Community Wishlist/Wishes/Revamp pagination page navigation/ja
In user contributions, search results, page history, etc, pagination and page navigation is done (and been done as far as I remember) with something like this:
(最新 | 最古) (以後の100件 | 以前の100件) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 件) を表示
This is not a great user interface, is still confusing for me after 20+ years (I keep pressing “oldest” instead of “older” for instance), probably not that clear to new users, and not really to the standard of current UI expectations.
It would be great to redesign the navigation to be more up to par with common pagination patterns.
A quick example, keeping text only:
950件 | ページ 1/10
Or using the local {{Clickable button 2}} template just as a rough preview:
950件 | ページ 1/10
ページ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 … 10
ページごとに 20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500 のエントリを表示する
Whichever form it takes, this new version should ideally be using buttons in different states as well as icons and design tokens from Codex – that would be a great improvement of this very common feature.
System change
All users using search, page history, contributions lists, etc.