Community Wishlist/Wishes/Maintain Tooltip Consistency/ja
Many of the links on Wikipedia do not have consistent tooltips. This includes Site Navigation links (or the Main Menu links found on the left navigation bar) and the Personal Tools links (or the links that appear next to the username on the top).
Some links do not have tooltips (examples below).
Also, tooltips seem to follow the pattern of <helpful text> + <keyboard shortcut>. Example, the tooltip for the Main Page link on the Site Navigation Menu says "Visit the main page [ctrl-option-z]". For some links for which shortcuts exist, however, the shortcut information is missing from the tooltip.
Site navigation links (or the main menu links on the left navigation bar)
- Upload file - The shortcut for this link is ctrl-option-u. While the tooltip appears for this link, it does not include the available shortcut for this link.
Personal Tools links (or the links next to the username on the top)
- Appearance icon (showcased by glasses) - Tooltip missing.
Current Page links (like Article, Talk, Read, Edit Source, View History etc.)
- Read - Tooltip missing
- Edit Source - When Read is selected, the tooltip for Edit Source says "Edit the source code of this page [ctrl-option-e]". But when Edit Source is selected, the tooltip changes and does not show the shortcut any more. This differs in behavior from other links like View History whose tooltip always includes its shortcut irrespective of whether View History is selected or not.
The request here is to review tooltips for links that appear on the Site Navigation Menu, the Personal Tools Menu, and Current Page Links to see if tooltips exist and if they are showcasing shortcuts consistently.
For reference here are all the keyboard shortcuts for wikipedia.
Bug report
Users who like to read descriptions before clicking on icons/links + Users who need site accessibility features