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Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 269-PR01

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki

Question 269 (PR01)

What types of research tools or resources do you have access to? (select all that apply)

Participants could select more than one option

13% did not select an option [?]

1 – A university library (35%)
2 – A public or government library (56%)
3 – Archival or museum collections (21%)
4 – Other special collections or research libraries (15%)
5 – Other institutional resource (specify): (4%)
6 – Personal subscriptions to academic databases (13%)
7 – Personal subscriptions to newspapers or genealogical databases. (17%)
8 – Personal research collection or privately held library (50%)
9 – Other personal resource (specify): (5%)
56% of survey participants have access to a public or government library, 50% have access to their personal libraries and 35% have access to a university library.


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 431 (100%)
Answered question[?] 374 (87%)
Did not select an option[?] 57 (13%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)