Community Wishlist/Wishes/Allow for deeplinking text (quote functionality)/ja
Wikipedia and its sister projects are widely used for quick fact-checking and sharing information in everyday life. While we currently have the ability to link to specific articles and even sections within those articles, there are many instances where users want to share just 1-2 sentences or a small portion of text. In such cases, it would be helpful if the URL functionality could be extended to allow sharing of specific, highlighted parts of text from a page.
This feature could work similarly to YouTube's ability to link directly to a particular timestamp in a video. When shared, the selected text could be highlighted and centered on the page, drawing immediate attention to the relevant portion without the need for manual scrolling or searching. This would enhance the user experience by making it easier to reference precise information.
Further details may be found on this discussion.
Feature request
ウィキペディア、 ウィクショナリー、 ウィキクォート、 ウィキニュース、 ウィキデータ、 ウィキソース、 ウィキボヤージュ、 ウィキバーシティ、 ウィキスピーシーズ、 メタ・ウィキ
- 作成済: 23:26, 20 October 2024 (UTC)
- 最終更新: 04:07, 22 October 2024 (UTC)
- 記入者: Klein Muçi (talk)