Survei Harapan Komunitas 2022/Hasil
Survei Harapan Komunitas 2022 telah usai! Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berpartisipasi pada edisi tahun ini dan khususnya berterima kasih kepada mereka yang telah berkontribusi banyak kepada survei di bawah hasil. Kami tidak bisa melakukan ini tanpa kalian semua!
Penasaran akan terjadi apa selanjutnya? Mari belajar tentang proses penentuan prioritas dan bacalah peringkat hasil yang telah diprioritaskan untuk tahun ini. Baca lebih lanjut
Hasil pemungutan suara
Peringkat | Proposal | Kategori | ![]() |
Tiket | Status |
1 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Better diff handling of paragraph splits|Memperbaiki penanganan diff untuk pemotongan paragraf]] | Penyuntingan | 157 | T156439, T7072 | ![]() |
2 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Notifications for user page edits|Pemberitahuan untuk suntingan halaman pengguna]] | Antipelecehan | 123 | T3876 Related: T176351 |
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3 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Show recent block history for IPs and ranges|Tampilkan riwayat blokir terbaru untuk IP dan rentangnya]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 120 | Related: T183457, T146628, T256823 | |
4 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Tool that reviews new uploads for potential copyright violations|Peralatan yang meninjau unggahan baru yang berpotensi melanggar hak cipta]] | Bot dan gawai | 109 | T120453 | ![]() |
5 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Improve SVG rendering|Perbaiki penyajian SVG]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 108 | T5593, T40010, T193352, T216815, T247697, T294484 Related: T43426, T64987, T283083, T11420, T35245, T20463, T154237, T280718, T180923, T261192, T36947, T205776, T142908, T208578, T134408, T134455, T134407, T134482, T18491 |
Partly ![]() |
6 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Allow filtering of WhatLinksHere to remove links from templates|Memungkinkan penyaringan Pranala balik untuk menghapus pranala dari templat]] | Serbaneka | 106 | T301648 | |
7 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Automatic duplicate citation finder|Pencari sitasi duplikat otomatis]] | Pengutipan | 106 | Related: T100645, T126488 | |
8 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Select preview image|Memilih gambar pratayang]] | Penyuntingan | 100 | T91683 | So far, a way of "deselecting" a specific image from the preview was implemented, see related task. |
9 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/IPA audio renderer|Penyaji audio IPA]] | Membaca | 97 | T298950; T33221 | ![]() |
10 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Enhanced Move Logs|Perbaikan Log Pemindahan]] | Serbaneka | 96 | T66184, T152829 | ![]() |
11 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Fix search and replace in the Page namespace editor|Perbaiki cari-dan-ganti di editor ruang nama Page]] | Wikisource | 93 | T183950 | Mitigated by disabling VE support temporarily. |
12 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Change default number of search results displayed|Ubah nilai standar untuk banyak hasil pencarian yang ditampilkan]] | Pencarian | 92 | T215716 | ![]() |
13 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Autosuggest linking Wikidata item after creating an article|Secara otomatis sarankan menautkan butir Wikidata setelah membuat artikel]] | Wikidata | 92 | ![]() | |
14 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Check if a page exists without populating WhatLinksHere|Memeriksa apakah suatu halaman ada tanpa mengisi Pranala balik]] | Serbaneka | 89 | T14019, T268526 Related: T297055 |
15 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Deal with Google Chrome User-Agent deprecation|Urus usangnya User-Agent Google Chrome]] | Antipelecehan | 85 | T242825 | ![]() |
16 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Show editnotices on mobile|Tampilkan editnotices di peranti bergerak]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 85 | T201595, T201596 and T201597 | ![]() |
17 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Table sorting on mobile|Pengurutan tabel di peranti bergerak]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 83 | T233340 | ![]() |
18 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Categories in mobile app|Kategori di aplikasi peranti bergerak]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 80 | T73966, T153980 | ![]() |
19 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Formatting columns in table|Memformat kolom dalam tabel]] | Penyuntingan | 77 | T2986 | |
20 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Reminders or edit notifications after block expiration|Pengingat atau pemberitahuan suntingan setelah blokir kedaluwarsa]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 75 | Related: T189391 | |
21 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Add DeepL as a machine translation option in ContentTranslation|Tambahkan DeepL sebagai pilihan terjemahan mesin di Terjemahan Konten]] | Terjemahan | 75 | T301561 | |
22 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/VisualEditor should use human-like names for references|VisualEditor seharusnya menggunakan nama yang manusiawi untuk referensinya]] | Penyuntingan | 74 | T92432 Related: T243300 |
23 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Get WhatLinksHere's lists in alphabetical order|Dapatkan daftar Pranala balik yang terurut secara alfabetis]] | Serbaneka | 74 | T4306 | (enwiki only) |
24 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/floating table headers|Kepala tabel yang melayang]] | Membaca | 73 | T42763 | |
25 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Mass-delete to offer drop-down of standard reasons, or templated reasons.|Memberi penghapusan massal pilihan daftar alasan standar atau templat untuk alasan.]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 72 | T25020 Related: T299774 |
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26 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Gadget: Who is active|Perkakas: Siapa yang aktif]] | Bot dan gawai | 71 | phab:T307948 | ![]() Open: Someone to make user-facing documentation for this |
27 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Enable negation for tag filters|Memungkinkan negasi untuk penyaring tag]] | Pencarian | 71 | T119072, T174349 | ![]() |
28 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Mass uploader|Pengunggah massal]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 70 | T293543 | |
29 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Autosave edited or new unpublished article|Secara otomatis simpan artikel yang sedang disunting atau artikel baru yang belum diterbitkan]] | Penyuntingan | 69 | T75241 | |
30 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Full page editing|Penyuntingan halaman penuh]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 67 | T203151 | ![]() Will be prioritized by iOS in April after Notices and Blocked Message work |
31 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Use automatic references outside of citations|Use automatic references outside of citations]] | Pengutipan | 62 | T95702 | |
32 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Automatically log in to all projects if you are logged in to one|Automatically log in to all projects if you are logged in to one]] | Serbaneka | 62 | T217519, T226797 Related: T257853, T257852, T256525, T257803 |
33 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Notifications/Enable Thanks Button by default in Watchlists and Recent Changes|Tampilkan tombol Terima kasih secara bawaan di Daftar Pantauan dan Perubahan Terbaru]] | Notifikasi | 62 | T51541, T90404 | ![]() |
34 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Allow all registered users the right to semi-protect their own user and talk pages|Allow all registered users the right to semi-protect their own user and talk pages]] | Antipelecehan | 61 | ||
35 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Advanced table tools on Visual Editor|Peralatan tabel lanjutan di Penyunting Visual]] | Penyuntingan | 60 | T54180, T183976, T103276 | |
36 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/World map extension|
World map extension]] |
Multimedia dan Commons | 60 | Related: T249419 | |
37 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Tool to add Wikidata to an article|Tool to add Wikidata to an article]] | Penyuntingan | 58 | ||
38 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Ability to append additional edit summaries to one’s own edits|Ability to append additional edit summaries to one’s own edits]] | Penyuntingan | 56 | T15937, T210327 | |
39 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Custom edit summaries|Custom edit summaries]] | Wikidata | 56 | T47224 | |
40 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Allow global blocks to optionally not block account creation|Allow global blocks to optionally not block account creation]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 55 | T17273 | |
41 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Search in books|Search in books]] | Wikisource | 55 | ||
42 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Global signatures|Tanda tangan global]] | Serbaneka | 54 | T188200 | |
43 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Allow using templated reasons in global blocks|Allow using templated reasons in global blocks.]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 54 | T243863 | |
44 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Remember previous deletion reason|Remember previous deletion reason]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 54 | ||
45 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Show edit count at Special:Contributions|Menampilkan banyak suntingan di Special:Contributions]] | Serbaneka | 54 | T324166, Related: T32353, T213110, T278506 | ![]() |
46 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Allow global whitelisting of IPs subject to global rangeblocks|Allow global whitelisting of IPs subject to global rangeblocks]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 52 | T42439 | |
47 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Make category browsing multilingual using Wikidata|Buat penelusuran kategori multibahasa menggunakan Wikidata]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 52 | ||
48 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Readability scores gadget|Readability scores gadget]] | Bot dan gawai | 51 | Related: T135321, T91338 | |
49 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Corresponding properties|Corresponding properties]] | Wikidata | 50 | Related: T209559 | |
50 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Enable wiki URL changes|Enable wiki URL changes]] | Serbaneka | 49 | T172035 Related: T30443 |
51 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/New reference-filling tool|New reference-filling tool]] | Pengutipan | 48 | Related: T294236 | |
52 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Include section links in WhatLinksHere|Include section links in WhatLinksHere]] | Serbaneka | 48 | T18561 | |
53 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Add variables in AbuseFilter to detect/block thanks|Menambahkan variabel di Filter penyalahgunaan untuk mendeteksi/memblokir terima kasih]] | Antipelecehan | 47 | T235873 | |
54 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Edit summary assistant|Edit summary assistant]] | Bot dan gawai | 46 | ||
55 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Grouping watched pages|Grouping watched pages]] | Daftar pantauan | 46 | ||
56 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Improve tracking of categorization changes|Improve tracking of categorization changes]] | Kategori | 45 | T89582, T130134, T126851, T148533, T270662, T270774 | |
57 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Allow wikilinks and formatting in TemplateData|Allow wikilinks and formatting in TemplateData]] | Penyuntingan | 45 | ||
58 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Enable live preview by default|Mengaktifkan pratayang langsung secara baku]] | Penyuntingan | 45 | T41272 | ![]() |
59 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Missing LaTeX capabilities for math rendering|Missing LaTeX capabilities for math rendering]] | Penyuntingan | 45 | T318701 | ![]() |
60 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Users should have the ability to directly report a bug, from the user interface|Users should have the ability to directly report a bug, from the user interface]] | Serbaneka | 45 | Related: T111112 | |
61 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/More capacity for Citation bot|More capacity for Citation bot]] | Pengutipan | 44 | ||
62 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Split up blockedtext into different messages for username block, and IP block and for an IP range block|Split up blockedtext into different messages for username block, and IP block and for an IP range block]] | Antipelecehan | 43 | T60858 | |
63 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Dedicated section for everything meta on item pages|Dedicated section for everything meta on item pages]] | Wikidata | 43 | ||
64 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Insert attestation using Wikisource as a corpus|Insert attestation using Wikisource as a corpus]] | Wiktionary | 43 | T139152, T157802 | |
65 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Custom edit summaries per user|Custom edit summaries per user]] | Penyuntingan | 42 | ||
66 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Subst templates that should be substed automatically|Subst templates that should be substed automatically]] | Penyuntingan | 42 | ||
67 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Add "yearly" as an optional date type to the Pageviews Analysis|Tambahkan "tahunan" sebagai tipe tanggal opsional di Analisis Kunjungan Halaman]] | Serbaneka | 42 | ||
68 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Add a map to Special:Nearby|Menambahkan peta ke Special:Nearby]] | Membaca | 42 | T304076, Related: T228661 | |
69 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Index creation wizard|Index creation wizard]] | Wikisource | 42 | T154413, T17071 | |
70 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Expose ORES scores in AbuseFilter|Tampilkan skor ORES di Filter Penyalahgunaan]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 41 | T123178 Related: T120741, T299436 |
71 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Limit which namespaces are allowed in a category on the category page itself|Limit which namespaces are allowed in a category on the category page itself]] | Kategori | 41 | ||
72 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Interlanguage linking from a mobile browser|Interlanguage linking from a mobile browser]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 41 | ||
73 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Notifications/Allow multiple people to subscribe to "article creator" specific notifications|Allow multiple people to subscribe to "article creator" specific notifications]] | Notifikasi | 41 | T66090, T70060 | |
74 | Kartographer icon improvements | Serbaneka | 40 | T145475, T141304, T131618, T141715 | ![]() |
75 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Audio links that play on click|Audio links that play on click]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 40 | T229169 | ![]() |
76 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/ContentTranslation for Wikivoyage|ContentTranslation for Wikivoyage]] | Terjemahan | 40 | T106469, T105171 | |
77 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Bibliographic Structured Data on Wikisource|Bibliographic Structured Data on Wikisource]] | Wikisource | 39 | ||
78 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Expose more detailed diff information to the AbuseFilter|Expose more detailed diff information to the AbuseFilter]] | Antipelecehan | 38 | T220764 | |
79 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Allow adding sitelink to redirect in Wikipedia section|Allow adding sitelink to redirect in Wikipedia section]] | Wikidata | 38 | T54564 | ![]() |
80 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Get Twitter ID|Get Twitter ID]] | Bot dan gawai | 37 | ||
81 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Turn Cat-a-lot into a MediaWiki extension|Turn Cat-a-lot into a MediaWiki extension]] | Kategori | 37 | ||
82 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Cite extension enhancement|Cite extension enhancement]] | Pengutipan | 37 | ||
83 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Upload assistant: coordinates picker|Upload assistant: coordinates picker]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 37 | Related: T58612 | |
84 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Notifications/Notify users when their revision has been approved or rejected|Notify users when their revision has been approved or rejected]] | Notifikasi | 37 | T54510 | |
85 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Easy access Templates|Easy access Templates]] | Penyuntingan | 35 | ||
86 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Collapsible subheadings on the mobile website|Collapsible subheadings on the mobile website]] | Membaca | 35 | ||
87 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Hide reverted edits|Hide reverted edits]] | Daftar pantauan | 35 | T224698, T220442 Related: T190021 |
88 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Revert edits and warn vandals from recent changes|Membalikkan suntingan dan memperingatkan vandal dari perubahan terbaru]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 34 | ||
89 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Add support for the 'Cite Q' template to Citoid|Add support for the 'Cite Q' template to Citoid]] | Pengutipan | 34 | T289287 | |
90 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Expose Citoid to all editors|Expose Citoid to all editors]] | Pengutipan | 34 | ||
91 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Make the edit request process easier|Make the edit request process easier]] | Penyuntingan | 34 | ||
92 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Support more OSM relation types in Extension:Kartographer|Support more OSM relation types in Extension:Kartographer]] | Serbaneka | 34 | T156433 | |
93 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Accessing items with particular statements via Lua|Accessing items with particular statements via Lua]] | Wikidata | 34 | T199887, T209559, T185313 | |
94 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/More keyboard shortcuts when editing -- for faster work|More keyboard shortcuts when editing -- for faster work]] | Penyuntingan | 33 | Related: T66905 | |
95 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Notifications/New messages popup for new users|New messages popup for new users]] | Notifikasi | 33 | Related: T240976 | |
96 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Highlight and scroll to search term on result page|Highlight and scroll to search term on result page]] | Pencarian | 33 | ||
97 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Make Special:GlobalWatchlist more discoverable|Make Special:GlobalWatchlist more discoverable]] | Daftar pantauan | 33 | T286006 | |
98 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Encourage translations by easier/automatic adding of translation boxes|Mendorong penerjemahan dengan mempermudah/mengotomatiskan penambahan kotak terjemahan]] | Wiktionary | 33 | ||
99 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Add ability to delete your own files without needing an admin|Menambahkan kemampuan untuk menghapus berkas unggahan sendiri tanpa perlu bantuan pengurus]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 32 | T113508, T20572 | |
100 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Add Bing translation|Tambahkan terjemahan Bing]] | Terjemahan | 32 | T90207 | |
101 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Preview common properties in search & dropdowns|Preview common properties in search & dropdowns]] | Wikidata | 32 | ||
102 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/A bot or gadget to publish public Git repo to a gadget or user script|A bot or gadget to publish public Git repo to a gadget or user script]] | Bot dan gawai | 31 | T36958, T71445 Related: T75714, T178356 |
103 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Automated "Top Viewed Articles" list on main page|Automated "Top Viewed Articles" list on main page]] | Serbaneka | 31 | ||
104 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Notifications/Desktop Push Notifications|Desktop Push Notifications]] | Notifikasi | 31 | Related: T113125, T276409 | |
105 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Complete the development of the integrated feature to display other language editions in toolbar from wikidata|Complete the development of the integrated feature to display other language editions in toolbar from wikidata]] | Wikisource | 31 | T128173, T71735 | |
106 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Show nearby or related articles in maps|Show nearby or related articles in maps]] | Serbaneka | 30 | Related: T90645, T188291 | ![]() |
107 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Allow UploadWizard to use other templates for import (Book, Artwork, etc.)|Allow UploadWizard to use other templates for import (Book, Artwork, etc.)]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 30 | ||
108 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Improve browsing PDFs and DJVU|Improve browsing PDFs and DJVU]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 30 | T54881 | |
109 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/WikiCommons metadata analysis tool|WikiCommons metadata analysis tool]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 30 | ||
110 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Allow diffs to be marked as unvisited|Memungkinkan perbedaan (diff) ditandai sebagai belum dibaca]] | Daftar pantauan | 30 | ||
111 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/View diffs in the Watchlist|View diffs in the Watchlist]] | Daftar pantauan | 30 | T120775 | |
112 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Alert editors when a change would reduce accessibility of the entry or page|Alert editors when a change would reduce accessibility of the entry or page]] | Penyuntingan | 29 | ||
113 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Fix export at wikibooks to PDF, MOBI, ...|Fix export at wikibooks to PDF, MOBI, ...]] | Serbaneka | 29 | ||
114 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Improve graphs and interactive content|Improve graphs and interactive content]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 29 | T165118, T100444, T109630, T151127 Related: T195627, T195628, T226250, T172938 |
115 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Display links to sister projects on mobile|Display links to sister projects on mobile]] | Membaca | 29 | T219392, T297327 Related: T267161 |
116 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Do not follow sitelink redirects when redirect badge is used|Do not follow sitelink redirects when redirect badge is used]] | Wikidata | 29 | T278962 Related: T235420 |
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117 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Prevent draftspace pages from being placed in article categories|Prevent draftspace pages from being placed in article categories]] | Kategori | 28 | T299286 | |
118 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Enable redirects for Lua modules|Membolehkan pengalihan untuk modul Lua]] | Serbaneka | 28 | T120794 | |
119 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Better warning display for mobile users|Better warning display for mobile users]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 28 | Related: T295910 | |
120 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Finish deployment of videojs (and remove kultura)|Finish deployment of videojs (and remove kultura)]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 28 | T248418, T100106 | ![]() |
121 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Commons-specific: Display media/content of subcategories|Khusus Commons: Tampilkan media/konten dari subkategori]] | Kategori | 27 | ||
122 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Make it easier to add links|Mempermudah menambahkan pranala]] | Kategori | 27 | ||
123 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Enable Citoid to generate citation from a PDF link|Enable Citoid to generate citation from a PDF link]] | Pengutipan | 27 | T214038, T136722 | |
124 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Allow list of pages with increased memory allowance|Allow list of pages with increased memory allowance]] | Wiktionary | 27 | Related: T267708, T165935, T6767, T188492 | |
125 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Showing sort keys on category page|Showing sort keys on category page]] | Kategori | 26 | ||
126 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Add a notification number next to the talk page tab if there are recent discussions|Add a notification number next to the talk page tab if there are recent discussions]] | Penyuntingan | 26 | ||
127 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Alert View|Alert View]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 26 | T285765 | ![]() |
128 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Temporarily unwatch a page for a set period of time|Batal memantau halaman sementara waktu untuk periode yang ditentukan]] | Daftar pantauan | 26 | T299227 | |
129 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Like for citations, "Re-use" mode for already listed books in bibliography|Like for citations, "Re-use" mode for already listed books in bibliography]] | Penyuntingan | 25 | T100645 Related: T151301 |
130 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Improve plain-text change tag selector|Improve plain-text change tag selector]] | Serbaneka | 25 | T27909, T23383 | ![]() |
131 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Articles that urgently need to be written|Articles that urgently need to be written]] | Terjemahan | 25 | ||
132 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Search box autocomplete (suggestion) should work for all namespace|Search box autocomplete (suggestion) should work for all namespace]] | Wikidata | 25 | T190454, T194968 | |
133 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/New search tool using informations from Index pages|New search tool using informations from Index pages]] | Wikisource | 25 | ||
134 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Get free pronunciation data|Get free pronunciation data]] | Wiktionary | 25 | Related: T298950 | |
135 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Eye icon when creating an account or logging in|Ikon mata ketika membuat akun atau masuk log]] | Serbaneka | 24 | ||
136 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Preference to set default watchlist expiry|Preference to set default watchlist expiry]] | Daftar pantauan | 24 | T265716 | ![]() |
137 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Display definitions from Wikisource dictionaries|Tampilkan definisi dari kamus Wikisource]] | Wiktionary | 24 | T240191 | |
138 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Allow import of Flickr images regardless of claimed licence|Allow import of Flickr images regardless of claimed licence]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 23 | T281599 | |
139 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Close the outdated WiViVi and reintegrate its key features into Wikimedia Stats|Close the outdated WiViVi and reintegrate its key features into Wikimedia Stats]] | Pencarian | 23 | T257071, T284294 | |
140 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Access log of oversighted contents|Log pengaksesan konten yang disupresi]] | Antipelecehan | 22 | ||
141 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Allowing user to change own userpage or user subpages content model|Allowing user to change own userpage or user subpages content model]] | Antipelecehan | 22 | Related: T92795, T85847 | |
142 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Watchlist in app|Watchlist in app]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 22 | T264010 | ![]() Will be prioritzed for iOS before 2024. |
143 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/More specificity on the last edit indicated|More specificity on the last edit indicated]] | Daftar pantauan | 22 | ||
144 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Allow side by side display of different version of same text|Allow side by side display of different version of same text]] | Wikisource | 22 | ||
145 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Give gadgets the option to read current timezone used on wiki|Give gadgets the option to read current timezone used on wiki]] | Bot dan gawai | 21 | ||
146 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Floating table of content on mobile web view|Floating table of content on mobile web view]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 21 | ||
147 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Easy edit tool for EXIF data|Easy edit tool for EXIF data]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 21 | Related: T218057, T222675, T22326 | |
148 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/User-defined bookmarks in articles.|User-defined bookmarks in articles.]] | Membaca | 21 | ||
149 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Pattern matching article titles|Pattern matching article titles]] | Daftar pantauan | 21 | Related: T27372 | |
150 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Tool to replace author name string (P2093) with author (P50)|Tool to replace author name string (P2093) with author (P50)]] | Wikidata | 21 | ||
151 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Improve WikiHiero|Improve WikiHiero]] | Serbaneka | 20 | ||
152 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Map of user's uploads|Map of user's uploads]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 20 | ||
153 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Mobile app lists feature on desktop version|Mobile app lists feature on desktop version]] | Membaca | 20 | ||
154 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Watchlists/Expiring temporary watchlist|Daftar pantauan sementara yang kedaluwarsa]] | Daftar pantauan | 20 | ||
155 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Export of modernised texts|Export of modernised texts]] | Wikisource | 20 | ||
156 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Translatable pages and language converter|Translatable pages and language converter]] | Terjemahan | 19 | Related: T278639 | |
157 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Entity Draft Namespace|Entity Draft Namespace]] | Wikidata | 19 | T298405 | |
158 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Import references from wikipedia|Import references from wikipedia]] | Wikidata | 19 | Related: T199197 | |
159 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Preventing VE from silently omitting co-authors|Preventing VE from silently omitting co-authors]] | Pengutipan | 18 | Related: T54582 | |
160 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Reminders to update other wikipages when updating the current one|Reminders to update other wikipages when updating the current one]] | Penyuntingan | 18 | Related: T156808 | |
161 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Structured user pages|Structured user pages]] | Serbaneka | 18 | Related: T173145 | |
162 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/The "tag name" on the change line should link directly to "tagged changes"|The "tag name" on the change line should link directly to "tagged changes"]] | Serbaneka | 18 | T301063 | A compromise solution was made and then reverted. |
163 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Pending changes reviewing on mobile|Pending changes reviewing on mobile]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 18 | ||
164 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Section translation of the article (desktop version)|Section translation of the article (desktop version)]] | Terjemahan | 18 | T234323 | |
165 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Stick the toolbar in the page namespace|Stick the toolbar in the page namespace]] | Wikisource | 18 | ||
166 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Styling for globally locked users|Penggayaan untuk pengguna yang dikunci secara global]] | Antipelecehan | 17 | T261752, T237505 | |
167 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/More easily view template parameters in VE|More easily view template parameters in VE]] | Penyuntingan | 17 | T74083 Related: T206494, T280078 |
168 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Creation protection for items|Creation protection for items]] | Wikidata | 17 | ||
169 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Collect and move references to reference section on bottom of article|Mengumpulkan dan memindahkan referensi ke bagian referensi di bawah artikel]] | Penyuntingan | 16 | ||
170 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/simple export of SpecialPages|simple export of SpecialPages]] | Serbaneka | 16 | T248440 | |
171 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Document symbols in external links|Document symbols in external links]] | Membaca | 16 | T298433 | |
172 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Multilingual dictionary GUI using Wikidata lexemes|Multilingual dictionary GUI using Wikidata lexemes]] | Wikidata | 16 | ||
173 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Tool to bulk replace long-hand citations with items|Tool to bulk replace long-hand citations with items]] | Wikidata | 16 | ||
174 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Ability to perform batch tasks on all (or selected) pages in a work|Ability to perform batch tasks on all (or selected) pages in a work]] | Wikisource | 16 | T289506 | |
175 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Color Coded Sections|Color Coded Sections]] | Membaca | 15 | ||
176 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Pop-up upon selecting text|Pop-up upon selecting text]] | Membaca | 15 | ||
177 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Imporve language converter systems (eg. between simplified and traditional Chinese)|Perbaiki sistem pengubah bahasa (contohnya antara bahasa Tionghoa sederhana dan tradisional)]] | Terjemahan | 15 | ||
178 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Automatically sync audio/video/image description of words to all language editions of wiktionary|Automatically sync audio/video/image description of words to all language editions of wiktionary]] | Wiktionary | 15 | ||
179 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wiktionary/Import translations from wikidata|Impor terjemahan dar Wikidata]] | Wiktionary | 15 | ||
180 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Fix ListeriaBot memory issues|Fix ListeriaBot memory issues]] | Bot dan gawai | 14 | ||
181 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Context-dependent sort key|Context-dependent sort key]] | Kategori | 14 | T183747 | |
182 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Improve VisualEditor toolbar|Improve VisualEditor toolbar]] | Pengutipan | 14 | ||
183 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/No option to enable/disable automatic signing in DiscussionTools|Tidak ada pilihan untuk menyalakan/mematikan tanda tangan otomatis di Perkakas diskusi]] | Penyuntingan | 14 | T278442 | ![]() |
184 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Annotations in panoramic images|Annotations in panoramic images]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 14 | Related: T58666 | |
185 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Improve LaTeX rendering|Improve LaTeX rendering]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 14 | ||
186 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Search bar with gear toggle|Search bar with gear toggle]] | Pencarian | 14 | Related: T300451, T300452 | |
187 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Automatic currency converter and inflation calculator|Automatic currency converter and inflation calculator]] | Penyuntingan | 13 | ||
188 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Allow to batch expensive queries|Allow to batch expensive queries]] | Serbaneka | 13 | T278629 | |
189 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Load images in metered networks only on demand|Load images in metered networks only on demand]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 13 | T236637 | ![]() |
190 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Translator for existing pages|Translator for existing pages]] | Terjemahan | 13 | ||
191 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Better ordering of search results|Better ordering of search results]] | Wikidata | 13 | T236992 | |
192 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Property proposal helper script|Property proposal helper script]] | Wikidata | 13 | T139898 | |
193 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/haswbsitelink keyword|haswbsitelink keyword]] | Wikidata | 13 | T200859 | |
194 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Translation of texts published in another language|Translation of texts published in another language]] | Wikisource | 13 | ||
195 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/UserBlind mode|UserBlind mode]] | Antipelecehan | 12 | ||
196 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Help to know if an article exists in a certain language from the categories.|Help to know if an article exists in a certain language from the categories.]] | Kategori | 12 | ||
197 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Case conversion|Case conversion]] | Penyuntingan | 12 | ||
198 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/List of parameters in modules|List of parameters in modules]] | Penyuntingan | 12 | ||
199 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Poll Yes and No (on talk pages)|Poll Yes and No (on talk pages)]] | Serbaneka | 11 | ||
200 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Simplify uploading on Commons mobile app|Menyederhanakan pengunggahan di aplikasi peranti bergerak Commons]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 12 | ||
201 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Make the language list accessable|Make the language list accessable]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 12 | ||
202 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Notifications/Article-specific notifications based on watchlist|Article-specific notifications based on watchlist]] | Notifikasi | 12 | Related: T203941 | |
203 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Wiki translate machine|Wiki translate machine]] | Terjemahan | 12 | Related: T251887 | |
204 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Timeline visualisation of items based on their genealogical properties (inspired by, cited by, etc.)|Timeline visualisation of items based on their genealogical properties (inspired by, cited by, etc.)]] | Wikidata | 12 | ||
205 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Add data namespace support to ListeriaBot or fix TabulistBot|Add data namespace support to ListeriaBot or fix TabulistBot]] | Bot dan gawai | 11 | Related: T67626 | |
206 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/A tool for creating year and month categories on Commons|A tool for creating year and month categories on Commons]] | Kategori | 11 | ||
207 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Add infobox without editing whole article|Add infobox without editing whole article]] | Penyuntingan | 11 | ||
208 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Uniformity in spelling|Penyeragaman ejaan]] | Penyuntingan | 11 | Related: T265163 | |
209 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Centralized Incident Management|Centralized Incident Management]] | Serbaneka | 11 | Related: T280, T88136 | |
210 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Create 'Related changes' tool that extends beyond 30 days|Create 'Related changes' tool that extends beyond 30 days]] | Serbaneka | 11 | ||
211 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Create universal routinformationcode for railways, roads, etc in Wikidata|Create universal routinformationcode for railways, roads, etc in Wikidata]] | Serbaneka | 11 | ||
212 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Add field about the number of hits for an article when suggesting a translation|Add field about the number of hits for an article when suggesting a translation]] | Terjemahan | 11 | ||
213 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Add option to insert category before current category in Cat-a-lot|Menambahkan pilihan untuk menyisipkan kategori sebelum kategori yang sekarang di Cat-a-lot]] | Bot dan gawai | 10 | ||
214 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Native support for alternative section anchors|Native support for alternative section anchors]] | Penyuntingan | 10 | ||
215 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Centralization of interwiki links|Centralization of interwiki links]] | Serbaneka | 10 | ||
216 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Graph showing which articles link to each other for incubator|Graph showing which articles link to each other for incubator]] | Serbaneka | 10 | ||
217 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/What is really done by the team of the Wikipedia Library with partner suggestions|What is really done by the team of the Wikipedia Library with partner suggestions]] | Serbaneka | 10 | Related: T240166 | |
218 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Improve translation tool: Fixed (editable) per language mapping of section titles|Improve translation tool: Fixed (editable) per language mapping of section titles]] | Terjemahan | 10 | ||
219 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Preserve templates when returning to an in-progress translation|Preserve templates when returning to an in-progress translation]] | Terjemahan | 10 | T278323 Related: T137803, T191389 |
220 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Display label of merge with items|Display label of merge with items]] | Wikidata | 10 | ||
221 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Rework Lexemes to be more intuitive|Rework Lexemes to be more intuitive]] | Wikidata | 10 | T290858 | |
222 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Rework the suggestion model of PropertySuggester with support for values and units|Rework the suggestion model of PropertySuggester with support for values and units]] | Wikidata | 10 | T111154, T244856, T229990, T173406, T132839 | |
223 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Improve Mix'n'Match performance|Improve Mix'n'Match performance]] | Bot dan gawai | 9 | ||
224 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Provide a quick-way to remove page from all parent categories|Provide a quick-way to remove page from all parent categories]] | Kategori | 9 | ||
225 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Add a modality to keep contested images of commons on Wikipedia|Add a modality to keep contested images of commons on Wikipedia]] | Penyuntingan | 9 | ||
226 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Wikiversity Seminars|Wikiversity Seminars]] | Serbaneka | 9 | ||
227 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Search within article on iOS app|Search within article on iOS app]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 9 | T292471 | ![]() |
228 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Support null edits|Support null edits]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 9 | Related: T132467, T157670 | |
229 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Wikimedia Commons: New setting for description language for new uploads|Wikimedia Commons: New setting for description language for new uploads]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 9 | ||
230 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Automated page protector|Automated page protector]] | Wikidata | 9 | ||
231 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Feature to change the order of the references and qualifiers|Feature to change the order of the references and qualifiers]] | Wikidata | 9 | T169960 | |
232 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Suggested Edits Implemented on Web|Implementasikan Saranan Suntingan di Web]] | Penyuntingan | 8 | ||
233 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Add an option to switch between user accounts|Add an option to switch between user accounts]] | Serbaneka | 8 | Related: T16409 | |
234 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Option to select non-Javascript editor on Mobile Web|Option to select non-Javascript editor on Mobile Web]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 8 | T205778 Related: T299658 |
235 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Add some basic statistics about article/section/paragraph being translated|Tambahkan beberapa statistik dasar tentang artikel/bagian/paragraf yang sedang diterjemahkan]] | Terjemahan | 8 | ||
236 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Make "translate" tags always render correctly|Make "translate" tags always render correctly]] | Terjemahan | 8 | ||
237 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Male-female and pro-gender variants of the site|Male-female and pro-gender variants of the site]] | Terjemahan | 8 | ||
238 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Creation of new objects resp. connecting to existing objects while avoiding duplicates|Creation of new objects resp. connecting to existing objects while avoiding duplicates]] | Wikidata | 8 | ||
239 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Allow Users to Add Their Own Personal Notes to a Page|Allow Users to Add Their Own Personal Notes to a Page]] | Serbaneka | 7 | ||
240 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/add MW messages to content pages|add MW messages to content pages]] | Serbaneka | 7 | T151682 Related: T201613, T6469 |
241 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Links from history page in mobile advanced mode|Pranala dari halaman riwayat di mode lanjutan peranti bergerak]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 7 | ||
242 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Enable chunked uploads for files that replace existing files|Enable chunked uploads for files that replace existing files]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 7 | ||
243 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/PDF preview image upload|PDF preview image upload]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 7 | Related: T301161 | |
244 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Using portal for Random Search in all wikis|Using portal for Random Search in all wikis]] | Membaca | 7 | T202204, T200703 | |
245 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Further interaction blockers.|Further interaction blockers.]] | Antipelecehan | 6 | ||
246 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Add built in API to add buttons for editing gadgets|Add built in API to add buttons for editing gadgets]] | Bot dan gawai | 6 | Related: T286759 | |
247 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Allow custom display of entries in a category's page list|Allow custom display of entries in a category's page list]] | Kategori | 6 | ||
248 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Categories/Allow multiple entries within each category|Allow multiple entries within each category]] | Kategori | 6 | ||
249 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Article ratings|Peringkat artikel]] | Serbaneka | 6 | ||
250 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Collection of Commons user images that are used in Wikipedia on an article main page|Collection of Commons user images that are used in Wikipedia on an article main page]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 6 | ||
251 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Find redirects in navbox templates tool/function|Alat/fungsi untuk menemukan pengalihan di templat kotak navigasi]] | Penyuntingan | 5 | ||
252 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Be able to find the largest edits of a user on XTools|Kemampuan menemukan suntingan-suntingan terbesar dari seorang pengguna di XTools]] | Serbaneka | 5 | ||
253 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Accepting donations from mobile apps|Menerima donasi dari aplikasi peranti bergerak]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 5 | T288285 | Will be prioritized on iOS first and then Android. We are actively looking into making this happen. |
254 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Fix throbber problem on mobile view|Fix throbber problem on mobile view]] | Peranti bergerak dan aplikasi | 5 | T299536, T299538 | ![]() |
255 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Commons Categories for Discussion tools|Commons Categories for Discussion tools]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 5 | ||
256 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Cross-referencing Utility for Films|Cross-referencing Utility for Films]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 5 | ||
257 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Hover to Zoom of images on desktop|Hover to Zoom of images on desktop]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 5 | ||
258 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Make the article text wrap around the Contents box|Make the article text wrap around the Contents box]] | Penyuntingan | 4 | ||
259 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Bulk Overwrite Tool|Bulk Overwrite Tool]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 4 | ||
260 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Show disambiguation hatnotes only on redirect|Show disambiguation hatnotes only on redirect]] | Membaca | 4 | T4012 | |
261 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/A tool to delete all references from an item|A tool to delete all references from an item]] | Wikidata | 4 | ||
262 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Allow rev parent id to be fixed|Allow rev parent id to be fixed]] | Pengurus dan pematroli | 3 | T223342 | |
263 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Change wikitextEditor insert of wikitext|Change wikitextEditor insert of wikitext]] | Pengutipan | 3 | ||
264 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Shared talk page section for related articles|Shared talk page section for related articles]] | Serbaneka | 3 | ||
265 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Change interface of FastCCI|Change interface of FastCCI]] | Multimedia dan Commons | 3 | ||
266 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Automatically visit the corresponding URL without the section|Automatically visit the corresponding URL without the section]] | Membaca | 3 | ||
267 | Improvement to the AIV helper bot | Bot dan gawai | 2 | ||
268 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Average edits per day in CentralAuth|Average edits per day in CentralAuth]] | Penyuntingan | 2 | ||
269 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Allow to see newcomers edits when they ask question|Allow to see newcomers edits when they ask question]] | Serbaneka | 2 | Related: T300630 | |
270 | [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/Page Previews show an error message on all links to Anexo: namespace in Spanish Wikipedia|Page Previews show an error message on all links to Anexo: namespace in Spanish Wikipedia]] | Membaca | 1 | Related: T41866, T301153 |
Lihat pula hasil untuk setiap kategori:
Saran yang lebih besar
Terima kasih atas 55 Saran yang lebih besar, hampir Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Larger suggestions suara yang telah kalian berikan pada mereka, dan semua komentar yang telah kalian berikan! Kalian mendedikasikan banyak waktu, dan ini merupakan banyak sekali pengetahuan baru bagi kami.
Mengapa kami membuat kategori ini dan apa yang akan kami kerjakan selanjutnya?
Sejak awal pada tahun 2015, kami telah mengomunikasikan bahwa Survei Harapan Komunitas memiliki cakupan yang spesifik. Tidak semua proposal bagus yang diajukan pada fase pertama bisa menjadi proyek kami. Kami tidak mau berkomitmen pada sesuatu yang tidak bisa kami kerjakan.
Pada saat yang sama, mustahil (dan tidak adil!) jika proposal terkirim yang merupakan ide bagus tetapi di luar cakupan kami harus dikirim ke Arsip. Pada edisi-edisi sebelumnya, kami mengarsipkan proposal yang tidak memenuhi kriteria sebelum pemungutan suara. Kali ini, kami memutuskan untuk menambahkan kategori "Saran yang lebih besar" dan meletakkannya di sebelah kategori-kategori biasa. Kami ingin menghargai usaha pengajuan mereka, dan memungkinkan kalian menyatakan ketertarikan kalian dalam proyek-proyek ini meskipun kami tidak akan bisa mengerjakannya. Untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman, kami tidak meletakkan saran-saran yang lebih besar ke halaman Hasil
Sekarang, dengan saran-saran dan suara-suara ini, kami akan bisa memahami kebutuhan kalian dengan lebih baik. Kami akan membagikan hasilnya dengan para pemimpin dan kolega kami di departemen Produk Wikimedia Foundation. Kami tidak bisa berjanji bahwa mereka akan segera mengerjakan proyek-proyek tersebut. Namun, mereka akan diberi tahu dan mungkin akan terinspirasi saat membuat rencana mereka sendiri.
Terima kasih

Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua partisipan. Survei Harapan Komunitas juga merupakan kesuksesan kalian.
Beberapa di antara kalian telah membantu kami memperbaiki Survei sebelum Survei dimulai. Beberapa menghabiskan banyak sekali jam selama Survei. Mereka menerjemahkan dokumentasi dan proposal, mendiskusikan proposal, dan mengajak orang lain untuk terlibat. Beberapa memutuskan untuk terlibat untuk pertama kalinya, dan di antara mereka, ada yang mempengaruhi hasil akhir dengan cara yang tidak bisa diduga.
Kami tidak bisa membuat daftar lengkap semua orang yang pantas disebutkan di sini. Terima kasih yang tulus kepada semua yang telah membantu kami di media sosial, di dalam komunitas mereka masing-masing, dan orang-orang yang mungkin sulit ditemukan oleh kami.
- MaxEnt, Kwgulden, D-Kuru, AleatoryPonderings, and Toadspike – atas proposal-proposal yang telah mereka berikan. Mereka masing-masing berpartisipasi dalam Survei untuk pertama kalinya, dan kelima proposal mereka mencapai 10 proposal dengan prioritas teratas!
- Izno, TheDJ, and Xaosflux – atas bantuan mereka dalam peninjauan teknis proposal
- Putnik – karena telah memperbaiki gawai pemungutan suara kami
- Dušan Kreheľ – karena telah menemukan dan melaporkan kutu dan penghitungan suara kami
- 리듬 – atas lebih dari 1.000 terjemahan ke bahasa Korea!
- Pols12 – atas terjemahan ke bahasa Prancis dan saran untuk memperbaiki halaman Pertanyaan umum kami
- Ата, Sabelöga, Wargo, Daud I.F. Argana, Edu!, Bjankuloski06, Kaganer, Stang, Mohammad ebz, Euro know, Vami, Miroslav Ličko, আফতাবুজ্জামান, Saederup92, and Dr-Taher – masing-masing atas terjemahan ke bahasa Ukraina, Swedia, Polandia, Indonesia, Portugis Brasil, Makedonia, Rusia, Tionghoa, Persia, Ibrani, Esperanto, Ceska, Bengal, Denmark, dan Arab
- Minorax and 1234qwer1234qwer4 – atas perbaikan terjemahan di banyak bahasa
- Wikimedia Kolombia, Wikimedia Italia, dan semua afiliasi lain yang mempromosikan Survei ini di profil mereka di media sosial
- Tim-tim WMF lain yang telah membantu kami menilai kemungkinan dikerjakannya proposal yang ada dalam cakupan mereka.
Jika Anda punya proposal untuk Survei berikutnya
...dan tidak ingin melupakannya, tambahkan mereka ke bak pasir. Proposal yang disimpan di sana tidak dianggap sudah dikirimkan, tetapi mereka akan terpikirkan oleh orang-orang dan lebih kecil kemungkinannya dilupakan.