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(中文) 这是一篇论述。它只表达了部分维基人或元维基使用者的意见及观点,此等观点可能未获得广泛支持。这不是元维基的方针,但可能是属于其他维基计划的方针或指引。如有需要,欢迎更新本页面,或在讨论页提出修改的建议。 |
Gaming the system is the use of Wikipedia rules to thwart Wikipedia policy. In many cases, gaming the system is a form of disruption, such as obstinately reverting an edit exactly three times a day, and then "innocently" maintaining that no rules are being violated. The three-revert rule should not be construed as an entitlement to revert, and doing so is regarded as disruption. Doing this over a prolonged period of time leads to sanctions, and, in extreme cases, a permanent ban.
- 假设某人提议维基百科应成为按多数决原则运作的民主社区……
- 应该直接指出维基百科人完全可以创建分身账号(小号)以此多次投票。
- 不要建七个分身,用这些分身发表言论支持你的观点来证明对方观点站不住脚。
- 假设某人为你认为愚蠢的主题撰写了一则条目,并且你在页面存废讨论的提删已被社群否决……
- 应该在页面存废讨论页上清晰阐述你的提删理由,指明在当前的规则下哪些主题的条目被维基百科所接受。
- 不要为一个确确实实蠢到家的主题写一则条目,就为了把你写的这篇条目送上页面存废讨论。
- 假设某人把你最喜爱的条目提交了页面存废讨论,还说这则条目愚蠢,同时你又认为现存合规条目中比这则条目还蠢的有上百个……
- 应该在页面存废讨论上阐明你的观点支持该条目,指出这则条目并不比其他不少条目愚蠢,同时列一两个例子。
- 不要试图通过一天在页面存废讨论上提交上百则毋庸置疑的条目来拯救你喜爱的那则。
- 假设某则被你提交页面存废讨论的条目未被删除……
- 应该重新考虑你的提删是否合理。
- 不要气不过干脆轻率地把这则条目提名典范条目评选。
- 假设某人从条目中删除了某个你认为很重要的人,还说这个人无关紧要……
- 应该在条目的讨论页上为条目包含这个人辩护,指出条目中还有其它信息与这个人有关。
- 不要从条目中删除所有人的信息,说他们无关紧要。
- 假设你希望改变一个现存的程序或指引……
- 应该建立讨论页,努力形成共识。
- 不要将现存规则推到极限来证明这个规则不对,或者将该现存规则提删。
- If you're upset someone didn't follow process in making a change...
- do find out why they did it and attempt to convince them otherwise
- don't reverse an arguably good change for no reason other than "out of process"
- If you feel that a particular attack should not be called "terrorist"...
- do argue on the article's talk page that the term "terrorist" is not neutral and should be removed.
- don't add the word "terrorist" to articles on dozens of other incidents, which only some people believe constitute "terrorism".
Egregious disruption of any kind is blockable by any administrator — for up to one month in the case of repeat offenses that are highly disruptive. Editors involved in arbitration are likely to find that violating the spirit of this guideline may prejudice the decision of the Arbitration Committee. You can see examples of the Committee's views on various types of disruptive behavior on English Wikipedia.
Don't rush to head off new ideas for vandalism, as you may give vandals that very idea:
"Prophylactic admonition may trigger novel mischief"-- From en:Wikipedia:Don't stuff beans up your nose.