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Community Resources/Reports/Community Funds Distribution Report 2023-2024

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Previous report for 2022−2023

Executive Summary


During the 2023-2024 funding year, the Wikimedia Foundation awarded 387 Community Fund grants to affiliates, other mission-aligned organizations, and people around the world, totaling $16,179,307 USD. 2023-2024 marked the third year of Community Resources' Grants Strategy Relaunch, prioritizing the Movement Strategy goal of Knowledge Equity.

In the new strategy's third year, 57% of the Community Fund was distributed outside North America (NA) and Northern & Western Europe (NWE), up from 40% in 2020-2021.

Increase in total funding from 2022-2023
Grantees converting from Rapid to General Support Funding
New Grantees
New multi-year General Support grants
Rapid Fund grants
Grant funds distributed outside NA and NWE

Community Fund Grant Programs

Amount and percentage of Community Fund grants and grant money by program, 2023-2024

Community Fund grants fall under the following programs:

Of the 112 General Support grants, 36 (32%) were multi-year grants (5 in their third year of funding, 10 in their second, 21 in their first). This is a significant increase from 2022-2023, when 23% of General Support grants were multi-year. Another 21 (19%) were receiving General Support funds for the first time.

Measures of Funding Equity

Regional breakdown of Rapid & General Support funds, 2023-2024

In 2023-2024, the Community Fund supported 387 grants across 96 countries (two more countries than the previous year). 95 (25%) grants were made to first-time grantees, mostly based in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) (41%) and Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) (11%).

Key to the new grants strategy of distributing funds more equitably around the globe has been the work of Regional Funds Committees to make funding decisions for each of the 8 regions as well as a regionally diverse Conference Support Committee to review conference and event requests. In FY 2020-2021, before the new strategy began, 60% of funds were distributed to NA and NWE. While funding has increased for each region, funds distributed in NA and NWE have grown more slowly (a 6.8% increase in General and Rapid funding in the last year) than in other regions. Funding to Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), SSA, East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific (ESEAP), and CEECA grew to 51% of all General Support and Rapid Funding, up from 36% in 2020-2021.

Regional breakdown of Rapid & General Support funds, 2015-2024
Regional percentage breakdown of Rapid & General Support funds, 2015-2024

Distribution of General Support funds has continued to become more geographically diverse over time, with 46% of such grants going to grantees in SSA, LAC, and ESEAP in 23-24. While funding to countries in the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) and South Asia (SA) regions has historically been much less than in other regions, in 2023-2024, 9 of the 21 new General Support recipients were located in one of these two regions.

Number of General Support (formerly Annual Planning) grants by region, 2015-2024

Conference and Event grants also supported convenings across the world in 2023-2024. More information on the events supported by these funds can be found here.

Regional breakdown of Conference funds, 2023-2024

*A note on the figures above: 2023-2024 funding year totals do not reflect all grant-related transactions that were posted during the 2024 fiscal year. For General Support & Rapid funds this fiscal year, the above figures exclude $120,288 distributed for grants belonging to the 2022-2023 funding year, $121,074 of underspent 2022-2023 grant funds either returned to the Foundation or credited toward 2023-2024 grants (as well as $90,357 from 2021-2022, $2,277 from 2020-2021, and $121 from 2019-2020). General Support & Rapid funds above also include $31,053 in scheduled payments for the 2023-2024 funding year that had not yet been posted as of this page's publication.

For Conference Funds, above figures exclude $25,932 distributed for event grants belonging to the 22-23 funding year and $35,746 of underspent 2022-2023 grant funds either returned to the Foundation or credited toward 2023-2024 grants.

Other Funding Programs

Breakdown of other WMF grants by program, 2023-2024

Other WMF funding activities in 2023-2024 included: