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Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Reading/Show Wiktionary definitions in Page Previews

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Show Wiktionary definitions in Page Previews

čeština: Pohodlné a příruční propojení projektů wiki, zejména wikipedie a wikislovníku

  • Problem: the connection between Wiktionary and Wikipedia (which in my opinion should never have been separate) is awkward, and it is necessary to switch and search them separately
čeština: propojení wikislovníku a wikipedie (které podle mého neměly být nikdy oddělené) je nešikovné a je nutné přepínat a hledat samostatně
  • Who would benefit: all users, especially those who explore the interpretation in more depth - about the meaning of terms, including synonyms and their origin (etymology)
čeština: všem uživatelům, zejména těm, kteří zkoumají výklad hlouběji - o významu pojmů včetně synonym a jejich původu (etymologie)
  • Proposed solution: to expand the speech bubble (Page preview) with the introduction of the Wikipedia article by a link to or even better a similar citation from the Wiktionary and possibly some other wiki projects
čeština: na odkazy rozšířit bublinu s citací úvodu hesla wikipedie o odkaz nebo ještě lépe obdobnou citaci z wikislovníku a možná i nějakých jiných projektů wiki


  • What about something similar to the dictionary functionality in the Kindle e-reader? If a word is highlighted, a small window opens displaying its definition. You can find examples by searching "kindle dictionary" on Google images. It may be turned on or off as an option. --Ita140188 (talk) 01:15, 4 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
  • Yes, it could work this way: highlighting by user some (one or more) word(s) should produce bubble or window with introduction from wiktionary and links to other dictionaries. (I don't know macOS and iOS and Kindle.) Tosek (talk) 23:52, 5 January 2021 (UTC)[reply]
