Community Wishlist/Wishes/Add a like button to media/ja
メディアにいいねボタンを追加 Open
One of the reasons some image uploading websites are popular among photographers is that they have some kind of interaction with viewers who can like the images, videos or any media uploaded. Is not the only reason for the popularity, but it is an interesting feature that we lack and would be interesting. If we add a like button to media we could have:
- An increase on social media shares of images in Commons, driving traffic and interest on the project.
- A way to measure what are the most interesting images or media in a category, even a way for sorting files, so we can make better decisions when choosing what file we add to an article.
- A private list of images you liked you can visit later, making easier to refind something you thought was interesting/good.
- A more attractive experience for photographers who want to upload their good quality images but now they don't see it deserves to upload them to Commons.
Feature request