Community Insights/da
The Community Insights Survey
The 2024 Community Insights report is now published! Data for this report was collected from March through April 2024.
Read the 2024 privacy statement and see the full 2024 survey questionnaire.
What's next for the Community Insights survey?
Since 2020, the Community Insights survey has been conducted every two years. The next full survey is planned for 2026.
In 2025, we will experiment with potential alternative survey distribution methods and explore new questions in preparation for the next full survey.
About the survey
The Community Insights Survey is conducted every other year to help the Wikimedia Foundation learn how to better support you, both on- and off-wiki. The 2024 survey questions will be used to help track progress toward the 2030 Strategic Direction. Information gathered in this survey helps the Foundation evaluate and strengthen its programs and strategies.
Some of the questions you see could be about:
- The online and offline activities you participate in.
- Your experience with collaboration, communication, and respectful interaction in the movement.
- Your awareness of as well as opinions about various Wikimedia programs.
- General demographic information such as where you live or the languages you speak.
Hvad ændrede sig i 2024?
- We focused on improving the survey experience based on feedback from past respondents.
- We added a section of questions about motivations for contributing.
Each year, we work towards making the data from Community Insights more representative of Wikimedia communities worldwide. In 2022, the survey was written in English and translated into 28 other languages. It is now available in:
- arabisk
- indonesisk
- bengali
- catalansk
- forenklet kinesisk
- tjekkisk
- nederlandsk
- engelsk
- persisk
- finsk
- fransk
- græsk
- tysk
- hebraisk
- hindi
- ungarsk
- italiensk
- japansk
- koreansk
- polsk
- brasiliansk portugisisk
- rumænsk
- russisk
- spansk
- svensk
- thai
- tyrkisk
- ukrainsk
- vietnamesisk