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Gemeinschaft Technik/Wartung

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Community Tech/Maintenance and the translation is 70% complete.

Diese Projekte werden entsprechend dem Prozess entwickelt, der auf der Entwicklung-Unterseite beschrieben ist.

Each project has a current maintenance status assigned to it, which doesn't include the maintenance work we do in our volunteering capacity. We review the status at least annually, when the stability of a project changes or interest to refocus on projects has been expressed by the community. We looked at standards for maintenance across other teams to come up with this approach and introduced these 4 maintenance status. To achieve an approach for deciding on the maintenance status of each project, we tried to focus on usage metrics, but also number of contributions to a project in terms of tickets or patches, which we visualised in this dashboard. The idea behind this table is to be fully transparent about our decision making, considering our head count and product focus.

Status Bug triaging Entwicklung Code-Überprüfung Weitere Anmerkungen
Aktive Entwicklung Ja, mit Priorisierung Leitung durch PM mit UX-Ressourcen Per statement Dies ist ein Wunsch, den wir derzeit implementieren.
Aktive Wartung Ja, mit Priorisierung Fehlerbehebung und kleine Verbesserungen, keine neuen Funktionswünsche. Per statement We worked on this recently and we will make sure it stays stable.
Passive Wartung Nein Only fixing "Unbreak Now" bugs Ja, aber nicht vorrangig We worked on this a while ago, it is complete work, but we want to make sure it stays running.
Nicht von CommTech gewartet Nein Nein Nein This means we are still available for advice on talk pages and people can rewish to refocus on this project. When assigning this status it means that the work is complete and there is very little maintenance required. We would like to help you deploy things if you need us. This means we would be happy to assign a maintainer to it, if someone is interested, otherwise we'll try our best to keep it alive.
Dokumentation Instandhaltung
Typ Projekt Benutzer Sysadmin Entwickler Probleme Diskussion Key Metric Maintenance status
bot Popular pages bot Yes Yes No Issues Discussion Contributions (config edits) Passive Wartung
tool CopyPatrol Yes No No Issues Discussion Usage/Open Ticket Count Aktive Wartung
tool Pageviews Analysis Yes Outdated Yes Issues Discussion Usage (Open Ticket Count Aktive Wartung
tool XTools Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Usage/Open Ticket Count Aktive Wartung
ext GlobalPreferences Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count/Patch Count Passive Wartung
ext CodeMirror Partial Yes Yes Issues Project / Extension Open Ticket Count/Patch Count Aktive Wartung
ext LoginNotify No Yes Yes Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count/Patch Count Passive Wartung
tool IA Upload Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Usage/Open Ticket Count Nicht von CommTech gewartet
tool Database reports N/A Yes Yes Discussion Usage ([1][2][3][4]) Passive Wartung
core Numerical sorting N/A Yes Yes Discussion Not applicable Nicht von CommTech gewartet
ext Page Assessments No Yes Yes Issues Discussion Usage (Dependencies) Aktive Wartung
ext ArticleCreationWorkflow No Yes Yes Issues Passive Wartung
tool SVG Translate Yes No Yes Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count/Usage Aktive Wartung
ext TemplateWizard Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count/Patch Count Passive Wartung
bot Commons deletion bot No No Yes Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count Passive Wartung
tool Event Metrics Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Not applicable Passive Wartung
tool Wikisource Export Yes Yes No Issues 1st project / 2nd project Open Ticket Count Aktive Wartung
tool Who Wrote That? No N/A Yes Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count Aktive Wartung
core Watchlist Expiry Yes No N/A Issues Discussion Open Ticket Count Passive Wartung
ext Wikimedia OCR Yes Yes Yes Issues Open Ticket Count Passive Wartung
ext Realtime Preview Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Usage vs. other preview types Aktive Wartung
ext Phonos Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Aktive Wartung
ext Better Diffs Yes No No Issues Discussion Aktive Wartung
gadget AutosuggestSitelink Yes N/A Yes Issues Discussion Aktive Wartung
tool WikiWho Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Aktive Wartung
core Edit Recovery Yes Yes Yes Issues Discussion Aktive Entwicklung
core Multiblocks No No No Issues Discussion Aktive Entwicklung
gadget Wishlist Intake[1] No No Yes Issues Discussion Aktive Entwicklung
extension Template recall and discovery Yes Yes No Issues Aktive Entwicklung


  1. This is a short-term project to be replaced by mw:Extension:CommunityRequests