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Concurso Lenguas Maternas 2016/en

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First language contest
February, 7-21

¡Welcome! As defined by the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, the first language is the one spoken in a country, relative to the native inhabitants. The dictionary María Moliner specifies a bit more, to the above definition adds to consider the first language the one that a person learns from his mother, being her own.

It could also be considered that a first language is one that is known and better understood, from a subjective point of view of the person with respect to languages that dominates. Often it is the language is learned in a natural way through interaction with the surrounding environment, without learning pedagogically or linguistically directed.

In November 1999, the General Conference of the UNESCO established February 21 as International Mother Language Day. It began to be held from February 2000, gradually extending its celebration to a growing number of countries, and has among its objectives to promote all languages of the world. As well, this day offers an effective opportunity to promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism.

Without doubt, Spain is a country in which the importance of first languages is of particular relevance, since in its territory live eight first languages: Aragonese, Asturian, Catalonian, Spanish, Basque, Extremaduran, Galician and Occitan.

That´s the reason why this year, to commemorate the International Mother Language Day, we organize a contest for editing and translating articles in these eight first languages that enrich the culture of our country. The contest will consist in translating to these eight languages the maximum amount of articles that are listed, with the aim of get as many translations as possible.

All you have to do to join this contest is register in advance. Registration is done through the following link: First language contest registration.


Here are the rules
  • The writing contest will run from 00:01 February 7, 2016 until 23:59 February 21, 2016 (CET UTC+01:00). So, only the work done between these dates will be included in the contest.
  • You get points by improving or translating Wikipedia articles in any of these languages: Spanish, Aragonese, Asturian, Catalonian, Basque, Extremaduran, Galician and Occitan. Each participant's goal is to gain as many points as possible.
  • +1 point for each +1000 bytes of added content in any of the 8 languages.
  • +1 point for each new article in any of the 8 languages.
  • Everybody can collaborate in any of the 8 languages by writing and/or translating articles of the offered list. Any wikipedian with an user account on any wiki can participate.
  • If you add 3,600 bytes of content to an existing article, you get 3 points.
  • If you translate an article into any of the 8 languages and it is 4,050 bytes long, you get 5 points: 1 point for starting a new article in one of those languages and 4 for its extension.

New editors[edit]

If you are a new editor of Wikipedia, first of all, Welcome! We suggest that you take a look at Ayuda:Cómo traducir un artículo and the Wikipedia:Introduction. That will make it easier to get going!

When you start writing, the Manual of Style might be of help. All these pages are available in many languages. When you visit them, please take a look at the left side (under "Languages") and see if they exist in your language as well.


Article Wikidata Resonator Other languages
Tante Blanco Q13148062 Enlace ast
Pablo Xuan Manzano Rodríguez Q20605252 Enlace ast
Josefina Martínez Álvarez Q13147296 Enlace ast
María Goyri Q5139346 Enlace es en eu
Ruma Barnero Q13147992 Enlace ast
Adréi Q13146686 Enlace ast
Orbayando Q13147837 Enlace ast
Conjunto lacustre de Somiedo Q20615563 Enlace ast
Picu Horru Q13147879 Enlace ast
aargón Musical Q13048402 Enlace an
Colla Chobenil d'a Fabla Q20613876 Enlace an
Refugio de Fauna Silvestre de la Laguna de Sariñena Q20617957 Enlace an
Refugio de Fauna Silvestre de La Lomaza de Belchite Q13049982 Enlace an
Carmen Castán Q13048617 Enlace an
Elena Gusano Galindo Q20604336 Enlace an
Eduardo Vicente de Vera Q13048914 Enlace an
Paz Ríos Nasarre Q13049803 Enlace an
Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española Q5783128 Enlace es ru
Anuario del español Q5700625 Enlace es
El Día E Q5647305 Enlace es ca ru
Isabel de Saavedra Q17276367 Enlace es
María de Guevara Q6004800 Enlace es
María de Zayas Q2905689 Enlace es ar en fr pt sv
Ana de Castro Egas Q5674137 Enlace es
Pazo de San Lourenzo de Trasouto Q12397290 Enlace gl pt
Colegiata de Santa Maria de Sar Q12386322 Enlace gl pt
Maruxa Barrio Val Q12393015 Enlace gl
Editorial Castrelos Q20550370 Enlace gl
Pilar Bendoiro Q20534722 Enlace gl
Anabel Alonso López Q20533257 Enlace gl
Constantino Armesto Cobián Q12386426 Enlace ca gl
Complejo Intermareal Umia-O Grove Q12386360 Enlace gl
Joan Vilà i Ayats Q11927996 Enlace ca
Salvador Dabau i Caussà Q16190330 Enlace ca
Maria Lluïsa Ponsa Q20005709 Enlace ca
Diari Català Q3026334 Enlace es ca fr
Empordà Federal Q11919204 Enlace ca
Diari de Buja Q11917099 Enlace ca
María del Carme Nicolau Massó Q20876461 Enlace ca gl
Gisela Pou Valls Q17030331 Enlace ca
Elisa Herrero Uceda Q21559217 Enlace es ext
Montanhes araneses (himnno aranés) Q3399585 Enlace ca gl oc
Maria Pilar Busquets i Medan Q11935469 Enlace ca oc
Clara d'Andusa Q2426744 Enlace ca en fr it oc ru
Daniela Albizu Q12256081 Enlace eu
Henriette Aire Q12259036 Enlace eu
Busturialdeko Hitza Q12255560 Enlace eu
Irutxuloko Hitza Q12259797 Enlace eu
Txurrumurru Q12268438 Enlace eu
Intzako dorrea Q12259656 Enlace eu
Euskal Kantagintza Berria Q12257561 Enlace eu
Egun da Santimamiña Q12256546 Enlace eu
Los Pinos (Plasencia) Q21858339 Enlace ext
Los Barruecus Q9023897 Enlace es ext
Carmen Vera Q21856980 Enlace ext
José María Alcón Olivera Q21857002 Enlace ext
Gonzalo Alonso Sánchez Q21857017 Enlace ext
I Congresu al tentu el Estremeñu Q21858347 Enlace ext
Anhinojo Folk Q21857065 Enlace ext
Filadèlfa de Gerda Q12948848 Enlace fr oc
Terèsa Pambrun-Lavit Q12950566 Enlace oc
Natalís Cordat Q12949795 Enlace fr oc
Ecò dau Bosqueton Q12948710 Enlace oc
Mireia Boya Q20758196 Enlace ca oc

Support for editing[edit]

Online help and coordination[edit]

Wikipedians advisers[edit]