ESEA Hub/Seasonal Newsletter/Simple

Current issue
[edit]June 2016
ESEA Newsletter is out! Check out some amazing work done by Wikimedia Communities in East and Southeast Asia! Here is the summary of the Newsletter.
- What is Affiliations Committee and how ESEA is related with it? ESEA editors interviewed one of the members Ting Chen on Wikimedia Conference 2016.
- Wikimedia Indonesia brings the news on Sundanese Wikipedia community held a Wikipedia writing competition, and one participant who was only 12 years old managed to edit 118 articles using a 4-inch smartphone, using source editor!
- Wikimedia Taiwan invites parliament members to take open licensed photo, 38 out of 113 congresspeople have participated in this event.
- Wikimedians in Thailand organised two meetups in March 2016 at Mahidol University International College. They gathered around 30 new editors, including a visually impaired student.
- One of Wikimedia Hong Kong members was invited to give a presentation about building up an Arts database in Asia on Wikipedia, and the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan expressed their interest to cooperate with us in order to establish the database.
Previous issues
[edit]Jan 2016
ESEA Newsletter is out! Check out some amazing work done by Wikimedia Communities in East and Southeast Asia! Here is the summary of the Newsletter.
- 4,310 articles in 41 language versions of Wikipedia contributed during the Wikipedia Asian Month 2015.
- 40 Wikimedians celebrated 15th anniversary of Wikipedia in Hong Kong.
- 100 books have been digitalized and uploaded to Wikimedia Projects in collaboration between Wikimedia Indonesia and Museum Tamansiswa Dewantara Kirti Griya.
- 46 entries of Spoken Wikipedia has contributed to Chinese Wikipedia by Wikimedia Taiwan's project partnered with National Chiao Tung University.
- Wikimedia Philippines announces its new project: the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage (EPH), as the second phase of Cultural Heritage Mapping Project, which contributed 800 articles in past two years.
Nov 2015
ESEA Newsletter is out! Check out some amazing work done by Wikimedia Communities in East and Southeast Asia! Here is the summary of the Newsletter.
- 5 of East and South East Asia affiliates collaborates to host Wikipedia Asian Month to improve Asian contents in WIkimedia projects.
- Wikimedia Taiwan is helping to build the teaching materials of Kiwix, an offline Wikipedia software, for an international service group to deploy in Cambodia.
- Wikimedia Indonesia is collaborating with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT-OSM) Indonesia in Open Content in Kalimantan Project to simultaneously map and generate content about Kalimantan.
Oct 2015
ESEA Newsletter is out! Check out some amazing work done by Wikimedia Communities in East and Southeast Asia! Here is the summary of the Newsletter.
- Wikimedia Taiwan initiated a monthly meetup called “A Room of WikiWomen's Own”. They are also planning to incubate Wikipedia of local aboriginal languages in Taiwan.
- Wikimedia Indonesia is helping to build the Sundanese Wikipedia community by launching various activities called “Wiki Sabanda”.
- Wikimedians in Kansai successfully held “Wikipedia ARTS”, an offline edit-a-thon, to integrate fine arts information from a library into Wikipedia articles.