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This page is a translated version of the page Croatian Wikipedia and the translation is 58% complete.

クロアチア語版ウィキペディア(略号 hr-WP)とはウィキペディアのクロアチア語版を指します。



'創始者: ???

現在の規模:記事 225,153 件

総編集回数: 7,123,281 回

活動中の編集者数:467 人/月


Croatian Wikipedia is generally regarded by the rest of the Wikimedia Movement as having significant neutrality issues, resulting from the capture of the project by politically-motivated editors who have driven out or blocked others,[1], but also more elegantly supressed liberal content and hyper-presented conservative nationalist and catholic.[2][3] Gizmodo describes its bias as "promoting fascism, whitewashing World War II concentration camps, as well as anti-Serbian and anti-LGBT propaganda".[4]

As of start of 2021, the situation is slowly improving, though it is still periodically mentioned in the media as a bad example.[5]

Areas of strength

  • Croatia and Croatians-related content, but also
    • Coverage of Christian and especially Catholic content
    • Coverage of football/soccer (and somewhat other sports) up to very low level leagues and players

Areas of weakness

  • Controversial political and historic topics, but also
    • Lack of diversity among contributors
    • Lack of updates on many pages from first decade and lack of criteria and regulations for many topics
    • Lack of coverage of modern and contemporary culture, civil society, women, as well as minorities and human rights[6]



  • Achieving neutrality on charged political topics
  • Preventing administrator abuse




  • 2013年:クロアチア国内でプロジェクトの偏向問題について文化面の討論がかわされメディアのかなりの注目があり、それに続き Meta のコメント募集が行われました。(※=RfC。)
  • 2020年:hr-WP 管理者 Kuburaグローバル追放提案
  • 2021年:コミュニティは3月に最も問題のある管理者 3 名を解任(Roberta F. は複数の姉妹プロジェクト管理者に留任。)WMF 委託により数ヵ月を経てクロアチア語版ウィキペディア偽情報の判定※1を公表、これは匿名の学術研究者が記したものです。長く続く修正主義※2および解任された管理者によるその他のコンテンツの偏向問題※3が知見として示されました。(※:1=Croatian Wikipedia Disinformation Assessment。2=historic revisionism。3=problematic content bias。)

