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Copy Center

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Towards a sane societal norm and system for copying, enhancing, and transforming knowledge.

Sweeping proposals

Sane policies for a digital world

The 2000-era copyright standards and publishing regimes are primarily a bottleneck to sharing, multi-author creation, translation and access, and remixing. Overall a net drag on innovation, collaboration, and productivity. (Like many drags, those holding the dragnet benefit, and can point to their wealth to attempt to prove its utility). What are better full-system standards and models?

Pages from incremental '(c) reform' movements
Pages from Reda, Falkvinge
Pages from draft legal frameworks of new societies
Norms from microcosms with different founding principles (WP, CERN, PD government works)

Rights metadata

Metadata alignment
Workflow for choosing a rights-statement
What efforts are underway to synchronize and simplify rights schemas and associated data? What is the fullest set of data that might be needed for different uses? What workflows are there for choosing rights statements?

Automation and completion
Most of this data is not clean or not available; so defaults to the most restrictive possible license.
AI models and bot-assisted human curation needed to clean up the cases that are not clear.

Rights duration

Legal tracking and analysis
Changes to copyright laws and durations are often snuck into unrelated bills (like TPP or NAFTA). How is this tracked, summarized, responded to, characterized for public consumption or reflected back to legislators and copyright offices?
Copyright offices occasionally ask for public input and suggestions. How are inputs drafted, structured, maintained?