Community Wishlist/Wishes/View older entries on RecentChanges Watchlist/en
View older entries on RecentChanges/Watchlist Open
On RecentChanges and Watchlist, the list always starts at the latest change. There's no pagination or specifying a date to start the list from. So if you want to view older changes, e.g. when the list is inundated by changes to a few pages or when you've come back from a break, all you can do is increase the number of changes, which is capped at 500 (unless you use the non-JS interface and manually edit the URL, but even then you can only increase it so much). This results in slower page load and poor performance, not to mention you might not even be able to go as far back as you want.
Previous wishlist surveys: 2023
Assigned focus area
Type of wish
Feature request
Related projects
All projects
Affected users
Editors, patrollers, infrequent editors