Community Capacity Development/Portuguese 2016/Follow-up survey analysis
A survey was conducted in November 2016 in the Brazilian Portuguese Wikipedia community, aiming to assess community perception of the impact of the CCD program in Brazil. The survey (translated into Portuguese by volunteers) was publicized in the Portuguese Wikipedia Esplanada ("Village Pump"), as well as over community social media channels and platforms like Slack.
Unfortunately, only 10 responses were received (n = 10), making the results far from representative. Of those 10, 4 attended the training, and 6 did not, so at least in that respect, it is surveying different people than the previous surveys, of the attendees.
Nonetheless, this page attempts to summarize what those 10 responses suggest:
- 70% had more than six years of editing experience; a further 20% had at least three
- Whereas the average degree to which respondents agreed with the question "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 'Communications and media relations have been handled well in the Brazilian community in 2015.'" was 4.5 (of 10), the average degree to which respondents agreed with the question "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 'Communications and media relations have been handled well in the Brazilian community in the past 6 months.'" was 6.1 (of 10), a clear positive shift in the community's assessment of the efficacy of media/communications efforts. (See graphs 1 and 2 below).
- 80% consider the training to have been at least quite useful to the community (graph 3 below)
- 70% would be fairly or very likely to recommend the training to other communities (graph 4 below)
- 90% consider the CCD approach worthwhile (graph 5)
[edit]Overall, it appears the training was successful in bringing about concrete, positive change, in that it helped build the specific capacity of communications and media relations. The Brazilian community has significantly increased its activity in that field, and has managed to keep up the increased level of activity in the 9 months since the training.