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Community Wishlist/Wishes/Having to manually update edit statistics/hi

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This page is a translated version of the page Community Wishlist/Wishes/Having to manually update edit statistics and the translation is 40% complete.
Having to manually update edit statistics Open

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While displaying edit statistics-related information on local pages such as {{Service award progress}} on en-wiki rather than XTools; it has to be manually updated time to time. If there could be a Magic Word like {{USEREDITS: Username }} which could display the latest number of edits made by a user, the would update by themselves instead.

Templates on en-wiki such as {{Infobox Wikipedia user}} (which has an edit count field) and {{Service award progress}} (which displays appropriate award for a user based on provided number of edits) displays number of edits directly or something else based off of it. New users might have time to update the numbers regularly but, experienced users as they make multiple edits in a day, it's not simple to update the number of edits daily. If there was a magic word that would display the latest edit count automatically, it won't have to be manually updated.

हलाकि इसकी कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है न ही इसका कोई विश्वकोशिक महत्व है ,अधिकांश विकिपीडिया वाले उनमे से एक या एक से अधिक उपयोगकर्ता पृष्ठों को प्रदर्शित करते है

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

Feature request


Affected users

अनुभवी संपादक

Other details

  • Created: 02:58, 17 September 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 03:07, 18 September 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Vestrian24Bio (talk)