, se till att vara med i TV, prata med fotoklubben på orten om att bidra till Commons??? (Jag är ny på Wikipedia - vad är det?), organisera en helg med marathonöversättningar, rekrytera människor som kan hjälpa dig att köra igång ett Wikiprojekt eller visa mamma hur hon ska redigera. Allt du kan komma på som kan förbättra projekten, tanken är att nå ut till människor som inte redigerar och uppmuntra dem att komma med ett bidrag. Redigera-Wikipedia-veckan är tänkt att vara ett experiment. Förutsättningen är att vem som helst kan organisera ett arrangemang för Redigera-Wikipedia-veckan, och det kan se ut hur som helst. Ingen behöver tillstånd, det är bara att sätta igång. Det finns bara ett par regler:
Dela med dig, berätta vad du gör[edit]Här kan du berätta vad du gör för att berätta om 'Redigera-Wikipedia-veckan'.
Schemalagda arrangemang[edit]Här kan du berätta vilka arrangemang som genomförs, eller initiativ du, eller människor du känner, har gjort för 'Redigera-Wikipedia-veckan'
Why Wikipedia?[edit]The event is focused on Wikipedia, because it's our biggest and best known project, and therefore most likely to generate interest among the media and general public. That doesn't mean we couldn't hold similar events for Wikinews, Wikibooks, Wikisource, or any other WMF project. Implementation-wise, I'm thinking of having us set up edit.wikipedia.org, which would redirect to pages in the local Wikipedias. Each of those pages would also refer back to the ongoing fundraiser with a little info-box (something along the lines of "There are different ways to help Wikipedia..."). Sources[edit]To prevent new editors being disappointed by having their edits reverted, an ideal place to have such an event would be a public library. When teaching people how to edit, show them how to source the info they add (after sandbox edits) before they save their first edits to a namespace page. See also[edit]
External links[edit]