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Donostia Education Summit 2019/Participants

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

5-7 April 2019 | Donostia (Q10313) - Basque Country

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Potential Attendees


As we define goals 1 and 2 for the Conference, our public will be composed of two different groups:

  • International Wikimedians who are working on education and want to learn and share what they are doing and what they have learned on the process
  • Researchers who want a more formal approach with their colleagues and what wikis can boost on the learning process.

But, our goal is also fastening relations with our local community, so we want to have a good local audience and, also, try to make something with local volunteers before the formal conference. We are looking for local people involved in the Basque Education Program, teachers, researchers, etc. As we can provide good infrastructure for the Conference, it will be a ~100 people meeting, with around 40 being local partners.

Take and give back


Bringing together interested and involved people in educational projects with Wikipedia and in related studies, the aim is to obtain a network of experiences and knowledge. We are looking forward to bring people involved in Wikimedia+Education together to increase the possibility to translate it into more and better projects in more communities, getting support and help from others.

Our two year experience, with support of a Government and education-system width goals will be a good take away for the Wikimedia Community all around the world. Small languages Wikipedias can benefit from our work and share with their communities the different approaches learned in the Conference.

But this movement is about taking and giving, so we will learn about other projects, and our local community will see that there are other ways and they can pursue other approaches to their daily usage of Wikimedia in Education. Creating new nets will make this partners self-sufficient, with new learning patterns and case studies in their own.