커뮤니티 위시리스트/중점 영역
이는 모두 현재 활성 초점 영역입니다. 각 영역에 대해 자세히 알아보고, 그 영향을 평가하고, 커뮤니티 토론에 참여할 수 있습니다.
In progress
Template recall and discovery
We're building a better way for new and experienced contributors to recall and discover templates via the template dialog, to increase dialog usage and the number of templates added.
지원 대상: 30 시람
Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks
Help content reviewers more efficiently manage their repetitive tasks, so they can focus more on editing articles or other on-wiki activities.
We'll know we're successful if we can cut down on the number of edits in review and improve moderator satisfaction.
지원 대상: 24 시람
Media formats, editing, and display
Volunteers noted the importance of supporting new file formats and improving features and tools that can allow users to upload high-efficiency images to Wikimedia sites, have an easier editing experience and improved use of media players.
지원 대상: 22 시람
Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks
Make it easier for patrollers and other editors to prioritize tasks, so they can more efficiently review and uphold the quality of content on their wikis.
We'll know we're successful if this work improves editor or patroller satisfaction and reduces the "queue" of things to review.
지원 대상: 13 시람
Article Creation Guidance
How might we provide newcomers with the support and guidance they need to confidently create articles while minimizing frustration and reverts?
지원 대상: 11 시람
Help newer contributors understand the status and rationale behind a moderation decision
Help newer contributors understand the status and rationale behind a moderation decision, so they are more likely to make additional contributions.
We know we're successful when newer contributors are more likely to make a second (or tenth) edit, and when their edits are more efficiently reviewed.
지원 대상: 8 시람
Improved discovery of media files
Volunteers believe that Commons files are not easily discoverable in popular third-party search tools, as well as on-wiki experiences.
지원 대상: 4 시람
Create new consumer experiences for learning from / engaging with Wikipedia content
Consider and test new ways that consumers may get and share information from Wikipedia.
지원 대상: 4 시람
Better stitching between Commons and other projects
Volunteers expressed interest in improving the connection between Wikimedia Commons and other projects.
지원 대상: 2 시람
Citoid improvements
Improving Citoid's accessibility, integration, and the range of external material that it can work with will help improve references within Wikipedia and Wikidata.
지원 대상: 2 시람
Reference management
Improve the metadata, visual display, and efficiency of working with references.
지원 대상: 2 시람
Improve how categories are presented on articles
Volunteers want to better organize and sort categories on Wikipedia articles, to improve ease of accessing and organizing information.
지원 대상: 0 시람
Connecting Like-Minded Contributors
How might we help like-minded contributors find each other, so we can see more high-quality contributions and satisfied contributors?
지원 대상: 0 시람