Community Wishlist/Wishes/Image Editor for Commons/ja
I would like to suggest adding a simple editing interface to Commons, either at the upload stage or later. Almost every social media platform, image-related site, or software dealing with images offers basic editing tools like cropping, rotating, flipping, and adjusting brightness or saturation.
We could use something basic, like an ImageMagick tool, or something more trending like AI. The specific technology doesn't matter to me, but I think this is a basic feature we should have.
In my case, I proofread books and want to keep all the decorative elements (like the ornate headpieces and large drop capitals from past centuries). While I can use CropTool to extract some of these—though at a lower resolution, and with the description page cluttered by book metadata (but that's another issue)—I still need to edit the images elsewhere and upload them again. It would be much easier if editing could happen at the time of upload
Media formats, editing, and display
Feature request
ウィキメディア・コモンズ、 ウィキソース、 ウィキペディア、 ウィキボヤージュ、 ウィキニュース、 ウィキバーシティ
Every user that regularly deals with images that might need re-touching
- 作成済: 13:41, 26 September 2024 (UTC)
- 最終更新: 16:52, 13 December 2024 (UTC)
- 記入者: Ignacio Rodríguez (talk)