Conmunity Tech/Mejora de exportación de libros electrónicos

Esta página documenta un proyecto desarrollado o rechazado tiempo atrás por la Tecnología Comunitaria de la Fundación Wikimedia. El trabajo técnico en este proyecto está terminado.
Estás invitado a unirte a la discusión.
El proyecto Ebook Export Improvement aspira a mejorar la experiencia de exportar libros desde Wikisource. Bajo el sistema actual, los usuarios luchan con una variedad de problemas, que incluyen confiabilidad, formato, estilos y experiencia del usuario. Estos problemas añaden complejidad y frustración al proceso de Wikisource, y disuaden a algunos usuarios de comprometerse profundamente con Wikisource. Este proyecto fue la #1 request de la Encuesta comunitaria de lista de deseos 2020.
En general, las exportaciones de libros electrónicos desde Wikisource tienen un enorme potencial, pero deberían mejorarse para servir a un público más amplio. En el transcurso de este proyecto, nos propondremos investigar e identificar los problemas clave, colaborar con varias comunidades de Wikisource e implementar soluciones que sustenten y mejoren aún más las exportaciones de libros electrónicos. Esperamos con interés reacciones comunitarias en la página de discusión.
Por qué exportar libros electrónicos
En términos generales, las exportaciones de libros electrónicos son una parte central de la experiencia de Wikisource, y los usuarios exportan libros electrónicos por una variedad de razones. Primero, pueden exportar libros electrónicos para evitar problemas con la accesibilidad de Internet. Con los libros sin conexión, los usuarios pueden leer fácilmente materiales en una variedad de dispositivos, sin importar si su conexión a Internet es lenta, intermitente o poco fiable.
En segundo lugar, los usuarios pueden desear leer el libro en un dispositivo que esté optimizado para libros electrónicos. P.ej., dispositivos como Kindle o Kobo permiten a los usuarios personalizar la interfaz, añadir notas, buscar palabras y tener una batería de larga duración. En consecuencia, muchos usuarios optan por exportar un libro electrónico a un formato de archivo compatible, que luego pueda ser transferido a un dispositivo eReader.
Tercero, los usuarios pueden querer compartir un libro electrónico con alguien en un formato de fácil acceso. Por esta razón, pueden escoger exportar el libro electrónico en un formato preferido, que pueden compartir con el receptor. Este proceso generalmente es más flexible que compartir un enlace web a Wikisource.
cuarto, el usuario puede trabajar en un entorno profesional, como una institución educativa, archivo o museo, y querer almacenar una copia fuera de línea para referencia general o propósitos educativos. La exportación de un libro electrónico les permite integrar el contenido en sus propios archivos y flujo de trabajo, en lugar de tener que acceder a Wikisource constantemente.
Cómo funcionan las exportaciones de libros electrónicos
En Wikisource, hay cuatro métodos principales para descargar un libro electrónico: directamente a través de WSExport, a través del panel lateral izquierdo, a través de enlaces en la página principal (como un libro destacado) o a través de los enlaces sobre los textos. También hay un quinto método (crear un libro), que está técnicamente disponible, pero que se usa muy poco. Discutiremos todos los métodos abajo. Sin embargo, es importante comprender que no todos los wikis tienen las mismas opciones de descarga. Algunos tienen solo una opción de descarga, mientras que otros tienen muchas opciones.
# 1: WSExport
Primero, WSExport es la herramienta básica para exportar libros electrónicos en Wikisource. Esta herramienta, desarrollada originalmente por el usuario Tpt para Wikisource francés, permite descargas en una variedad de formatos, como EPUB y PDF. Para acceder a WSExport, uno puede navegar al panel lateral izquierdo y hacer clic en "Elegir formato", bajo la sección "Descargar/imprimir". Alternativamente, los usuarios pueden visitar directamente
Al usar WSExport, el usuario debe especificar ciertas cosas para generar una exportación de libros electrónicos. Estas incluyen el código de idioma, el título de la página, las fuentes incluidas (si las hay) y si deben ser incluidas las imágenes. El usuario debe escribir manualmente el código de idioma y el nombre de la página, pero se pueden seleccionar el formato de archivo y las fuentes mediante un menú desplegable. Una vez que el usuario hace clic en "Exportar", la herramienta proporcionará una versión descargable de la página en el formato especificado por el usuario. Más documentación sobre la herramienta puede ser encontrada en Wikisource:WSexport.
Cabe señalar que la sección "Incluir fuentes" tiene diferentes casos de uso, dependiendo de la selección del idioma. Para los idiomas con escritura latina, el usuario generalmente selecciona una fuente, como "Serif gratuito". Sin embargo, para los idiomas índicos, el usuario a menudo debe especificar una letra actual, que se requiere para exportar correctamente el libro electrónico.

#2: Exportar a través del panel lateral izquierdo
Segundo, los usuarios pueden acceder a las exportaciones de libros electrónicos a través del panel lateral izquierdo ("Descargar/imprimir"). Con este método, el usuario puede ver todos los formatos de archivo disponibles para descargar. Por ejemplo, en la captura de pantalla abajo, el usuario tiene la opción de descargar un archivo PDF, EPUB o MOBI de la jungla.
Cuando usando el panel lateral, la opción predeterminada disponible es generalmente solo archivos PDF de una parte, que se descargan a través de ElectronPDF. Si deseas descargar un libro multi-parte en el panel lateral, necesitas habilitar WSExport en Preferencias> Gadgets> Interfaz> "Agregar un enlace de impresión/exportación para descargar páginas como archivos EPUB utilizando la herramienta WSExport". Esto añadirá la opción EPUB y MOBI al menú de navegación, para que puedas descargar directamente libros de multi-parte. En el ejemplo de abajo, puedes ver que el usuario puede descargar todo el contenido, desde que han habilitado la descarga de libros multi-parte.

#3: Exportar a través de enlaces en la página principal
Tercero, los usuarios pueden descargar libros a través de enlaces en la página principal. Por ejemplo, en la captura de pantalla abajo, verás que el "Artículo destacado de abril" tiene una sección llamada "¡Coge una descarga!" Uno puede escoger entre cuatro formatos de archivo principales, que están especificados si el usuario se desplaza sobre cada icono. Este usuario puede hacer clic en un icono, que provoca automáticamente una descarga que utiliza la herramienta WSExport.

#4: Exportar a través de enlaces en la parte superior del texto
Cuarto, los usuarios a veces pueden acceder a enlaces de descarga en la parte superior del texto. Por ejemplo, en la captura de pantalla abajo, las opciones de descarga se presentan para un texto en Wikisource Bengalí .Como en el panel lateral, el usuario ve los formatos de archivo que están disponibles para descargar, y las descargas se realizan con la herramienta WSExport.

#5: "Crear un libro"
Quinto, puedes crear un libro como un archivo ODT y ZIM. Para hacer esto, ve al enlace "Crear un libro" en el panel lateral, que te redirigirá a Especial:Libro, también conocido como "Administra tu libro". En esta página, puedes especificar manualmente cada página que desees en tu libro, que deberás hacer repetidamente hasta que hayas definido todas las páginas. Cabe señalar que este proceso fue diseñado para usuarios de Wikipedia que desean crear textos fuente. No es conveniente para los usuarios de Wikisource, por lo que rara vez se usa para fines relacionados con Wikisource.
Los problemas principales con las exportaciones actuales de libros electrónicos
Hay muchos problemas con el proceso actual de exportación de libros electrónicos, que dividiremos en tres categorías: confiabilidad, formato y estilos, y experiencia del usuario.
La herramienta WSExport no es consistentemente fiable. Los usuarios reportan frecuentes problemas de tiempo de inactividad y tiempo de espera, que les impide exportar libros. Algunos de estos problemas han sido documentados en tickets Phabricator, como T250614 y T219330#5060262. En 2019, este número se convirtió en #4 deseo en la Encuesta de lista de deseos de la comunidad 2019. Como resultado, el equipo de Community Tech lanzó el Proyecto de fiabilidad de la exportación de libros electrónicos, cuyo objetivo era mejorar la experiencia de exportación. Para finalización del proyecto, WSExport tuvo un promedio de actualización mensual del 99,42% (registrado el 20 de junio de 2019), y el tiempo de inactividad pasó de 941 minutos en total (entre el 1-15 de mayo de 2019) a 179 minutos (entre 1-15 de junio de 2019). Se pueden encontrar más datos sobre la confiabilidad de Wikisource después de los cambios del equipo en T226136.
A pesar de estas mejoras, los problemas persistieron para la comunidad de Wikisource. Los usuarios continuaron experimentando problemas, como los detallados Problemas detectados en epub generados con Wsexport, compilados por Viticulum en Wikisource francés. Por ejemplo, el 30 de septiembre de 2019, WSExport estuvo inoperable sobre 12 horas. En total, 13 interrupciones fueron reportadas, y muchas de ellas duraron horas. Además, pruebas recientes realizadas por el equipo de Community Tech han identificado problemas intermitentes al intentar descargar archivos MOBI. Actualmente, el mensaje de tiempo de espera solo aparece en la página WSExport (no a través de enlaces de descarga). En total, esta situación puede ser muy frustrante para los usuarios de Wikisource y, a menudo, no saben cómo responder a tales problemas.
Formato y estilos
Las exportaciones de libros electrónicos a menudo tienen problemas de formato y estilo. Estos problemas varían, pero pueden incluir: texto perdido o alterado, texto duplicado, paginación deficiente, títulos de tabla faltantes, mayúsculas incorrectas, estilos de borde incorrectos, alineación de contenido incorrecta, alineación de tabla incorrecta y estilos de tabla incorrectos. En algunos casos, las palabras mismas se alteran. Estos errores pueden ser confusos y preocupantes para los usuarios. También van en contra de la política de Wikisource de reflejar el texto fuente. Abajo, proporcionamos algunos ejemplos de los problemas que estamos viendo. Esta no es una lista exhaustiva, pero puede dar una idea de los errores comunes.
Ejemplo #1: página dividida entre 2 páginas
En la captura de pantalla abajo, verá que el contenido se divide en dos páginas. Sin embargo, en versión original en Wikisource inglés, se mostró en una página.


Ejemplo #2: Fuentes no representadas
En las capturas de pantalla abajo, verás que los archivos no se exportan correctamente desde Wikisource Tamil (final a la izquierda) o [[s:kn:ವಿಮೋಚನೆ>|Wikisource Kannada]] (final a la derecha). Por el contrario, el texto se muestra como rectángulos. Esto se debe al hecho de que Kannada no está incluido en la sección "Incluir fuentes", lo que crea varios problemas, como el mostrado abajo. Mientras tanto, Tamil está incluido en "Incluir fuentes", pero todavía hay problemas.


Ejemplo #3: Conjuntos de consonantes representadas incorrectamente
En el ejemplo de abajo, verás que el texto se muestra incorrectamente. En el versión original en Wikisource Bengalí, el usuario verá “প্রথম." Sin embargo, en la exportación de libros electrónicos, la palabra se cambia a "পরথম." Este error particular muestra consonantes conjuntas, que es cuando dos consonantes generalmente se agrupan en una palabra. En estos ejemplos, las consonantes se separan debido a problemas con representación de fuente. Este problema ocurre para usuarios en muchos idiomas índicos.

Ejemplo #4:Texto incorrecto envuelto
En el ejemplo de abajo, verás que el texto está envuelto alrededor de la imagen. Sin embargo, en el original version en Wikisource Bengalí, el texto se muestra debajo de la imagen sin envoltura de texto.

Ejemplo #5: Alineación de contenido alterada
En este ejemplo de abajo, verás que el contenido está alineado a la izquierda en el PDF. Sin embargo, en el texto original del Wikisource armenio, el contenido se centra en el página.

Accesibilidad y experiencia del usuario
El proceso de exportación de libros electrónicos no es muy atractivo para los recién llegados. Hay muchas peculiaridades y excepciones que uno debe aprender. La herramienta WSExport no se puede descubrir fácilmente y no proporciona una experiencia de usuario intuitiva. Por ejemplo, no incluye todos los alfabetos en la sección "Incluir fuentes" (como el bengalí). Incluso si se incluye un alfabeto de idioma en "Incluir fuentes", la exportación aún puede experimentar errores de idioma. Mientras tanto, en la barra lateral, es confuso determinar cómo descargar libros electrónicos multi-parte para nuevos usuarios, entre otros problemas. Si queremos que Wikisource se expanda, necesitamos que la experiencia sea intuitiva y accesible para los recién llegados. Por esta razón, las consideraciones de UX involucradas en el proceso de exportación de libros electrónicos también pueden investigarse para mejorar más.
Preguntas abiertas
- ¿Hemos cubierto las principales razones por las cuales las personas exportan libros electrónicos?
- ¿Hemos cubierto los principales métodos para exportar libros electrónicos?
- ¿Hemos cubierto los principales problemas experimentados al exportar libros electrónicos?
- ¿Qué problemas de formato y estilo son los más comunes y frustrantes, en tu opinión?
- ¿Qué problemas de experiencia de usuario son los más comunes y frustrantes, en tu opinión?
- ¿Qué problemas, en general, encuentras más críticos para solucionar y por qué?
- ¿Algo más que quieras añadir?
Esperamos con ansias leer Tus comentarios en la página de discusión. ¡Gracias!
Status Updates
March 31, 2021: Final update
Hello, everyone! We are now thrilled to announce that the Ebook Export Improvement project is complete. This has been a tremendously rewarding experience, and we have really enjoyed collaborating with the diverse and passionate Wikisource community. Below, we will share a summary of the work we did and the impact it has had. Thank you again for all of your collaboration!
We knew that, in order for our work to be impactful, Wikisource Export needed to be a more reliable and efficient tool. For this reason, we focused on improving the overall health of the code that supports the tool. We also tackled multiple issues that were contributing to slow or error-laden downloads. The technical details of this work can be found in previous updates. Now, we’re excited to share the final results:
- The Uptime Robot Dashboard shows that WS Export is nearly always up (as of 31 March 2021):
- Last 24 hours: 99.139%
- Last 7 days: 99.768%
- Last 30 days: 99.834%
- Last 90 days: 99.896%
- The median export time for books is 3 seconds, as found from one month of data, recorded between 17 February to 17 of March (source). We don’t know the median export time before our changes, since we only recently began logging this data.
- There are many more exports being successfully generated:
- Within a 30 day period, our data recorded 1,168,667 successful exports after our changes (source) vs. 71,613 successful exports before our changes (source). This shows 16 times as many successful exports after the changes.
- Within a 60 day period, our data recorded 1,513,486 successful exports after our changes (source) vs. 160,433 successful exports before our changes (source). This shows 9.4 times as many successful exports after the changes.
- Within a 90 day period, our data recorded 1,628,523 successful exports after our changes (source) vs. 249,924 successful exports before our changes (source). This shows 6.5 times as many successful exports after the changes.
- Note: It makes sense that the greatest growth happened within 30 days, since we have released the most changes within the last few months. However, it should be noted that some of the ebook exports (both before and after the changes) may be from bots, and we cannot easily determine which downloads are from bots.
- The error rate of ebook exports is significantly lower:
- We have decreased the likelihood of encountering an ebook error by approximately 12 times (within a 30 day period). Here is the breakdown of the data:
- Before our changes, we recorded a total of about 46,000 errors per 71,613 successful exports within a 30 day period. This was calculated because we had found a total of 22,982 errors in a 14-day period, which we can roughly double to be about 46,000 errors in a 30 day period (source). This means that, for every 1.5 downloads, there was one exception thrown.
- After our changes, we recorded a total of 63,921 exception errors per 1,168,667 successful exports within a 30 day period (source). This means that, for every 18 successful ebook exports, there was 1 exception thrown. This is a 12 times improvement over the previous ratio. This is based on the data recorded in a 30 day period after our changes.
- Note: There isn’t a 1:1 relationship between exports and exceptions. In other words, one unsuccessful export can generate multiple exception errors.
- We have decreased the likelihood of encountering an ebook error by approximately 12 times (within a 30 day period). Here is the breakdown of the data:
- We expect that the error rate will drop even lower very soon:
- In our new data, the most common error type is DriverException, which accounts for 46% of all exception errors. This is a new error type, which isn’t even present in our old data. This is because this error type was brought on by our replicas work.
- There is already a fix for DriverException errors that will be deployed soon. Once this fix is released, the total error rate should be even lower.
- We have added a new option for problematic exports: download without credits.
- We determined that one common cause of slow or problematic book downloads was the credits displayed in the “About” section. The credits can take a lot of time to generate and may cause ebook export issues. For this reason, you can now choose to “Exclude editor credits” in the Wikisource Export page.
Language Support
The original wish focused on WS Export reliability. However, as we consulted with Wikisource communities, we learned about serious language support issues. We made it a project priority to fix these issues. We believe in the power of Wikisource as a global, equitable tool of free knowledge, so it’s absolutely crucial that it’s inclusive of all languages. Here are the results:
- We upgraded font support in ebook exports: We fixed the issue that previously displayed boxes rather than characters in ebook exports, especially for non-Latin script languages. Now, everyone can download books in their chosen language!
- The Wikisource Export page has been internationalized: The page used to be in English only. We internationalized it, so it would be available for translation, and it’s now been translated into many languages already.
- Communities can pick their default fonts for the download button: When we added the new download button, we heard from community members that they wanted the ability to choose the default font that was most suitable for them. We understood the importance of this, so we made this possible.
User Experience
As we wrote above, the original wish focused on reliability issues. However, as we consulted with community members and conducted usability tests, we learned that Wikisource Export needed user experience improvements as well. This way, it could be used (and enjoyed!) by a larger, more diverse group of people. For this reason, we issued a series of improvements. Here are the results:
- There is now a user-friendly “Download” button: We simplified the user experience by providing a user-friendly “Download” button. We drew from community feedback and usability testing to develop the feature. We also incorporated updates to the tool after sharing the first iteration with community members, such as adding a link to “Other formats” on the WS Export page (thanks for the tip, InductiveLoad!).
- We simplified the language code process: In the old WS Export page, users needed to manually enter in the language code, which was confusing for newcomers. With our changes, no language code knowledge is required! We provide all of the available languages in the dropdown.
- We improved support when errors occur: We have implemented greater support for users who encounter ebook export errors. Now, when users encounter errors, they will see suggestions for next steps displayed on the Wikisource Export page. We also worked to ensure that the error messaging is appropriate for the type of error that has occurred.
- The Wikisource Export page has been revamped: The older version of the Wikisource page was in need of a visual make-over. For this reason, our designer provided a series of recommendations to improve readability, usability, and mobile accessibility. The end result is a much cleaner design, and we hope you love it as much as we do!
Overall, this project is now done. We thank you all for being such fantastic ambassadors and advocates for Wikisource, and we learned so much from all of you! If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to share them on the Talk page. We sincerely hope that we helped improve Wikisource Export, which is at the heart of the Wikisource experience. Up next, we’ll be working on another Wikisource project: OCR Improvements (which we encourage you to check out, if you haven’t already). Thank you everyone, and we look forward to further fruitful collaboration!
March 8, 2021: Updates on recent work
Hello, everyone! We are excited to share with you another update on our recent work on the project. Also, apologies for the delay since our last update! We have been very busy over the past few months with the holiday season, the 2021 Community Wishlist Survey, launching the Wikisource OCR Improvements project, and additional team work. Please check out our update below and share your feedback on the project talk page. Thank you in advance!
Recently completed work
- Implement a new download button: Now when you go to a book on Wikisource, you will see a blue button, labeled “Download.” When you click on the button, a pop-up will appear that enables you to download books in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats. You will see information below the file format name, which lets you know which file format is appropriate for your device. We decided to do this work after collecting feedback from the user talk page and on, which confirmed that many people found the current download experience not very user-friendly. This new download button is meant to increase the accessibility of ebook exports on Wikisource.
- Note: We implemented a simplified version of the initial mockups. Some parts of the original proposal turned out to be too big and complex, so we opted for a trimmed down version, which you can now see on the wikis.
- Internationalize the WS Export page: The Wikisource Export page used to be in English only, which was obviously a problem. With this change, the page can now be translated into many different languages. Translations have already begun. If you don’t see it translated into your wiki’s language, we invite you to help the translation effort on translatewiki!
- Replace ElectronPDF with WSExport PDF support: Some wikis previously used ElectronPDF for PDF downloads in their sidebar links. ElectronPDF does not work very well, especially for Wikisource, which led to many people having frustrating download experiences. We replaced ElectronPDF links with WSExport links, so now all wikis can download PDFs via the sidebar with a more reliable service.
- Migrate WSExport Gadget to to the Wikisource Extension: In the process of consulting with Wikisource users on the project talk page, we learned that some users did not have the ability to click download links (such as "Download as MOBI") via the side panel and other places. This was the case on Czech Wikisource, for example. This was because these wikis did not have the WSExport gadget enabled on their wiki. To fix this issue, we migrated the gadget over to the Wikisource extension, so that all users can now have the same download links available.
- Cache all API Requests: With this work, we have added another way to improve efficiency of ebook exports. Now, if someone downloads Book A and then someone else wants to download Book A shortly afterward, the generated ebook will already be cached. This means it doesn’t need to be newly regenerated for each request, and the download time will be much quicker the second time around.
- Migrate API to Parsoid API: This work was recommended by Tpt, and we agreed with the recommendation, after conducting our own investigation. With this work, we now have better long-term support of formatted text on Wikisource exports. Also, this work was inevitable, since Parsoid API will eventually replace the current MediaWiki's native parser. Now that this work is done, we can identify bugs and issues early on, which we can direct to the Parser team. Please note that we are aware that some bugs came out of this work, but since the migration was scheduled to occur either way, we think it’s best to identify the bugs early on.
- Reinstate OPDS Support: With this support reinstated for OPDS now reinstated, you can now access up-to-date catalogs of Wikisource books that are suitable for download on your device. It should be noted that OPDS export can be set up to work with any category on a wiki. It produces a daily updated file that can be used in software like Calibre, FBReader, and some e-readers to more quickly and easily browse and download available books. The existing categories are just the first ones; others can be made, even multiple per wiki (e.g. "Literature for export" or something).
- Investigation on how to improve error messaging: We know that many people feel frustrated when there are ebook export errors, since there is typically minimal information or support. The purpose of this investigation was to determine what potential improvements we could implement from a technical perspective. Now that this work is complete, we are now looking into implementing improved support (see next section for details).
- Various bug fixes: In software development, whenever new work is done, new bugs arise. As a team, we have analyzed and fixed many bugs, such as RTL language support issues, internal links issues, and other bugs. However, as mentioned above, some bugs may be handled by other teams in the future, such as Parsoid-related bugs (which may go to the Parser team).
What's next
We are in the last stages of this project. Here’s the remaining work:
- Improve language selection on the Wikisource Export page:
- STATUS: In development. Engineers already have work they are reviewing.
- SUMMARY: Right now, users need to know the language code of the book (such as “en” for English or “fr” for French) in order to export it on the Wikisource Export page. This is not user-friendly. For this reason, we are implementing a selector, so you can pick the appropriate language from a dropdown
- Allow communities to choose appropriate fonts for download:
- STATUS: In development. Engineers already have work they are reviewing.
- SUMMARY: Wikisource users want a way to select which font is best for their language when downloading books. So, for example, if I am on Hindi Wikisource and I click the blue download button and then choose to download a book, the book should be in the font that the community decided is best for the Hindi language. We are now working to make this possible. This work is already in development.
- Remove dependency on credit generation:
- STATUS: In development. Engineers already have work they are reviewing.
- SUMMARY: When this work is complete, wikis will be able to download books without editor credits, if they want. We decided to do this work because credit generation is often a very intensive process. It can significantly slow down ebook exports. For this reason, if a user is experiencing difficulties downloading a book, they may want to try downloading the book without the credits. We wanted to implement the technical support to make this possible, either for users now or in the future.
- Create option to disable credits:
- STATUS: Ready for development and in engineer's backlog. Will be worked on very soon.
- SUMMARY: Once we have removed the dependency on credit generation, we can create the option to allow ebook exports without credits on the Wikisource Export page. This could be useful in cases when books are particularly difficult to download due to lag time and errors. We could also create a separate page with a list of the book credits, so that even users who choose to download books without the credits can view them within Wikisource Export.
- Improve messaging about errors:
- STATUS: In planning stages.
- SUMMARY: Our investigation found that it would be too much work to implement specific messaging about errors within the pop-up. For this reason, we have decided to improve the error messaging on the Wikisource Export page. The basic idea is that, if you encounter an error via the download button, you will be redirected to the Wikisource Export page. There, you will be told that there was an error and be given proposed next steps. While this may not generate a successful ebook export for all use cases, it will provide more helpful messaging and support for users than the current default behavior.
Open Questions
- What do you think of the new "Download" pop-up? Do you find it easy to use?
- What do you think of our additional work to improve reliability? Are you still seeing improvements in the speed and performance of WS Export?
- What do you think of our remaining work to disable credits as an option?
- What do you think of our remaining work to improve messaging and support when there are download errors?
- Is there anything else you would like to add?
Please share your feedback on the project talk page!
November 18, 2020: Updates & Request for Feedback
Hello, Wikisourcers! We are pleased to share our November update. In this update, we’ll focus on the work we have done so far to improve the ebook export experience. We’ll also share our plans for what we hope to do next and how we plan to do it. We would like to thank everyone for the feedback so far, and we look forward to collecting feedback on this next stage of the project!
Language support improvements
You can now read Wikisource ebook exports that were previously unreadable. For example, issues such as this and this are now solved, due to our changes! Here’s how we did this: After investigating the issue, we realized that WS-Export only supported 4 main fonts. This meant that fonts required to properly render many scripts were not available.
For this reason, we upgraded font support, so that all fonts available in Debian would be available for WS-Export. The end result is that scripts in ebook exports are now largely supported, due to this change. One request: Now that we have made this change, please test out this issue for us. Do you think it is largely resolved? Do you still see boxes (instead of text) popping up anywhere? Please let us know, since we really want to fix this issue. Thanks in advance!
Reliability improvements
#1. Investigation findings
We have conducted four separate investigations to identify how we can improve ebook export reliability. These investigations were as follows: Parsoid HTML for WS-Export, Cache generation for ebooks, Preventing automated book downloads, and Implementing a job queue system. In each case, an engineer was assigned to deeply explore the proposal in question, determine if and how we could make such changes, and what level of improvement we could expect from such changes.
Then, we reviewed the findings as a team to determine next steps. From these investigations, we decided that two proposals should be focused on first: Parsoid HTML and Caching ebooks. In both cases, we felt that the proposed changes would improve reliability and that they were within scope for the team. Work on both of these projects has been launched, which we’ll explain below.
#2. Caching API requests
This work came out of one of our investigations, as described above. We have made great progress, and it is almost complete. When the work has been deployed, we will cache all API requests when exporting Wikisource ebooks. This means that, if someone downloads Book A and then someone else wants to download Book A soon afterward, the ebook will be generated much faster.
This could be helpful in a variety of cases, such as when many people download featured books of the month, when many people download books listed on wiki pages (such as those featured on the homepage on Bengali Wikisource), or when people sequentially download different formats of the same book. We believe that this work can help improve reliability, but we’ll need to conduct some analysis to determine the impact. We’ll share more on the release and impact in our next update.
#3. Integrate Symfony 5 with WS-Export
This work is now complete. Due to this work, we are now able to implement improvements to WS-Export, such as the caching work, on a much faster timeline. Furthermore, Symfony 5 is the same framework we use for other tools, so ongoing maintenance will be easier and quicker in the future. We can also now make use of Symfony components that are battle-tested and require very little work to enable, such as ErrorHandler, Cache, Console, DependencyInjection, DotEnv, and more. Overall, we are modernizing the app and making it easier on ourselves and volunteers in the long run.
#4. Migrate API to Parsoid API
This work is in progress and almost complete. Once complete, this work will help us support proper formatting, such as in footnotes and mathematical equations. It was first recommended to us by Tpt, and our investigations concluded that we should do the work. Here are the technical details: WS-Export was using the MediaWiki parser HTML output using ?action=render to generate its ePubs.
However, Parsoid HTML became available, and it provides much richer data. Additionally, Parsoid API will eventually replace the current MediaWiki's native parser. We want Ws-Export to be up-to-date with the latest parser sooner rather than later. Once this work is complete, HTML output will hopefully be simplified, which will make it easier for us to support formatting of text.
User experience improvements: feedback requested
As we shared in our last status update, we repeatedly heard from people that the download experience is confusing, inconsistent, and hard to understand. We agree, and we want to improve the user experience. For this reason, we conducted an investigation to determine how we could improve the user experience, which included team discussions and usability tests. From this investigation, we came up with the mockups (as shown below) and ideas for how we can improve the experience. We encourage you to check them out and share your feedback on the talk page.
Proposed changes
General proposal: We propose to add or replace (depending on the wiki) the top download links on the page with a simple “Download” button. When the user clicks on the download button, a window will open up, which will list the download options for the book (such as, EPUB, MOBI, and PDF) with download icon links. The user will also see information about which file format is recommended for different device types (since we found in our user research that many users don’t know which file format to pick). Once they pick a file format, the download process will begin, which will be indicated by some sort of “in progress” indicator. When the download is completed, the user will see a status indicator to display that it is complete. If there is an error in downloading the book, the user will see an error status indicator.

Potential enhancement for the future -- Auto-download: Once we have implemented the basic behavior, we may consider creating an auto-download function. Under this scenario, if the user has never downloaded a book before, they will manually pick the file format. After that, when the user clicks “Download,” the download will be automatically triggered in the file format that the user last selected. You can see an example of the user flow below.

Usability tests
After we developed the mockups, we conducted some usability tests (with readers who did not know about Wikisource) to see how people responded to the mockups. We'll be updating the mock-ups based on our findings from the tests, as well as the feedback from all of you provided on the talk page.
Open questions
- What do you think of our recent font support work? Does the issue seem to be largely resolved of boxes appearing rather than text?
- What do you think of our recent and upcoming reliability work? Do you have any thoughts, concerns, or suggestions to share?
- What do you think of our proposed improvement to the download user experience overall? Do you like the general idea and user flow?
- Do you usually download the same file format (e.g., PDF, MOBI, EPUB, etc) every time you download a book, or do you often pick a different format?
- Is there anything else you would like to share?
Please share your feedback on the project talk page!
October 23, 2020: Engineering work has begun
The engineers have begun taking on work related to improved reliability of the WS-Export tool and improved font support. This work is based off the proposals that we shared on August 11th, as well as the feedback from that update. We are also wrapping up our first stage of research related to improving the user experience, which we'll be sharing soon.
August 11, 2020: Early findings
Hello, everyone! We are very excited to share our first update on the project. We want to thank everyone who has shared feedback on the project talk page, GitHub, or Phabricator so far. Your insights have been critical, and we deeply appreciate them. Once you have read our August update, we invite you to share your feedback on the project talk page.
Lessons from the consultation (so far)
On the project talk page, we discussed with some people how to think about the project overall–in other words, what sort of principles should we be internalizing and following as we begin this work? Here’s what we have found so far:
- We should be continually mindful of both contributors and visitors. These groups may have some overlapping needs, but there may also be some important differences for us to investigate, explore, and address.
- We should think about user experience improvements (rather than only technical improvements). The process to export ebooks is currently not intuitive for many users. If we can improve this experience, we can potentially retain and nurture a larger base of readers and editors.
- We should try to investigate, document, and share best practices for Wikisource. As we have consulted with people, we have learned that some perceived errors are actually not technically “bugs.” Instead, they are rooted in confusion over formatting and best practices. As such, they can potentially be fixed by the community. This is great news, but more people need visibility into these best practices. For this reason, we plan to investigate best practices, and we’ll share our findings with the community.
- We won’t be able to fix everything (unfortunately!), but we’ll document all the issues we encounter. For this project, we’ll be focusing on improving core accessibility (i.e., WSExport functionality & reliability) and core readability (i.e., people’s ability to read exported books in their language of choice). If there are issues that don’t fall into these two categories, we’ll still document the issues in Phabricator–but we may not be able to fix them. It is our hope that other people may be able to fix the issues that we can’t get to in the future.
Work we have done so far
We have just launched the project, so we haven’t done much work yet. However, we have done some work, which we would like to share now:
- We moved WSExport to a Virtual Private Server (VPS): Before this work, the memory and CPU intensive processes of WSExport were too much for the resources on Toolforge. For this reason, we moved the tool to a VPS instance, so that we could improve overall performance.
- We upgraded Calibre on WSExport VPSs: The VPS was on Calibre 3.48.0, but the latest version was 4.10.1. For this reason, we performed an upgrade, which helped fix various bugs related to generating PDFs. We will also continue with upgrades when new versions are available.
- We conducted a technical analysis and font rendering investigation. Both of these produced lots of interesting proposals (some of which we’ll share in the section below). In addition, we were able to identify four common types of formatting issues for ebook exports, which are: 1) The original HTML of the wiki, 2) The process of converting the wiki HTML into an ePUB XHTML file, 3) The second output formats (such as PDFs, introduced by Calibre), and 4), The rendering of ePUB files by an eReader. While we can’t do much for the last two (since they involve external software/tools), we can try to improve the situation with the first two.
- We are currently collecting baseline data on issues related to uptime and errors associated with the WSExport tool, among other data points. This will enable us to compare the original data (i.e., at the beginning of the project) with the data later on (i.e., after changes have been made at the end of the project). This way, we can measure our impact in a meaningful way.
- We have begun to organize existing Wikisource tickets. We’re currently in the process of migrating tickets from GitHub to Phabricator, so they can be consolidated in one place. Once the migration is complete, we propose that we group these tickets into categories, so we have a sense of the general “buckets” of work that we can do. In the future, we ask that all new issues are reported on Phabricator. If you want assistance in how to do this, you can reach out and ask on the project talk page.
- We have begun to investigate how we can improve the user experience for all Wikisource users. This investigation is currently in development, and it will be the primary focus of our next status update (which is tentatively scheduled for September).
Potential next steps
General reliability
- Investigate cache generated ebooks: With this work, we propose to cache files that are produced, so they do not need to be freshly generated whenever someone wants to download them. This would potentially speed up the process of downloading books. We would need to investigate this proposal first, so we could determine the general impact and scope of the work.
- Investigate job queue for more efficient ebook generation: With this work, we propose implementing a queue-running system. This process would potentially speed up the current download process and give users more information on the download status of a book. One way it could be done is that a user would submit a request for an ebook, which would add it to the queue. The queue would first generate the ePUB, which would then be immediately available for download, and then it would generate the derivative forms (such as, PDF) and make those available when done. We would need to investigate this proposal first, so we could determine the general impact and scope of the work.
- Investigate how to prevent incomplete book downloads: The purpose of this work would be, if possible, to reduce the problem of downloading only a section of a book (when the user expects to download the whole book). We could possibly do this by using subpages from all pages (rather than just from ws-summary) when downloading books. We could also potentially follow subpage redirects, when they exist. We would need to investigate this proposal first, so we could determine the general impact and scope of the work.
Content rendering
- Through consulting on the talk page, we have learned that we should also be looking into improving support for mathematical equations. While we covered font rendering issues in our original investigation, we didn’t talk about numbers and equations. We’ll look into mathematical equations, as well.
- We have learned through the font rendering investigation that we can switch to a new system of fonts. This would enable us to use fonts from a host system (Debian), which has a much larger library of fonts than our own library. For example, this work would give us access to multiple Kannada fonts (while our current font set offers no specific Kannada support).
Open Questions
We would now love to read your feedback, especially in response to the questions below. Remember that we’ll also have a few round of collecting feedback, so we’ll engaging you again in the future as well. You can add your feedback on the project talk page. Thank you in advance!
- What are your general thoughts about the guiding principles that we have learned from the consultation so far (i.e., “Lessons from the consultation”)? Is there anything that you think we should add or change?
- Is there anything you would like to share about the work we have done so far (i.e., VPS work, Calibre upgrade, various investigations, and the consolidation of tickets)? We’re open to any thoughts or suggestions!
- What do you think of the proposal to investigate cache generated ebooks? Would this be useful and high-priority, in your view? Do you have any concerns?
- What do you think of the proposal to investigate job queue for more efficient ebook generation? Would this be useful and high-priority, in your view? Do you have any concerns?
- What do you think of the proposal to investigate how to prevent incomplete book downloads? Would this be useful and high-priority, in your view? Do you have any concerns?
- What do you think of the proposal to switch to a new system of fonts? Would this be useful and high-priority, in your view? Do you have any concerns?
- What work or investigations would you like to see that is *not* being addressed or is being addressed in a different way than you would expect? In other words, what do you think we’re overlooking, if anything?
- Anything else you would like to add?