Communication Projects Group/Meetings/2008-05-28/Log
[2008-05-28 13:26:29] <cary-busy> I should get some coffee [2008-05-28 13:30:33] * Az1568 stabs kibble [2008-05-28 13:30:37] <kibble> :o [2008-05-28 13:30:50] <Az1568> 'tis 20:30 UTC :) [2008-05-28 13:31:00] * kibble is updating the foundationwiki images, I lost all the work yesterday cuz I didn't do it fast enough :-( [2008-05-28 13:31:14] <kibble> agenda is here guys, [2008-05-28 13:31:18] <Az1568> lol :P [2008-05-28 13:31:22] <kibble> * Users on #wikimedia-cpg: NonvocalScream Az1568 kibble cary-busy Martinp23 Platonides SB_Johnny brianmc unilinky Az1568_ Erkan_Yilmaz Danny_B seanw CraigSpurrier_aw @ChanServ [2008-05-28 13:31:28] <cary-busy> Hey [2008-05-28 13:31:33] =-= CraigSpurrier_aw is now known as CraigSpurrier [2008-05-28 13:31:39] <brianmc> arf! [2008-05-28 13:31:44] <kibble> heya all :-) [2008-05-28 13:31:56] <CraigSpurrier> hello [2008-05-28 13:32:01] <kibble> only one item on the agenda today, cary-busy is gonna tell us about Wikizine and its troubles [2008-05-28 13:32:02] -->| ZvD (n=chatzill@*) has joined #wikimedia-cpg [2008-05-28 13:32:32] <kibble> heya ZvD, we were just about to start [2008-05-28 13:32:35] <brianmc> Synopsis: Walter feels unloved [2008-05-28 13:32:49] <cary-busy> Yes [2008-05-28 13:32:53] <ZvD> hi, i just went home from a dutch-german meeting [2008-05-28 13:33:29] <ZvD> ZvD = Ziko [2008-05-28 13:33:51] <kibble> brianmc, well, it's a valued production [2008-05-28 13:33:53] <kibble> but he has no help [2008-05-28 13:35:02] <NonvocalScream> No clue what wikizine is [2008-05-28 13:35:05] <NonvocalScream> What is wikizine? [2008-05-28 13:35:26] <Az1568> [2008-05-28 13:35:32] <NonvocalScream> tq [2008-05-28 13:35:44] <Az1568> np [2008-05-28 13:35:52] <cary-busy> Okay [2008-05-28 13:35:54] <cary-busy> what we need [2008-05-28 13:36:02] <cary-busy> Is some ideas on getting the word out that Walter needs submissions [2008-05-28 13:36:12] <cary-busy> writing something up for the Village PUmps [2008-05-28 13:36:44] <NonvocalScream> mailing lists, project specific and perhaps foundation-l [2008-05-28 13:36:49] <kibble> NonvocalScream, it's like the Signpost, but it's not as kept up anymore (and it's Wikimedia-wide, not WP specific) [2008-05-28 13:37:01] <NonvocalScream> ok [2008-05-28 13:37:02] <cary-busy> Yeah... well, foundation-l [2008-05-28 13:37:12] <brianmc> troll-l you mean [2008-05-28 13:37:21] <cary-busy> I'm not sure if anyone there cares [2008-05-28 13:37:28] <NonvocalScream> The Wikizine... [2008-05-28 13:37:31] <cary-busy> Besides, I'm looking for fresh faces [2008-05-28 13:37:49] <NonvocalScream> It overlaps the blog in some respects. [2008-05-28 13:38:10] <cary-busy> Yes and no [2008-05-28 13:38:19] <cary-busy> Wikizine is primarily distributed to Wikimedians [2008-05-28 13:38:35] <ZvD> i'd like to have a wikimedia newspaper as a pdf, in a way that i could quote it (better than mailings or sites) [2008-05-28 13:38:50] <kibble> speaking of the blog, we need to work more on that and I hav esome ideas... but I guess that's a different discussion :P [2008-05-28 13:38:59] <cary-busy> oh, Jay [2008-05-28 13:39:21] <NonvocalScream> I don't see him in attendance. [2008-05-28 13:39:27] * kibble is im'ing him [2008-05-28 13:39:37] * NonvocalScream loads skype to skype him. [2008-05-28 13:39:42] <kibble> he's not online [2008-05-28 13:39:49] <kibble> (skype) [2008-05-28 13:39:51] -->| jayansonvv (n=jayanson@*) has joined #wikimedia-cpg [2008-05-28 13:39:52] <NonvocalScream> SMS to his cell :) [2008-05-28 13:39:52] <cary-busy> yes [2008-05-28 13:39:56] |<-- Az1568_ has left freenode (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) [2008-05-28 13:39:57] <kibble> he says he'll drop in, but he's multi... here he is [2008-05-28 13:40:03] <jayansonvv> hi all [2008-05-28 13:40:40] <NonvocalScream> Perhaps it would help to centralize the Wikizine onto Meta, and set up a newsroom environ kinbdof like signpost does [2008-05-28 13:40:41] <cary-busy> so, a message, and distribution of the message [2008-05-28 13:40:48] <NonvocalScream> That may help with a fresh influx of ideas. [2008-05-28 13:41:10] -->| effeietsanders (n=chatzill@wikimedia/effeietsanders) has joined #wikimedia-cpg [2008-05-28 13:42:01] <NonvocalScream> cary-busy The message you would like... the intent is to gather participation into the Wikizine project? [2008-05-28 13:42:02] <cary-busy> effeietsanders: where does Walter centralize the efforts [2008-05-28 13:42:04] <brianmc> If I get the Salmond interview through I can give Walter a technical piece on it. [2008-05-28 13:42:10] <effeietsanders> on meta [2008-05-28 13:42:15] <effeietsanders> [[m:wikizine]] [2008-05-28 13:42:16] <unilinky> [2008-05-28 13:42:32] <NonvocalScream> [2008-05-28 13:43:09] <NonvocalScream> I like that setup on meta. [2008-05-28 13:43:16] <ZvD> my problem with wikizine was that the messages, even when translated, were uncomprehensible to many readers, because the content was written for people who know wikimedia well [2008-05-28 13:43:36] <effeietsanders> ZvD: that is all going with the people who write it :) [2008-05-28 13:43:44] <effeietsanders> walter is a very long time user :) [2008-05-28 13:43:52] <effeietsanders> and he doesnt really like it any more [2008-05-28 13:44:00] <effeietsanders> so goes to write as comprehensive as possible [2008-05-28 13:44:23] <effeietsanders> if others help out, i'm sure he has no objection to another writing style :) [2008-05-28 13:45:01] <ZvD> it's not exactly the writing style, but the question who is it for [2008-05-28 13:46:05] <cary-busy> Longtime wikimedians [2008-05-28 13:46:09] <cary-busy> so we need a feedback page [2008-05-28 13:46:14] <kibble> maybe we just need to publicize what he wants and where they should send it [2008-05-28 13:46:28] <kibble> right now, there's an e-mail and his talk page, I think [2008-05-28 13:46:55] <jayansonvv> is wikizine listed on planet wikimedia? [2008-05-28 13:47:04] <cary-busy> Yes, but we need willing participants to help gather [2008-05-28 13:48:28] <effeietsanders> you need to get it weekly again i think [2008-05-28 13:48:31] <effeietsanders> to keep momentum [2008-05-28 13:48:40] <effeietsanders> otherwise people won't stick [2008-05-28 13:49:12] <cary-busy> so we need to create a message. Place the message. enjoy the results. [2008-05-28 13:50:43] <NonvocalScream> feedback area was added in this edit: [2008-05-28 13:51:10] =-= CraigSpurrier is now known as CraigSpurrier_aw [2008-05-28 13:51:15] <cary-busy> okay [2008-05-28 13:51:32] <NonvocalScream> So a "Wikizine needs your help!" style message to place on the local projects community (VP) areas? [2008-05-28 13:51:56] <cary-busy> Yes [2008-05-28 13:52:13] <cary-busy> effeietsanders can probably draft it best [2008-05-28 13:52:23] <effeietsanders> ehm... :S [2008-05-28 13:52:29] <cary-busy> because he knows exactly what Walter needs [2008-05-28 13:52:36] <effeietsanders> i dont know exactly [2008-05-28 13:52:43] <cary-busy> don't be humble [2008-05-28 13:52:48] <cary-busy> of course you do [2008-05-28 13:53:23] <NonvocalScream> [2008-05-28 13:53:27] <NonvocalScream> I added a workspace [2008-05-28 13:53:35] <NonvocalScream> translation services might be needed [2008-05-28 13:53:56] <effeietsanders> cary-busy: i can be helping, but i cant pull the writing by myself [2008-05-28 13:53:57] <cary-busy> NonvocalScream: Generally, we can list messages and they'll get translated :) [2008-05-28 13:54:03] <cary-busy> effeietsanders: no, of course not [2008-05-28 13:54:11] <effeietsanders> just dont have time even for that [2008-05-28 13:54:16] <effeietsanders> sorry :( [2008-05-28 13:56:25] <NonvocalScream> whats the interwiki for en wiki? [2008-05-28 13:56:40] <cary-busy> w: [2008-05-28 13:56:41] <ZvD> well if wikizine is intended for a small group of users already knowing everything well, there is no need for translations, because those who understand the subjects will read the english version [2008-05-28 13:56:54] <cary-busy> ZvD: this is for contributors [2008-05-28 13:56:58] <cary-busy> from all projectrs [2008-05-28 13:57:00] <cary-busy> but yeah [2008-05-28 13:57:08] <NonvocalScream> [2008-05-28 13:57:33] <ZvD> i tried to translate those wikizine news, it it did'nt seem to make much sense to me [2008-05-28 13:59:31] <ZvD> (i hope i did'nt kill the conversation) :-) [2008-05-28 14:00:54] <effeietsanders> well, maybe you should read some older versions [2008-05-28 14:01:01] <effeietsanders> they represent better the idea [2008-05-28 14:01:12] <effeietsanders> from roughly 9 months ago or so [2008-05-28 14:01:33] <NonvocalScream> cary-busy is that draft an illustration of what you might be looking for? [2008-05-28 14:01:45] <cary-busy> oh, wait [2008-05-28 14:01:57] <cary-busy> yes [2008-05-28 14:02:04] * NonvocalScream holds his edits [2008-05-28 14:02:08] <NonvocalScream> ok [2008-05-28 14:02:10] <cary-busy> Yes, it is [2008-05-28 14:02:29] <effeietsanders> cary-busy: can't we pull in someone from wikinews to pull the car too? [2008-05-28 14:02:50] <brianmc> I'm here, but SWMBO is talking and I must listen [2008-05-28 14:03:19] <cary-busy> SWMBO = Single White Male w/ Body Odor? [2008-05-28 14:03:32] <NonvocalScream> What was that slang term for news reporter [2008-05-28 14:03:34] <brianmc> She Who Must Be Obeyed [2008-05-28 14:03:38] <NonvocalScream> I want to use it on the draft [2008-05-28 14:03:42] <NonvocalScream> gumshoe? [2008-05-28 14:03:43] <NonvocalScream> no [2008-05-28 14:03:45] <NonvocalScream> help? [2008-05-28 14:03:51] <cary-busy> contributor [2008-05-28 14:03:57] <NonvocalScream> no thats not it [2008-05-28 14:04:01] <NonvocalScream> Its on the tip of my toung [2008-05-28 14:04:04] <NonvocalScream> e [2008-05-28 14:05:06] <cary-busy> sources [2008-05-28 14:05:57] <ZvD> well, after the subject wikizine i would like to table another issue, about pr for little wikipedias [2008-05-28 14:06:23] <cary-busy> ZvD: I like that too [2008-05-28 14:06:48] <ZvD> thanks [2008-05-28 14:06:55] <ZvD> i made a little research about small wikipedias [2008-05-28 14:06:58] * kibble 3 [2008-05-28 14:07:07] * cary-busy wonders who ZvD is [2008-05-28 14:07:11] <ZvD> some have excellent contact with language institutions [2008-05-28 14:07:19] <ZvD> (ZvD =Ziko-W) [2008-05-28 14:07:21] <ZvD> some don't [2008-05-28 14:07:24] <cary-busy> ah [2008-05-28 14:07:41] <cary-busy> ZvD: ht.wikipedia was one of my pets... and we have a single active user on it [2008-05-28 14:07:48] <cary-busy> but would like to get more [2008-05-28 14:08:00] <ZvD> i must look up now what's ht :-) [2008-05-28 14:08:01] <NonvocalScream> [2008-05-28 14:08:07] <kibble> (make sure you post research ventures to [[mail:wiki-research-l]]) [2008-05-28 14:08:08] <unilinky> [2008-05-28 14:08:23] <effeietsanders> aaah, ziko :) [2008-05-28 14:08:46] <NonvocalScream> Incidentally, SUL autologin will make it easy to repost on the projects. [2008-05-28 14:08:50] <ZvD> kibble, i cannot post to wiki-research-l, my mails are rejected, and noone answered at owner-list - i am not the only one with the problem [2008-05-28 14:08:51] <cary-busy> ht = Haitian Kreyol [2008-05-28 14:08:59] <cary-busy> oh? [2008-05-28 14:09:00] <ZvD> cary-busy: interesting [2008-05-28 14:09:02] <kibble> ZvD, did you subscribe? [2008-05-28 14:09:05] <cary-busy> I can access lists [2008-05-28 14:09:07] <NonvocalScream> Would anyone like to add to the draft? [2008-05-28 14:09:12] <ZvD> kibble, I did, and complained twice [2008-05-28 14:09:25] <kibble> NonvocalScream, [[Communications subcommittees/Internal/Distribution list]] [2008-05-28 14:09:26] <unilinky> [2008-05-28 14:09:30] <ZvD> once the same problem with comproj [2008-05-28 14:09:47] <ZvD> Haitian Kreyol is close to France, I suppose? [2008-05-28 14:09:51] <ZvD> sorry, French [2008-05-28 14:10:15] <NonvocalScream> kibble i like [2008-05-28 14:10:34] <cary-busy> sort of, and yet not [2008-05-28 14:11:06] <ZvD> cary-busy: but people who are active in the net are mostly capable to communicate in french, I suppose? diglossia? [2008-05-28 14:11:21] <cary-busy> yes [2008-05-28 14:11:42] <ZvD> this makes it very difficult, especially in a country that is not rich [2008-05-28 14:12:05] <ZvD> how about the language planning? are there modern dictionaries, a unified spelling? [2008-05-28 14:12:11] <cary-busy> Knowledge of French tends to come with literacy [2008-05-28 14:12:53] <ZvD> the problems should be similar to those of Arabic: who uses the net prefers English [2008-05-28 14:13:16] <kibble> yep [2008-05-28 14:13:17] <cary-busy> Well, Arabic is changing, now that they've developed roman text shorthand [2008-05-28 14:13:23] <ZvD> i see [2008-05-28 14:13:36] <ZvD> they say that arabic lacks a good search engine [2008-05-28 14:13:48] <ZvD> but what about language institutions? [2008-05-28 14:14:07] <cary-busy> Well, there's the Koran [2008-05-28 14:14:17] <ZvD> no I mean Haitian [2008-05-28 14:14:24] <cary-busy> oh, no... [2008-05-28 14:14:26] <cary-busy> not really [2008-05-28 14:14:29] <ZvD> de.WP tells me about Institut Pédagogique National that is busy with language planning [2008-05-28 14:14:38] <cary-busy> just interest at university level [2008-05-28 14:14:49] <cary-busy> I don't know anymore [2008-05-28 14:14:59] <ZvD> Two Wikipedias of small or weak languages that work very good are Esperanto and Latin [2008-05-28 14:15:03] <cary-busy> NonvocalScream: Maybe let Walter have a look at it too [2008-05-28 14:15:14] <cary-busy> Esperanto is not so small :) [2008-05-28 14:15:18] <cary-busy> I call that Medium sized [2008-05-28 14:15:20] <cary-busy> latin too [2008-05-28 14:15:28] <ZvD> The Eo and La Wikipedians have excellent contacts to language instituions and associations [2008-05-28 14:15:43] <NonvocalScream> Sounds good to me. :) [2008-05-28 14:15:44] <ZvD> Eo may have for about a quarter million speakers [2008-05-28 14:15:56] <ZvD> like icelandic or luxemburgese [2008-05-28 14:16:02] <ZvD> but Eo.WP is much bigger [2008-05-28 14:16:31] <ZvD> on the other hand, dialect Wikipedians (Bavarian, Low German, Limburgih etc.) DON'T have such contacts [2008-05-28 14:16:35] <NonvocalScream> I would like if we could also post a short message on the village pumps about our suggestion area for the blog. It seems we've been getting kindof stagnenet. [2008-05-28 14:16:45] <NonvocalScream> What are the thoughts around the table? [2008-05-28 14:17:05] <NonvocalScream> suggestion area is located on meta at [[m:blog]] [2008-05-28 14:17:05] <unilinky> [2008-05-28 14:17:11] <NonvocalScream> unilinky is broken [2008-05-28 14:17:13] <cary-busy> certainly [2008-05-28 14:17:23] <brianmc> invite Wikilinker. :D [2008-05-28 14:17:49] <NonvocalScream> [2008-05-28 14:18:17] <NonvocalScream> cary-busy and others [2008-05-28 14:18:39] <NonvocalScream> what are the thoughts about posting a piece on SUL/Unified Login and AutoLogin across the projects as internal-tech? [2008-05-28 14:18:51] <NonvocalScream> FOr tomorrow perhaps? [2008-05-28 14:18:53] * Az1568 nods, the blog has been sorta stale [2008-05-28 14:19:02] <Az1568> seems like a good idea [2008-05-28 14:19:06] * kibble notes Az1568 is kinda lagged out [2008-05-28 14:19:25] <kibble> or he's misreading the name of the channel ;-) [2008-05-28 14:19:30] <NonvocalScream> jayansonvv [2008-05-28 14:19:34] <cary-busy> yes, the blog (nudge jayansonvv) can use help [2008-05-28 14:19:36] <jayansonvv> yes i'm here [2008-05-28 14:19:42] <jayansonvv> i just made a post [2008-05-28 14:19:46] <NonvocalScream> what are the thoughts about posting a piece on SUL/Unified Login and AutoLogin across the projects as internal-tech? [2008-05-28 14:19:50] <jayansonvv> as a matter of fact [2008-05-28 14:20:16] <Az1568> kibble: well its a good thing to bring up, since we're all here :) [2008-05-28 14:20:34] <kibble> Az1568, nvm ;-) it was me who was misreading his comment :P [2008-05-28 14:20:39] <Az1568> hehe :P [2008-05-28 14:22:15] <Az1568> jayansonvv: Nice :) [2008-05-28 14:22:31] <jayansonvv> i expect the google lawyers to come down on us for using their copyright blue oceans, but what the heck [2008-05-28 14:22:32] <cary-busy> yay [2008-05-28 14:22:34] <jayansonvv> fair use! [2008-05-28 14:22:35] <kibble> heh [2008-05-28 14:22:42] <Az1568> kibble: now update Blogbox/2008 :) [2008-05-28 14:22:47] <kibble> I saw that image on wmf:rc and thought it was cool :P [2008-05-28 14:22:49] -->| Vassyana (n=pcccc@wikipedia/Vassyana) has joined #wikimedia-cpg [2008-05-28 14:22:54] <Az1568> lol [2008-05-28 14:22:54] <kibble> Az1568, make NonvocalScream do it, I'm busy and he likes to :P [2008-05-28 14:22:58] <kibble> or make david create your account [2008-05-28 14:23:02] <Az1568> :P [2008-05-28 14:23:46] <jayansonvv> i'm working on a few more posts [2008-05-28 14:24:08] <jayansonvv> but i'm still struggling to figure out a method of assigning regular time to the process [2008-05-28 14:24:23] <brianmc> If this damn woman from the Scottish parliament gets back to me I'll have one for you. ;) [2008-05-28 14:24:39] <NonvocalScream> jayansonvv perhaps we can delegate the posting to a small group of contributers, what are your thoughts? [2008-05-28 14:24:40] <cary-busy> jayansonvv: allowing our contributors to help write our posts :) [2008-05-28 14:24:50] * Az1568 nods... [2008-05-28 14:24:56] <jayansonvv> yup, both options [2008-05-28 14:25:04] <kibble> NonvocalScream, why don't we just say "send us your material!" [2008-05-28 14:25:13] <kibble> we don't need to delegate, just let them know that they /can/ do it [2008-05-28 14:25:21] <NonvocalScream> I like that also [2008-05-28 14:25:27] <brianmc> I think I'd prefer a process where more people can edit, but there are gatekeepers on publication [2008-05-28 14:25:34] <Az1568> yeah we could have a post that says that [2008-05-28 14:25:46] <kibble> yep [2008-05-28 14:25:50] <cary-busy> mwa ha ha [2008-05-28 14:25:54] <jayansonvv> I'm still sussing that out [2008-05-28 14:26:05] <NonvocalScream> sussing? [2008-05-28 14:26:25] <cary-busy> It's a Nova Scotian slang thing [2008-05-28 14:26:27] <jayansonvv> Part of the external perspective on the blog is that people see it as a place for... authoratative info [2008-05-28 14:26:30] <jayansonvv> Ha ha, it is not [2008-05-28 14:26:33] <jayansonvv> Figuring it out [2008-05-28 14:26:41] <jayansonvv> authoratative isn't the right word [2008-05-28 14:26:47] <jayansonvv> and isn't even spelled correctly there [2008-05-28 14:27:02] <NonvocalScream> Moderators / the small group of folks, can act as quality control... or gatekeepers as kibble put it. [2008-05-28 14:27:07] <jayansonvv> but I'm now trying to think about a way of adding a 'volunteer contributor' system. [2008-05-28 14:27:11] <kibble> NonvocalScream, brianmc* [2008-05-28 14:27:34] <jayansonvv> But the very best way would be for me or someoen else to flag the best post of the day from planet wikimedia, and/or a major media hit of the day [2008-05-28 14:27:45] <NonvocalScream> Perhaps we can reconfigure the meta suggestion area, into a draft system, see what happens, see what is drafted. Then we can decide what the next step it, would that be ok? [2008-05-28 14:27:49] <jayansonvv> Then if nothing else we could just do a pointer post - echo effect [2008-05-28 14:27:58] <jayansonvv> we have had no traffic there, right? [2008-05-28 14:28:07] <NonvocalScream> lemme check [2008-05-28 14:28:28] <NonvocalScream> The last incoming link was set 7 May. [2008-05-28 14:28:43] <NonvocalScream> jayansonvv should we go ahead with the above, draft area? [2008-05-28 14:28:49] <jayansonvv> sure [2008-05-28 14:28:53] <jayansonvv> where's the page again? [2008-05-28 14:29:07] <NonvocalScream> [2008-05-28 14:29:22] <NonvocalScream> I'll reconfigure it to look like a post drafting area, we will see what happens :) [2008-05-28 14:29:44] <NonvocalScream> Unless someone else wants to reconfigure it first... [2008-05-28 14:29:48] * NonvocalScream glances at Az1568 [2008-05-28 14:29:49] <NonvocalScream> :) [2008-05-28 14:29:59] <Az1568> heh... [2008-05-28 14:30:56] <brianmc> I see Wikipedia is now on the syllabus in Australia [2008-05-28 14:31:01] <jayansonvv> can we make that page spit out an RSS feed? [2008-05-28 14:31:18] <jayansonvv> or i guess i could just watch it [2008-05-28 14:33:32] <NonvocalScream> jayansonvv you talking about the drafting page? [2008-05-28 14:33:34] <kibble> jayansonvv, add &feed=rss to the end of the url on the history page [2008-05-28 14:33:41] <NonvocalScream> yup what kibble says [2008-05-28 14:33:45] <jayansonvv> is it that simple? [2008-05-28 14:33:48] <kibble> yes [2008-05-28 14:33:50] <NonvocalScream> If you want to rss it, it may be best to use a subpage [2008-05-28 14:35:08] <Az1568> NonvocalScream: You can do it, i'm sorta busy atm :) [2008-05-28 14:35:09] <jayansonvv> right right [2008-05-28 14:35:18] <NonvocalScream> ok Az1568 [2008-05-28 14:35:25] <NonvocalScream> later on tonight I'll mess about it :) [2008-05-28 14:35:34] <Az1568> :) [2008-05-28 14:36:30] <NonvocalScream> I'm going to suggest a blog post on SUL unified login [2008-05-28 14:36:40] <jayansonvv> I'm not sure if it's there yet - is it? [2008-05-28 14:36:44] <jayansonvv> I'm playing with it now... [2008-05-28 14:36:45] <NonvocalScream> This is a major achivement for the Wikimedia tech arena [2008-05-28 14:36:48] <NonvocalScream> it is [2008-05-28 14:36:50] <jayansonvv> I like it! [2008-05-28 14:38:06] <jayansonvv> Maybe I can bug Brion to give us a few sentences on that [2008-05-28 14:38:16] * kibble goes to eat [2008-05-28 14:38:31] <NonvocalScream> oops I just did [2008-05-28 14:38:39] <cary-busy> bah, what's the wikimedia canada list name [2008-05-28 14:38:45] <jayansonvv> meeting ajourned? [2008-05-28 14:38:46] <kibble> wikimedia-ca [2008-05-28 14:38:48] <jayansonvv> what's up? [2008-05-28 14:38:50] <Az1568> jayansonvv: Shouldn't that be *we* :P [2008-05-28 14:38:52] <cary-busy> okay [2008-05-28 14:38:54] <cary-busy> sure! [2008-05-28 14:39:03] <jayansonvv> no, it shouldn't :) [2008-05-28 14:39:10] <NonvocalScream> cary-busy tells me is should be ws, what I need to visit google earth sometime :) [2008-05-28 14:39:24] <jayansonvv> it is the plural of w [2008-05-28 14:39:29] <Az1568> ahh [2008-05-28 14:40:01] <cary-busy> the planet is covered in Ws [2008-05-28 14:40:08] * Az1568 just took a closer look at the it ;) [2008-05-28 14:40:14] <Az1568> hehe [2008-05-28 14:45:14] -->| Az1568_ (n=1568@wikimedia/Az1568) has joined #wikimedia-cpg [2008-05-28 14:45:16] <cary-busy> ---- I guess this is the end of the meeting