Al'umman Deoband Wikimedia/Jagorancn Shirin Kayayyakin Ci gaba da Ƙwarewa
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Deoband Community Wikimedia
Wise leaders seek out as many questions as they do answers.
— Linda A. McLyman, Wise Leadership, p. 174
Al'umman Deoband Wikimedia's Jagorancn Shirin Kayayyakin Ci gaba da Ƙwarewa Aikin bincike ne na tsawon watanni hudu wanda ke da nufin samar da jagoranci da kayan aikin fasaha domin tsawon tafiyar da DCW da haɗin gwiwar hukumomi. Binciken na nufin ci gaba da shawarwarin ci gaban jagoranci da kayan aikin haɓaka gwaninta daga Movement Strategy Initiatives ta hanyar ingantaccen ginin cibiyoyi da haɗin gwiwa yayin da a lokaci guda aka shirya wasu darussa domin DCW. Shirin ya samu tallafin aiwatar daga Movement Strategy Implementation Grant 4,651.50 USD.
Baya da ra'ayoyi
- Maris 2023 dabarun koyo daga masu binciken DCW - Bukatar Haɗin gwiwar Cibiyoyi
- Bayanan Afrilu 2023 daga masu binciken DCW - Shirye-shiryen jagoranci sun fi taimako kawai.
- Workshops at Sister Nivedita University and Celica Group, in Kolkata, on 27 November 2023. These were attended by more than 50 people including students, teachers, activists, and government officials.

- Formation of the Wiki Club Jamia on 29 October 2023.
- Participation at WikiWomenCamp 2023.

- Education Survey for DCW's Leadership Development and Skills Infrastructure Plan (Targeted at Indian students and teachers)
- Leadership Development and Skills Infrastructure Survey for Wikimedians
- DCW Conversation Hour September 2023, We invited Nichole Saad in this conversation hour and tried to explore transformational leadership in global education.
- Presentation Slides for a talk at Pre-Conference, Wikimania Singapore, 15 August 2023
Mutane masu alaƙa
- TheAafi (DCW), Jagorar shirin.
- Researcher: Affaf (DCW) (1 July to 15 December 2023)