Communication Projects Group/Meetings/2007-09-05/Log
[4:30pm] seanw: Good evening all. [4:30pm] seanw: [20:30:05] [@ChanServ ] [ CraigSpurrier_aw] [ LeBron ] [ Martinp23 ] [ schiste ] [4:30pm] seanw: [20:30:05] [ BrianNZ_aw] [ delphine ] [ loco085 ] [ millosh ] [ seanw ] [4:30pm] cary: Good evening [4:30pm] seanw: [20:30:05] [ brown_cat ] [ Greeves ] [ Majorly ] [ newmanbe ] [ unilinky] [4:30pm] seanw: [20:30:05] [ cary ] [ GrooveDog ] [ Markie996] [ Platonides] [4:30pm] seanw: All, meeting starting shortly. [4:30pm] loco085: hi [4:30pm] Greeves: Hi [4:30pm] seanw: Give me a min. [4:30pm] cary: 'sokay, I've got loco busy doing other things [4:31pm] GrooveDog: Note: I'm just an observer - Greeves invited me. I'll be leaving in about half an hour. [4:31pm] seanw: cary, where is Sandy? [4:31pm] cary: seanw: she stepped away [4:31pm] seanw: ETA [4:31pm] seanw: ? [4:31pm] schiste: She's busy [4:31pm] cary: I don't know [4:31pm] schiste: I'll bring up her topics [4:32pm] schiste: but the earlier the better [4:32pm] seanw: schiste, can you put them on the agenda please? [4:32pm] seanw: I want to run this properly, like we have done before. [4:33pm] schiste: They already are [4:33pm] seanw: Right, thjen I will bring them up [4:33pm] seanw: Give me a minute guys, then we can start. Please shout out your name if yuo are here so we hjave a rough idea. [4:33pm] delphine: here [4:33pm] cary: aqui [4:34pm] seanw: So, someone has put WikiLvoe at thej top. They are not logged in, I presume it is Sandy. [4:34pm] seanw: I suggest we wait until she arrives, if she does, before we do that though. [4:34pm] cary: Don't wait for Sandy [4:34pm] seanw: So, I will begin working through the agenda. [4:34pm] seanw: Firslty, there has been takl about logos on the mailing list. There are differing opinions. [4:34pm] seanw: Do we need one at all? [4:34pm] seanw: If so, does anyone volunteer to make it? [4:35pm] Greeves: I support the idea of a logo. [4:35pm] schiste: Do you read me? [4:35pm] Greeves: I am no graphic artist though. [4:35pm] schiste: I 'll tkae care of sandy's topics [4:35pm] schiste: Anyway logo and then Sandy's [4:36pm] schiste: Logo. Whatfor? [4:36pm] Greeves: The [[m:CPG]] [4:36pm] HistoryOnTheRoad joined the chat room. [4:36pm] unilinky: [4:36pm] cary: She'll be right here [4:36pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Hello there [4:36pm] schiste: I mean would it be useful? [4:36pm] Greeves: Maybe the community logo with [[Image:Crystal multimedia.png]] or something overtop? [4:36pm] unilinky: [4:36pm] Wiki_Blue joined the chat room. [4:37pm] Greeves: It represents that we are community based [4:37pm] seanw: Oh, hey Sandy. [4:37pm] Greeves: And that we are communications [4:37pm] seanw: Let's put that one on hold as Sandy is short of time, guys. [4:37pm] Wiki_Blue: hey sorry i'm late [4:37pm] Greeves: K [4:37pm] seanw: So, the item on the agenda now is the Wiki Love meme. [4:38pm] seanw: While Sandy is here. [4:38pm] seanw: Wiki_Blue, what do you wish to discuss? [4:39pm] Wiki_Blue: sorry [4:39pm] Wiki_Blue: sooo [4:39pm] Wiki_Blue: schiste [4:39pm] Wiki_Blue: you want to say fo f me? [4:39pm] Wiki_Blue: lol [4:40pm] schiste: As you wish ^^ [4:40pm] Wiki_Blue: yup please [4:40pm] Wiki_Blue: [4:40pm] schiste: k [4:40pm] schiste: So thing is for fundraising, we're trying to devellope a Wikilove meme [4:40pm] schiste: based on stuff like photos [4:41pm] schiste: of people with white paper and why they love wikipedia written on it [4:41pm] millosh left the chat room. (Success) [4:41pm] schiste: Sandy is currently doing it within the office building [4:41pm] seanw: The images that have been made so far are really cool. [4:41pm] WM-Thunderhead joined the chat room. [4:41pm] schiste: We would need people to do the same [4:41pm] Wiki_Blue: has eveyrone seenthem? [4:41pm] delphine: schiste it does not have to be white paper. It can be anything that people come up with [4:41pm] Wiki_Blue: we want this to go viral [4:41pm] schiste: in their city, office, familly, friends [4:41pm] schiste: delphine: yep, that was the exemple [4:42pm] seanw: Wiki_Blue, a flikr link might help - got it handy? [4:42pm] Wiki_Blue: yes def. start with family! [4:42pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Wiki_Blue: What did you think of that link i sent? [4:42pm] Wiki_Blue: hold on...finding [4:42pm] schiste: for the groups [4:42pm] WM-Thunderhead left the chat room. [4:42pm] schiste: [4:43pm] schiste: some examples [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: yup [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: lolol [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: tag is wikilove2007 [4:43pm] seanw: Great. [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: no space b/w words [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: it would be great if COMPROJ could OWN this project [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: lol [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: you guys get out there [4:43pm] seanw: pwn* [4:43pm] schiste: For the moment it's only photo, but I think it could also be videos [4:43pm] seanw: Hmm, I could have a go at doing this at school. [4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: btw - we need to create a flickr group [4:43pm] seanw: I just need a camera [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: YES YE S YES! [4:44pm] schiste: Wiki_Blue: the group exists [4:44pm] schiste: for the groups [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: really? [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: lol [4:44pm] schiste: guillom created it [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: LOL [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: LOLOL [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: LOLOL [4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: i love wikiworld [4:45pm] schiste: Anyway here you go, speak about it on your projects [4:45pm] loco085: Wiki_Blue: can add pictures to the group? [4:45pm] seanw: Wiki_Blue, the comic? It is good. [4:45pm] delphine: loco085: anyone can add, yep [4:45pm] loco085: oki [4:45pm] seanw: Okay guys, shall we move on? [4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: yes [4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: OHH wait one more thing [4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: please [4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: sorry [4:46pm] seanw: Sure, go ahead [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: go towards bottom [4:46pm] cary: that page has moved [4:46pm] cary: gah [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: we need people to create more buttons for fundraiser [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: on any project [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: just don't change the logo [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: pleaseee [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: (logo) [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: thats it [4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: PLEASE COMPRJ [4:47pm] Wiki_Blue: (its redirected_ [4:47pm] Wiki_Blue: help if you can [4:47pm] Wiki_Blue: thats it [4:47pm] seanw: Okay, graet. [4:47pm] seanw: So, delphine wants to go to bed. [4:47pm] seanw: So let's bump up her item for now. [4:47pm] seanw: delphine, so, chapters and comproj? [4:47pm] delphine: yes. Very simple. [4:48pm] delphine: i need comproj to take a fresh look at how we can make the chapters committee known [4:48pm] delphine: and how we can advertise chapters in communities [4:48pm] seanw: What does the chapters committee do at the moment, primarily? [4:48pm] delphine: [[m:Chapters committee]] [4:48pm] unilinky: [4:48pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: delphine: Which communities ... various projects, or physical communities? [4:48pm] delphine: seanw: exactly, I need comproj to review chapcom communication [4:49pm] delphine: HistoryOnTheRoad: the various projects ... which are tied to physical communities [4:49pm] seanw: In my experience pages on meta abnout committee activities are usually out of date [4:49pm] delphine: ie. chapters are the link to the real world [4:49pm] delphine: I need comproj to help us [4:49pm] delphine: 1) identify the existing real life communities on different projects [4:49pm] delphine: so we can spam...errr. communicate with them about chapters [4:49pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: delphine: I'm working on a number of Wikiversity outreach projects (besides helping with the .CA chapter) [4:49pm] seanw: Great. [4:49pm] seanw: So, what can we do? [4:49pm] Greeves: Yay, WIkimedia Canada! [4:50pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: [4:50pm] delphine: 2) review the communication around chapters. [4:50pm] delphine: ie. how can we make sure that people go to chapcom [4:50pm] delphine: etc. [4:50pm] delphine: that's all, I don't want to start a debate now [4:50pm] delphine: I want comproj to start thinking how we can review these two points [4:50pm] delphine: and start a project [4:50pm] delphine: hehe [4:51pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: ok ... does your link have the strategic purpose of chapcom in there? [4:51pm] seanw: Ack, myu itnernet died [4:51pm] delphine: darn [4:51pm] delphine: that was a meta link [4:51pm] seanw: delphine, okay, please go ahead and craete this as a project on the comproj page if you think there is a defined goal etc. [4:51pm] delphine: [4:52pm] Topic changed to "Wikimedia Communication Projects Group - | This group is not an official Wikimedia committee | Meetings are being held roughly once a week, in here on a Wednesday at 20:30 UTC/GMT | Next meeting: Today!" by delphine. [4:52pm] seanw: delphine, okay, thank you - yuo done? [4:53pm] delphine: yep [4:53pm] delphine: thank you [4:53pm] delphine: bye [4:53pm] seanw: Sleep well. [4:53pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: delphine: Night night [4:53pm] seanw: So, our next item is the present logo debate. [4:53pm] delphine left the chat room. (Remote closed the connection) [4:53pm] seanw: Do we need a logo, and if so, who wants to make it? [4:53pm] seanw: Greeves, please repeat what yuo said earlier . . . [4:54pm] Greeves: Well, I was wondering if we could use the community logo (we are a community project) with something overtop of it. [4:54pm] seanw: Sounds good as long as the licensing remains okay.] [4:54pm] schiste: What would be this logo for? [4:54pm] Greeves: Maybe [4:55pm] seanw: Sounds good - go ahead and figure out the legality etc. [4:55pm] seanw: So, that sorted? [4:55pm] Greeves: Is the community logo free? [4:56pm] schiste: Yes, made for this very purpose [4:56pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Community logo should be free to use. [4:56pm] schiste: but do we need a logo? [4:56pm] seanw: Greeves, it is public domain. [4:56pm] Greeves: [4:56pm] seanw: Well, I do not think we do. However, if someone wants to make one, that is no bad thing. [4:56pm] seanw: There is no harm in having it. [4:56pm] seanw: So, let's move on. [4:56pm] Greeves: K [4:57pm] seanw: The next topic is the recruitment of project managers and other specific skills. [4:57pm] seanw: Right now we have enthusiastic people but we lack skills in certain areas. [4:57pm] seanw: More graphics designers and project managers are needed imo. [4:57pm] schiste: Wich one? [4:57pm] schiste: Yep [4:57pm] seanw: So, how do we get them? [4:57pm] Greeves: *idea* [4:58pm] Greeves: See [[m:Template:Information thread]] [4:58pm] unilinky: [4:58pm] Greeves: COuld we mention it in there [4:58pm] seanw: It could be put in Wikizine. [4:58pm] seanw: But we have al;ready tried mailng lists. [4:58pm] seanw: Cool, haven't seen that before [4:58pm] seanw: :)* [4:59pm] seanw: But I think we need more. [4:59pm] seanw: There must be volunteeers out there. [5:00pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: seanw: Has anyone approached communications schools? [5:00pm] seanw: They exist? [5:00pm] seanw: Not that I am aware of, no [5:00pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Sure ... I'm wondering if we could get people to assist for resume padding^B^B^B^B^B^B enhancement reasons [5:01pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: We'd need to have some projects that they could join ... and it might help if we had some completed ones to show them too. [5:01pm] seanw: Yeah, I agree. Sorta like the interns in the office, but over the 'net. [5:01pm] seanw: Heh [5:01pm] seanw: Vicious circle [5:02pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Well, we have a handful of people and we are doing some things now ... just need to document what we are doing, and what's been done [5:02pm] seanw: That brings us on to the next agenda item. [5:03pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: go ahead [5:04pm] seanw: Which is about the new system. [5:04pm] seanw: We are not very far into migrating over new projects. [5:05pm] schiste left the chat room. (Remote closed the connection) [5:05pm] seanw: Tbh, it is simply not being done. I haven't done a great deal, but neither has anyone else. [5:05pm] seanw: Do people think that the system is not good enough? [5:05pm] GrooveDog left the chat room. ("ChatZilla [Firefox]") [5:05pm] Greeves: And is anyone familiar with DynamicPageList? [5:06pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: I'm vaguely familiar with DPL [5:07pm] seanw: I think transferring old projects is a priority. [5:07pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: seanw: I haven't really had time to see what needs doing, and i haven't been in on the irc chats lately. What needs to happen? [5:07pm] seanw: Are you on the mailing list? [5:07pm] seanw: Basically, see [[m:Communication Projects Group/Projects]] [5:08pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Yup, I saw the discussion, I'm just not sure what physically needs to go on. Is it just cut and paste? [5:08pm] unilinky: [5:08pm] seanw: tinyurls?! [5:08pm] seanw: Anyway. [5:08pm] seanw: No, not quite. [5:08pm] seanw: The project template needs adding and filling in. [5:08pm] seanw: If the project has a leader, it njeeds catagoriisng as active [5:08pm] seanw: If not, pending. [5:08pm] Greeves: [5:09pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Ok, I will try and poke around a bit. [5:09pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: (I hoped it wasn't just cut and pasting) [5:09pm] Greeves: I was hoping that DPL could automatically categorize the projects on the main Projects page based on the category automatically added by [[m:Template:ComProj project]]. [5:09pm] Markie996: weve got some nice dpls on wikinews [5:09pm] unilinky: [5:10pm] Markie996: you can sort by many categorys and NOT categories [5:10pm] Markie996: so its possible [5:10pm] seanw: HistoryOnTheRoad, thanks [5:10pm] seanw: Greeves, yes, that would be really really cool. [5:10pm] seanw: Someone just needs to do it. [5:11pm] Markie996: [5:11pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: ok, that'll be my first project ... project conversions. [5:11pm] Markie996: the above uses many of them [5:11pm] Markie996: and theres a lot of other dpl around on wn [5:11pm] Greeves: enwiki, I never heard of it [5:12pm] seanw: It looks opretty easy to do tbh. [5:12pm] Markie996: yeah it is [5:12pm] seanw: Go ahead and fiddle HistoryOnTheRoad [5:12pm] Markie996: as long as you know the cats [5:12pm] seanw: So, next item. [5:12pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: next! [5:12pm] seanw: THe last item is abut Wikimania 2008 [5:12pm] seanw: I will paste what I have: [5:12pm] seanw: Can and should Wikimania 2008 broadcast live? [5:13pm] seanw: * What can be captured, and when can we deliver it? * Will any local broacasting mediums be willing to help? * Will any Wikimedia projects (i.e. Wikipedia Signpost, Wikipedia Weekly, Wikizine) be willing to submit content? [5:13pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Will any be willing to help in the production? [5:13pm] seanw: It was an item added by wm-thunderhead. [5:13pm] Greeves: "Can and should Wikimania 2008 broadcast live?" I think it should if possible. [5:13pm] seanw: He isn;t here [5:13pm] Greeves: He left [5:13pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: he came and left [5:14pm] Greeves: Yep [5:14pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: It should be our goal to provide a fully interactive Wikimania experience, imho [5:14pm] Greeves: :'( [5:14pm] Greeves: Yep [5:14pm] seanw: Agreed. [5:14pm] seanw: I think it is too early to be doing more than brainstorming though [5:14pm] seanw: We need a local bid team tow ork with. [5:14pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Distance/Money shouldn't be the limiting factor ... and neither should time. [5:14pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: why? [5:15pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: There are things that HAVE to be done on the ground. [5:15pm] Markie996: we did streaming last year and ive managed to already rope a few people into doing it next year [5:15pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Then, there are things that can be done off-site. [5:15pm] Markie996: thats the wall we got to already [5:15pm] Markie996: were waiting to tlk to the onsite team [5:15pm] seanw: I thinkwe ened to wait until the bidding is complete. [5:15pm] Greeves: See [[m:Wikimania 2008/Online team]] [5:15pm] unilinky: [5:16pm] Markie996: but a small discussion ended up with a small consensus to using the wikimedia player as used on commons [5:16pm] Greeves: That page has people who could be interested. [5:16pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: I started chatting about doing stuff (interactive) for 2007 in March. At that time, I thought it was already very late to be tackling some of this stuff. [5:16pm] Markie996: a few people (Aphaia) has already said it shouldnt be done/a priority but i think mainly support i s behind it [5:16pm] Markie996: IMO if we can we should [5:16pm] Markie996: and we can [5:16pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Can Wikimedia player do two way stuff? [5:17pm] seanw: Markie996, aphaia thins it shuldn';t be done? [5:17pm] Markie996: the player shows the vids and then we can use java to do the irc chat room [5:17pm] seanw: Odd. [5:17pm] Markie996: also CGI:IRC [5:17pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: well, certainly we can do audio two ways, and that shouldn't be hard or require boots on the ground. [5:17pm] WM-Thunderhead joined the chat room. [5:17pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: seanw: I think he was saying it shouldn't be a priority. [5:18pm] Greeves: Thunderhead!!! [5:18pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: WM-Thunderhead: w/b [5:18pm] seanw: She's a she [5:18pm] seanw: WM-Thunderhead, hey [5:18pm] WM-Thunderhead: Hi! I was yelled at to come back, what's up? [5:18pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Sorry, I know that ... typo [5:18pm] seanw: WM-Thunderhead, we are discussing your agenda item [5:18pm] WM-Thunderhead: ahhhhhhhhh, that and it's four sub-items [5:18pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: seanw: Partly mine [5:18pm] Greeves: Yay! [5:18pm] seanw: hehe [5:18pm] seanw: WM-Thunderhead, go ahead. [5:18pm] WM-Thunderhead: Alright then, have I missed anything huge? [5:18pm] • Greeves dances out of joy [5:18pm] Greeves: You missed most of meeting I think [5:19pm] Greeves: [5:19pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: WM-Thunderhead: We've decided on budget and whatnot for the next 4 years. [5:19pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: j/k [5:19pm] Greeves: We have a budget?! I mean, oh yea! [5:19pm] WM-Thunderhead: A broadcast for Wikimedia projects or certain Wikimedia programs has been proposed many times, but not much has been done on the subject. [5:19pm] Markie996: hmm maybe it wasnt aphia [5:19pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: We've established that there is general support for the idea of some kind of online component [5:19pm] Markie996: too many convos going on sorry [5:19pm] WM-Thunderhead: Last year at Wikimania, there was a raw broadcast in most rooms [5:20pm] WM-Thunderhead: But there were some complaints and unavailablity at times [5:20pm] WM-Thunderhead: And I personally couldn't hear anything [5:20pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: The holy grail would be realtime two way conferencing. [5:21pm] WM-Thunderhead: So I think that if we were able to garner support from a broadcasting company for a live broadcast of Wikimania, we would get more volunteers, reach out to the community, and become a monopoly [5:21pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: I've heard some grumblings ... I haven't been able to even grab stuff out of the archives yet. [5:21pm] Markie996: nah dont mention archives [5:21pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: lol [5:21pm] WM-Thunderhead: The main problem is deciding what to broadcast. We don't want some people to be left out. [5:21pm] Markie996: and weve kinda got the 2 way conference sorted with IRC [5:22pm] Markie996: people ask the qs online and then they get read out at the conference [5:22pm] WM-Thunderhead: That's an excellent idea. [5:22pm] WM-Thunderhead: Who can tell that I wasn't prepared for talking about it when I was pulled in? [5:23pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: As someone from wikiversity, I'd like to see us push the envelope a bit. IRC isn't pushing too much [5:23pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Honestly, I'd like to see us try and get two way voice working for 2008. [5:23pm] Markie996: this was done in skype [5:23pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: It's not hard to do, honest. [5:23pm] Markie996: no browser solution this year [5:24pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Skype == non free ... We can use a free eqivalent, no issue. [5:24pm] Markie996: good good [5:24pm] Markie996: thats what i like to hear [5:24pm] WM-Thunderhead: Earlier I discussed getting G4TV to host a live broadcast of Wikimania (because they did CES all three days) but: [5:24pm] Markie996: G4TV??? [5:24pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: If we could get a budget or equipment support, we might be able to do more. [5:25pm] WM-Thunderhead: Jimmy says: [5:25pm] WM-Thunderhead: I have some connections at G4TV due to Wikia's big push into gaming. I met with them at E3 (big gaming convention) this year, where they were doing 3 days of coverage. And basically it would shock me if they are interested in wikimania. boobies and explosions, yeah, wikimania... not so much. That's my guess. [5:25pm] Greeves: [5:25pm] WM-Thunderhead: HistoryOnTheRoad: don't we *have* a budget? [5:25pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: WM-Thunderhead: Not as of yet, unless you could $0 [5:25pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: count [5:25pm] WM-Thunderhead: [5:25pm] Markie996: getting cameras isnt really a priblem [5:25pm] Markie996: *problem [5:26pm] WM-Thunderhead: We just need a station willing to take a risk with us [5:26pm] Markie996: depending on locations they can normally be scrounged from unis [5:26pm] Markie996: then we can stream online [5:26pm] Markie996: all we need is the page visits/hts [5:26pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Well, there is lots of interesting bits. And if it works, it would be a wicked PR bit ... but we have to keep realistic and grounded [5:26pm] Markie996: *hits [5:26pm] WM-Thunderhead: It'd be nice if CNN would do a spot for us [5:26pm] Markie996: hehheh [5:26pm] WM-Thunderhead: Have to be a slow news day though [5:27pm] Markie996: we might be able to get one of the channels on the sattelite netwroks with too many channels to show us [5:27pm] Greeves: Local coverage would be good. [5:27pm] Markie996: but low viewer figures IMO [5:27pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: CNN would call the thing wikipedia world and spell Jimbo's name wrong. We need some sponsor or funding of some sort. [5:27pm] Markie996: local coverage would be excellant [5:27pm] Greeves: ie. If Toronto gets it CTV or CBC could show across the country [5:27pm] Markie996: well this year funding came from hinet [5:28pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Greeves: nod ... International would be good too. [5:28pm] Greeves: Yep [5:28pm] Markie996: but with that the hosted the main stream which got the most grumbles [5:28pm] Greeves: But you gotta start somewhere [5:28pm] seanw: So, this is all really cool. [5:28pm] seanw: But the meeting isn't supposed to last more than one hour. [5:28pm] seanw: So, officially, we need to close - feel free to keep talking. [5:28pm] seanw: Okay? [5:28pm] Greeves: Is this our longest meeting yet? [5:28pm] seanw: ? [5:28pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Markie996: We need $$$ sponsors, and then we can figure out where we need to spend. [5:29pm] Greeves: Can we still log the after it officially closed seanw? [5:29pm] HistoryOnTheRoad: Greeves: I was here for a 3 hour chat once [5:29pm] Greeves: wow [5:29pm] seanw: You can, yes [5:29pm] • WM-Thunderhead notes that he's not officially a member of CPG so it's HistoryOnTheRoad's topic really [5:29pm] Topic changed to "Wikimedia Communication Projects Group - | This group is not an official Wikimedia committee | Meetings are being held roughly once a week, in here on a Wednesday at 20:30 UTC/GMT | Next meeting: Today! | Public logging allowed in here." by seanw. [5:29pm] seanw: WM-Thunderhead, thjen join! [5:29pm] seanw: --- meeting closed ---