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Decolonising knowledge in Switzerland 2024-2025/Data

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Exhibitions in Switzerland

Exhibition Museum Location Opening Until Link Wikidata WM Commons
Stranger in the Village. Reflecting on Racism with James Baldwin Aargauer Kunsthaus Aargau 03.09.2023 07.01.2024 https://aargauerkunsthaus.ch/en/exhibition/stranger-in-the-village/
Spatial Convers(i)or CAN Centre d’art Neuchâtel Neuchâtel 21.09.2024 10.11.2024 https://can.ch/en/project/spatial_conversior/
Cargo Cults Unlimited Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel Neuchâtel 17.12.2023 31.12.2024 https://www.men.ch/fr/expositions/cargo-cults-unlimited
Naming nature. Natural History and Colonial Legacy Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Neuchâtel (MHNN) Neuchâtel 15.12.2024 18.08.2025 https://naming-natures.ch/
Remembering. Geneva in the Colonial World Musée d'ethnographie de Genève MEG Geneva 03.05.2024 05.01.2025 https://www.meg.ch/en/expositions/remembering Q131597402 Geneva in the Colonial World
colonial – Switzerland’s Global Entanglements Landesmuseum Zürich Zurich 13.09.2024 19.01.2025 https://www.landesmuseum.ch/colonial d:Q131994479 Colonial at Landesmuseum Zurich
In Dialogue with Benin. Art, Colonialism and Restitution Museum Rietberg Zurich 23.08.2024 16.02.2025 https://rietberg.ch/en/exhibitions/indialoguewithbenin Q131824580 In Dialogue with Benin
Colonial Traces - Collections in Context ETH Zurich Zurich 30.08.2024 13.07.2025 https://extract.ethz.ch/en/exhibition.html Q131795290 Colonial Traces at ETH Zurich
Benin Dues. Dealing with Looted Royal Treasures Ethnographic Museum University of Zurich Zurich 24.08.2024 14.09.2025 https://www.musethno.uzh.ch/en/Exhibitions/benin-dues.html Q131824643 Benin Dues - Dealing with Looted Royal Treasures
Resistances. On Dealing with Racism in Bern Bernisches Historisches Museum Bern 25.04.2024 01.06.2025 https://www.bhm.ch/en/exhibitions/current-exhibitions/resistances
Kakao, Kunst und Kolonialismus. Die Schifffahrtssammlung Philipp Keller Verkehrshaus / Hans Erni Museum Lucerne 21.11.2024 07.06.2026 https://www.verkehrshaus.ch/besuchen/museum/hans-erni-museum/sonderausstellung.html
Autobiographie d’une selle métis (Collections invisibles 2024) Musée cantonal d'archéologie et d'histoire (MCAH) Lausanne 11.10.2024 13.04.2025 https://mcah.ch/expositions/expositions-temporaires/autobiographie-dune-selle-metis/
Tracey Rose. Shooting Down Babylon Kunstmuseum Bern Bern 2.02.2024 11.08.2024 https://www.kunstmuseumbern.ch/en/ausstellung/tracey-rose
Roots Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger - KBH.G Basel 30.08.2024 17.11.2024 https://www.kbhg.ch/en/1429d/Exhibitions-ROOTS
Artiste activist archivist: Bernhard Lüthi invite Fondation Opale Lens 16.06.2024 10.11.2024 https://www.kbhg.ch/en/1429d/Exhibitions-ROOTS
Ethnic Marketing. Art, Globalisation and Intercultural Supply and Demand Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève Geneva 21.10.2004 05.12.2004 https://archives.saltresearch.org/handle/123456789/189642
Lavoro minorile ieri, e oggi? (Child labor yesterday, and today?) Museo di Val Verzasca Sonogno 17.04.2021 permanent https://www.museovalverzasca.ch/museo-di-sonogno
Adapted version of the exhibition colonial – Switzerland’s Global Entanglements Château de Prangins Prangins 27.03.2026 11.10.2026 https://www.chateaudeprangins.ch
Experiences of Switzerland – Forced fostering Landesmuseum Zürich Zurich 14.01.2025 27.04.2025 https://www.landesmuseum.ch/en/exhibitions/temporary/2025/forced-fostering/forced-fostering


Location Museum Wikidata Situation 2024
Aarau Aargauer Kunsthaus Q29574934 Some documentation on Wikimedia Commons.
Basel Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger - KBH.G Q120734712 Only one photo on Wikidata (no label). No link to category on Wikimedia Commons. Only present in the German Wikipedia.
Bern Bernisches Historisches Museum Q670058 The wikidata item points not to the general category on Wikimedia Commons.
Bern Kunstmuseum Bern Q194622 Some documentation on Wikimedia Commons.
Geneva MEG - Musée d'ethnographie de Genève Q1955752 Organiser of the GLAMHack 2023. Extensive documentation on Wikimedia Commons (exhibitions, collections...).
Geneva Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève Q683970 Only a few images on Creative Commons.
Lausanne Cantonal Museum of Archeology and History (MCAH) Q3329513 Very rich documentation on Wikimedia Commons.
Lens Fondation Opale Q107080881 Only one photo on Wikidata (no label). Minimal documentation on Wikimedia Commons. Only present in the French Wikipedia.
Lucerne Hans Erni Museum Q3329191 No category about the museum on Wikimedia Commons.
Lucerne Verkehrshaus Q670595 Very rich documentation on Wikimedia Commons.
Neuchâtel CAN - Centre d’art Neuchâtel Q130247632 Added category on Wikimedia Commons.
Neuchâtel Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel / Ethnographic museum of Neuchâtel (MEN) Q239080 At the moment images of the exhibition Himàlaia. Visions de l'alteritat als col·leccions of MEN.
Neuchâtel Muséum d'histoire naturelle / Natural history museum of Neuchâtel (MHNN) Q3330885 Extensive documentation on Wikimedia Commons
Sonogno Museo di Val Verzasca Q25399919 Extensive documentation on Wikimedia Commons
Zurich Landesmuseum Zürich / National museum Zurich Q691896 Organiser of the GLAMHack 2018. Good documentation about the museum on Wikimedia Commons. The content related to exhibitions could be increased.
Zurich Museum Rietberg Q668300 Actively involved in the GLAMHacks :) Extensive. documentation on Wikimedia Commons about the collections
Zurich ETH Zurich Q11942 Organiser of the GLAMHack 2021. Extensive documentation and collaboration with the Wikimedia projects.
Zurich Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich / Ethnographic museum of the University of Zurich Q2536345 Few images on Wikimedia Commons, mainly exteriors.

Associations and groups

Associations and groups Wikidata Wikimedia Commons Link
Noircir Wikipédia association: Q130667794

Wikipedia project: Q63870968

Noircir Wikipédia
AfroBasel Verein Q131784518
CARAH – Collective for Anti-Racist Art History Q113170087 https://www.khist.uzh.ch/de/research/projects/carah.html
Das Wandbild muss weg! https://www.daswandbildmussweg.ch/
ZH Kolonial Q131794084 https://www.zh-kolonial.ch
Research project Dates Lead institution PI Wikidata
Curating Colonial Nature: Legacies of Empire in Swiss Natural History Collections, 1870s-1950s ETH Zurich Monique Ligtenberg
Medicine, Masculinities, and Colonial Knowledge: Transimperial Histories of German-speaking Physicians in the Dutch East Indies (c. 1873-1914) ETH Zurich Monique Ligtenberg
Behaving badly: ‘European deviance’ in colonial Singapore, c. 1890-​​1940 ETH Zurich Zhi Qing Denise Lim
Kolonialismus ohne Kolonien? Eine postkoloniale Diskursanalyse der Schweiz 2015 ETH Zurich Patricia Purtschert
Decolonisation working group at ETH. Please refer to Decolonising knowledge/Colonial Traces at ETH Zurich. ETH Zurich
Insect Pests and Economic Entomology in Plantations, c. 1870-1930s: A Multispecies History of Global Capitalism ETH Zurich Tomás Bartoletti
Naming Natures: A Transdisciplinary Exhibition Project on Natural History and its Colonial Legacy ETH Zurich Tomás Bartoletti
Benin Initiative Switzerland (BIS) Museum Rietberg https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q131824613

Patricia Purtschert / Barbara Lüthi / Francesca Falk (Hg.), Postkoloniale Schweiz: Formen und Folgen eines Kolonialismus ohne Kolonien, 2012.

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