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Community Wishlist/Wishes/Ideology infobox with political dimensions/ja

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This page is a translated version of the page Community Wishlist/Wishes/Ideology infobox with political dimensions and the translation is 33% complete.
政治的イデオロギーのインフォボックス Open

要望を編集 この要望について話し合う


From User:JWheeler-WMF Since any volunteer may create an Infobox, we will keep this wish open for any community members to adopt and build, however this is not something the Foundation will build.

The Political Compass contains four sects - libertarian-left (me), authoritarian-left, libertarian-right, and authoritarian-right. incorporating this into the "position" section of political infoboxes is ideal, as it grants members an in-depth insight into what the party or ideology was.

For example, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's position would link to Auth-Left (or "socialism from above"), whilst the U.S. Libertarian Party would be Lib-Right (reflecting the state of libertarianism within Lady Columbia).

Misconceptions about "utopianism" (which is subject and is highly avoided in leftist circles), authoritarianism, and whatnot would be negated with this inclusion of the political compass.




Feature request






  • 作成済: 17:33, 26 July 2024 (UTC)
  • 最終更新: 17:18, 9 August 2024 (UTC)
  • 記入者: ManOfDirt (talk)