Community open letter on renaming/statistics
- For comparative statistics of related polls and discussions, see all-statistics

This page describes some statistics about the signers of Community open letter on renaming, which was published on June 23, 2020.
Out of 909 signers that linked to Meta userpages: (updated 19:34, 16 July 2020 (UTC))
- Global usergroups: 12 Stewards, 75 OTRS members, 13 Global rollbackers, 5 Global sysops
- Sysops: 396 are a sysop on at least one wiki, 687 instances of sysop rights. (That's a surprising number of people who are sysops on multiple wikis, huh.)
- Other usergroups: 96 interface admins, 223 rollbackers, 118 bureaucrats, 34 checkusers, 19 oversighters. (These are "on at least one wiki".)
- Account age: 536 who registered before 2010. Median registration date is September 2008.
- Home wikis: Number of users by "home wikis", defined as the wiki where they have the most edits:
afwiki=1; alswiki=1; arwiki=4; bclwiki=1; bgwiki=8; bnwiki=2; bnwikisource=1; cawiki=6; commonswiki=95; cswiki=6; cswikiversity=2; dawiki=2; dewiki=189; dewikisource=1; dewikivoyage=2; dewiktionary=3; elwiki=3; elwikisource=1; enwiki=161; enwikinews=2; enwikisource=3; enwikiversity=2; enwikivoyage=6; enwiktionary=1; eowiki=1; eswiki=26; eswikinews=1; eswikisource=1; eswiktionary=1; etwiki=1; euwiki=3; fawiki=4; fiwiki=9; frwiki=69; frwikibooks=1; frwikisource=4; frwikiversity=1; frwikivoyage=1; frwiktionary=6; fywiki=1; fywiktionary=1; gdwiktionary=1; hewikisource=1; hiwiki=1; hywiki=3; idwiki=6; ilowiki=1; itwiki=32; itwikivoyage=1; jawiki=3; jvwiki=1; knwiki=1; kowiki=1; ladwiki=1; lawiki=1; mediawikiwiki=3; metawiki=10; minwiki=1; mkwiki=3; mlwiki=2; mswiki=1; myvwiki=1; mywiki=1; nlwiki=12; nlwikimedia=1; nlwiktionary=1; nnwiki=1; nowiki=8; pawiki=1; pawikisource=1; plwiki=30; plwikisource=1; plwiktionary=2; ptwiki=11; ptwikisource=1; rowiki=1; ruwiki=10; ruwikinews=1; ruwikisource=1; ruwiktionary=1; srwiki=2; suwiki=1; svwiki=3; swwiki=1; tawiktionary=1; trwiki=1; ttwiki=1; ukwiki=3; viwiki=3; wikidatawiki=98 - Contribution count: Total edit count: 160,638,385 edits. Median edit count: 40,485. Lower quartile is 12,308, upper is 96,236.
21 people have over a million edits, including one with 19,184,575. I don't wanna know.
[edit]- These statistics were created from COLORSTATISTICS by Yair rand (talk). For a comparison of different community discussions, see COLOR/all-statistics
- These stats don't include those who didn't link to their local userpages on Meta, but it includes most people who signed the page.