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ESEAP Conference 2024/FAQ

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Logo of Wikimedia East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Conference 2024
Collaboration Beyond the Horizon
10 – 12 May 2024 ∙ Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia

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Is "ESEAP Conference 2024: Collaboration beyond the horizon" an In-person or Remote or Hybrid conference?


"ESEAP Conference 2024: Collaboration beyond the horizon" is an In-person and Hybrid conference. The program submission is open from 26 December 2023 to 31 January 2024.


Yes, we offer a time for Wikimedian outside ESEAP to do a presentation. The topic should be related to ESEAP.

Will ESEAP be streamed online?


Yes, some streaming options will be available. They are to be confirmed and will be announced once the program is finalised.

Will participants bring candies and desserts from their respective countries similar to what we see in other Wikimedia conferences?


Yes. We also encourage rather participants to bring in coins, postcards, stamps, or printed materials from their respective countries.
