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Sidang Kemuncak Strategi ESEAP 2025

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Sidang Kemuncak Strategi ESEAP 2025 ialah sidang kemuncak yang akan datang untuk ahli gabungan Wikimedia dan orang sumber yang dijemput di rantau ESEAP untuk bercakap tentang Strategi Pergerakan, termasuk sebarang perkembangan sekitar Piagam Pergerakan, serta topik untuk Hab ESEAP itu sendiri termasuk Charternya sendiri [[:m:Special:MyLanguage/ESEAP Hub Charter]. Manila, Filipina telah dipilih sebagai bandar tuan rumah untuk acara itu oleh peserta Persidangan ESEAP 2024 di Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.


East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific are the most under-represented regions within the Wikimedia community. There is a significant number of Wikimedia contributors in our regions, yet we continue to struggle with establishing a well-managed community. This conference will bring participants from various ESEAP communities together in order to better understand the issues and to look for solutions. It also aims to connect people of the Wikimedia movement within ESEAP regions, to share ideas, and to build regional collaborations that are impossible to achieve through online communication.


We are organizing the Wikimedia Strategy Summit 2025 to:

  • Provide an avenue for follow-up and status review of the current ESEAP Region’s strategic direction based on the previous Summits’ conversations.
  • Create open and engaging community discussions and nurture future cross-cultural collaborations among countries in the ESEAP Region.
  • Become a venue for community members to have a conversation with some of the members of Movement Strategy Working Groups so they could guide participants on matters or concerns that surfaced in their working group conversations in general and scoping documents in particular. This includes but is not limited to, providing clarifications, giving sample future scenarios, and sharing their work experience in their designated working groups.
  • Develop a support structure for Wikimedia communities and volunteers in terms of organizing, volunteer engagement, and technical challenges.
Event Details
  • Place: Manila, Philippines
  • Date: 23-25 May 2025
  • Contact Us
  • Hosts:

Joint statement of Philippine Wikimedians to host the ESEAP Strategy Summit in Manila

Persidangan dan Sidang Kemuncak ESEAP