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ESEAP Conference 2024/Submissions/Collaboration and cooperation across hubs and regions

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Collaboration and cooperation across hubs and regions




A workshop designed to start the process of aligning ways and means to exchange ideas and knowledge between different geographical regions and the challenges within each region that need to be taken into consideration. One desirable outcome would be to design ideas and processes on how cooperation and collaboration can work across regions as well as within a region when it comes to hubs/networks and how current implementations of the hub idea, especially the CEE Hub, can be included.

Relationship to ESEAP or to the theme


Clarity on how we can support each other in building regional structures and networks within the Wikimedia ecosystem



Session type





60 minutes

Session outcomes

  • More clarity on which topics are useful to discuss across hubs
  • Describing benefits for and expectations of ESEAP and other regions in order to engage internationally
  • Clarity on how the Wikimedia Foundation and other Wikimedia organisations could support this kind of collaboration and cooperation