ESEAP Hub/Meetings/19 June 2021
ESEAP Virtual General Meeting #10
- Date: Saturday, June 19, 2021
- Time: 2:00 - 4:00 UTC (see your local time)
- Moderator: Butch Bustria
- Joining: by invitation; if you'd like one, contact one of the CPs
[edit]- Your participation to Wikimania 2021 (13-17 August 2021) including need for translation support
- Universal Code of Conduct discussions
- Knowledge Equity Fund
- Open seats for the WMF Board of Trustees
- Open seats for the Regional Grant Committee
- Open seats for the Affiliations Committee
- Movement Charter discussions
- Wikipedia activities within your country
[edit]Sign up below
- ··· 🌸 Rachmat04 · ☕ 03:25, 10 June 2021 (UTC)
- RamzyM (WMF) (talk) 15:11, 14 June 2021 (UTC)
- Buszmail (talk) 11:37, 16 June 2021 (UTC)
- SHISHIR DUA (talk) 20:49, 16 June 2021 (UTC)
Recorded at meeting note:
- Butch (Singapore, Moderator)
- Vanj Padilla (Philippines)
- Adi (Indonesia)
- Tanveer Hasan (WMF), Community Resources team
- Chris Schilling (WMF), Community Resources team
- Dody Ismoyo (Malaysia user group)
- Rachmat (WMID, Indonesia)
- Gnangarra (Wikimania COT, ESEAP)
- Alex Lum (WMAU, Australia)
- Jojit Ballesteros (Hablon User Group)
- Bel Ballesteros (HUG)
- Joyce Chen (Wikimedia Taiwan)
- Ellif d.a (Wikimedia Korea)
- Ramzy M (WMF)
- Bunty Avieson (AffCom and WMAU)
- Anthony Diaz (Philippines)
- Juan Bautista H. Alegre (Philippines)
- Jeromi Mikhael (Indonesia)
- Carlo Joseph Moskito (Philippines)
- Kaarel Vaidla (WMF), Movement Strategy Team
- Muhammad Akbar (Indonesia)
- Dr Mel Ganus (wikiBlind)
[edit]- See Etherpad
Open seats for the Affiliations Committee
[edit]- Candidates sought for upcoming elections for AffComm
- Only experience needed is knowledge of the Wikimedia Movement
- ESEAP region is underrepresented
- What is the role of AffComm?
- Two subcommittees: Recognitions and Conflict prevention and intervention
- "The committee that helps groups"
- Any questions, contact Bunty Avieson on bavieson
- "Questionaire is too complex"
- Is this an election process or selection process?
- Both - candidates place their nominations on Meta, community feedback is transparent, then selection is made from that information
Movement Charter discussions
[edit]- Kaarel Vaidla:
- Global Conversation on the Movement Charter was held last weekend (12–13 June), summary notes are still under construction:
- The next step is to create a drafting group to converge materials to develop the Movement Charter.
- What should a drafting group look like and how should it be formed?,_26-27_June_2021
- Three key questions:
- What composition should the committee have in terms of movement roles, gender, regions, affiliations and other diversity factors?
- What is the best process to select the committee members to form a competent and diverse team?
- How much dedication is it reasonable to expect from committee members, in terms of hours per week and months of work?
- Ramzy: Local discussions are available for the Indonesian, Malaysian and Korean language communities:,_26-27_June_2021#Local_conversations
- What are the key points of the discussion at the moment?
- The questions are mainly evolving around the composition and the set-up of the group with most discussion regarding how the expected diversity and expertise can be achieved, whether via appointment or elections (including proposals of hybrid models)
Regional Grants Committee
[edit]- Christ Schilling (Program Officer WMF)
- What is the committee being formed and how is that different from the current/previous grants committee?
- Currently Program Grants and Simple APG committees are volunteer and participatory. They review proposals, provide qualitative feedback. Program officers provide feedback and due diligance, but the committees make the decisions on funding.
- The main difference is not to that authority and decision making power, but will transition from committees made up of a broad set of volunteers to regional committees. Thematic committees will also be formed to cover particular themes and topics. Desirable for volunteers to assist groups with preparing high-quality applications.
- Tanveer: Regional committee does not have to consist of people within the Wikimedia Movement, can also be people in open knowledge aligned organisations and similar.
- Chris: FYI - I'll add some links to the etherpad for folks to use if you want to apply for the ESEAP Regional Committee, or want to encourage someone else to apply. If you know someone who will make a good candidate, please encourage them to apply! As Tanveer noted, there are people both within and outside the Wikimedia movement who can make for great candidates.
- General information on Regional Committees:
- Apply here for Regional Committees:
- Applications can be provided on Meta or over e-mail to communityresources
- Present conditions community particpation in grant allocation:
- Bureaucratic process, difficult to understand
- Grants with more restrictions (e.g. larger $$ only for affiliates)
- Little strategic and collective vision of the region
- Decisions in the hands of a few people
- Not many collective learning spaces
- Metrics that did not reflect the full dynamics of the work
- Changes we propose with Regional Grant Committees:
- Simpler formats, in several languages. Proactive group search.
- More flexibility, support for different community actors
- Regional committees to broaden analysis and decision making
- Scenarios to reflect collectively and with strategic sense
- Connecting communities in a learning and training network
- Collectively constructed metrics & strategic information sharing
- Timeline for Regional Grants:
- CEE/CA: August-September and February-March
- North/West Europe: November-December and May-June
- USA/Canada: August-September and February-March
- SAARC: November-December and May-June
- LAC: August-September and February-March
- Africa /Middle East: August-September and February-March
- ESEAP: November-December and May-June
- The ESEAP region may find it difficult to form a commitee of that size for people who understand the grant process, it is a lot for our region.
- Can we, the community, outside the Grant Committee, participate in grant-related decision making? (For example, reviewing proposals, making comments, suggesting improvement, etc)
- Community members will still be able to provide feedback as is the case today on Meta talk pages.
- Does this committee have a specific power to constrain scope due to theme or time period?
- WMF want regional committees to have ability to make decisions outside of the usual annual cycle. This may affect the current scheduling, but there will likely still be specific schedules for some things. If the committee recognises a campaign is important to a region or community and meets a mission-aligned value, it should still be supported.
- Size of committee is 8-10 members, with regional committees will be 8-10 per region?
- Yes
Knowledge Equity Fund
[edit]- Questions: equityfund
- Regarding Knowledge Equity Fund, i just submitted a recommendation : RinArxiv. (, Indonesia's first preprint server that is also active in promoting the value of open science to general public Indonesia.
- But, anyway, i still dont really understand the definition of racial equity, but i classified this organization as "Supporting scholarship & advocacy focused on free knowledge and racial equity". Feel free to comment if i did a mistake.
- For context, "preprint movement" is one of the latest innovation in the field of "open science". Submission application for a journal is often long and inaccessible. By using preprints, researchers could communicate their research more quickly, to gather faster peer-reviews. Before this, the peer review process is monopolized by the journal, often paywalled.
- The establishment of a decent preprint server in Indonesia may improve the whole research ecosystem in Indonesia.
Universal Code of Conduct
[edit]- UCoC is currently on drafting phase. Drafting committee has been formed, aiming for a draft for review in first week of August.
- CheckUsers and Oversighters in community are meeting soon.
- UCoC Affiliates report: published
- UCoC Functionary consultation: 26-27 June;
- Subscribe to UCoC Newsletter:
- Aroundtable was held recently, another is planned for July and a discussion at Wikimania in August.
- Was the Commons community consulted?
- Ramzy: Yes, they were, and will be in future.
- Best lessons learned?
- Ramzy: Can't speak for facilitators, but there are a lot of communities and stakeholders who have not been reached out to but have provided helpful feedback - we should be more mindful and listen to those communities and more proactive about seeking answers and feedback from them.
Open seats for WMF Board of Trustees
[edit]- Looking for candidates in the ESEAP region, particularly in underrepresented community. Currently 4 candidates, none from ESEAP.
- The community wants a participatory and transparent process for election.
- Three year term,
- Trustees will serve on at least one committee.
- Application for Board of Trustees:
- Current candidates:
Report from Board Election Volunteers (Rtnf / Indonesia)
- What we have done : We have disseminated the detailed information about Wikimedia Foundation Election on Wikipedia Indonesia Community telegram group chat.
- Problem :
- Voting eligibility criteria are still haven't confirmed yet. People are asking whether they actually can vote or not. "The Elections Committee decides the criteria. They have not confirmed the criteria for the 2021 election."
- Inherent political apathy. Some people dont really understand yet how politics works in Wikipedia and what is the role of WMF Board of Trustees in Wikipedia.
- Filing of Candidacy Timeline: June 9- June 29, 2021 11:59 UTC
- Roles and responsibilities as a Board Trustee
- Making decisions considering strategy and organizational goals and policies;
- Monitoring the Wikimedia Foundation's performance, risks, finances, and compliance;
- Advising the CEO/Executive Director and senior staff using relevant expertise and experiences; and
- Communicating with the Wikimedia community regarding the Board role and responsibilities.
- Trustees maintain the legal and ethical integrity of the organization. They also recruit and cultivate diversity on the Board. Trustees must always act in the best interest of the Wikimedia Foundation. Trustees may be selected through a community vote, but once on the Board, they are not community representatives.
- Learn more about the role of the Board of Trustees in the Wikimedia Foundation Board Handbook.
- Eligibility
- must not have been convicted of a serious crime or any crime involving dishonesty or deception;
- must not have been removed from a position at a non-profit organization or company because of mismanagement or misconduct;
- At the time of nomination or election, you may not be banned or blocked from any Wikimedia project for a period of 30 days or longer;
- If you only meet the voter eligibility requirements as an editor: Your first edit must have been before 9 June 2019;
- You must disclose your real name on your Candidate Application;
- It is not possible to hold a position on the Board of Trustees under a pseudonym because Board Trustees identities are public record.
- You must be at least 18 years old and of legal age in your home country;
- You must submit proof of your identity and age to the Wikimedia Foundation; and
- If you are selected and appointed to the Board of Trustees, you must resign from any other board, governance, or paid positions at the Wikimedia Foundation, chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups.
- To be a eligible voter, one must not be:
- not be blocked on more than one project;
- and not be a bot;
- and have made at least 300 edits before 5 July 2021 across Wikimedia wikis;
- and have made at least 20 edits between 5 January 2021 and 5 July 2021.
Board peer support
- If you are considering but not feeling sure or comfortable, feel free to have a chat with a former Board member for some peer support in a live one-or-one session to help your decision, see Time zones could be tricky, but volunteers will do their best to accommodate this.
- Email pharosofalexandria
com for more info/questions
- Is this already official? Last time i checked on the FAQ Page : "The Elections Committee decides the criteria. They have not confirmed the criteria for the 2021 election."
Wikimania 2021
[edit]- Gnagarra: Only about 50 days away.
- Submission deadline has been extended to end of Sunday anywhere on Earth.
- Scholarship funding is available through affiliates for data packs, dependant care, audio-visual recording, etc.
- Audio translations will be available for the main stage and one each of the other tracks, but not all tracks will have translation:
- All affiliates can participate in the Community Village, hold community meetings, give updates on acitivities:
- There is an In Memorium page to remember Wikimedians we have lost since the Stockholm conference:
- Translation is based on UNESCO primary languages, can affiliates apply for funding for their language?
- Will need to be through standard rapid grant process.
- Chris: Rapid grants can support translation needs, but it does list translation in the Scholarships .
- How can the Japan community be supported with no affiliate?
- Recommendation is for a third party affiliate to apply for funding on their behalf.
- Ramzy: Some Japanese volunteers are active at Meta translation portal; not sure if they want to organize and collectively apply for a grant
- Chris: I will contact some people in the Japanese community to let them know rapid grants are an option.
- Is there any suggestions for affiliate that doesn't have bank account to apply for grants?
- Submit application and the organisers will work out away to transfer the funds, such as tranferring to an individual.