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Communication Projects Group/Meetings/2007-08-22

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
[4:42pm] seanw: All: meeting starting
[4:42pm] CraigSpurrier: here 
[4:42pm] seanw: Wiki_Blue, if you want to lead it, feel free.
[4:42pm] cary-office: I can spam more people
[4:42pm] loco085:
[4:42pm] Wiki_Blue: its fine
[4:42pm] Wiki_Blue: i think the "regulars" are here
[4:42pm] Wiki_Blue: sooo, i just wanted to give you guys a head up and kinda get some type of commitment
[4:42pm] Markie996_: congrats sandy by the way
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: we are probably going to have a fundraiser in fall
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: (for what??)
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: and there are no plans set in stone, but
[4:43pm] Markie996_: jury appointment - mania
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: there are some ideas being kicked around
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: that we will need people to "viral" the internet
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: lol
[4:43pm] Wiki_Blue: i need to know, who I can get a serious commitment from comproj to help with fundraiser
[4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: (ie, they can dedicate like 5 hours a week or so)
[4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: i think the activities will be fun
[4:44pm] Greeves: What would this involve?
[4:44pm] Markie996_: to do what??
[4:44pm] Markie996_: spam people??
[4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: well, thats the thing
[4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: there is nothing set in stone yet, so until there is I don't want to say "this or that"
[4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: but essentially spread the word on the internet
[4:44pm] Wiki_Blue: so maybe email friends, or post to selected blogs
[4:44pm] cary-office: Markie996_: she's not on the jury any more
[4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: or huggle people
[4:45pm] Markie996_: Cary:why not
[4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: it will be more fun that most projects we have done, I'm assuming
[4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: anyone interested?
[4:45pm] loco085: in other language than english too, Wiki_Blue ?
[4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: yes sir 
[4:45pm] loco085:
[4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: we particular need people in other parts of the world
[4:45pm] Wiki_Blue: long story short
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: we will prob. be collecting stories
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: from all over the world
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: and you guys will help spread that message, to get people to send their stories in through video or pics
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: NOWWW remember
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: nothing in set in stone, this is an idea
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: like we were doing...
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: so again, i just need a few people of committed people
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: and details to come later
[4:46pm] Wiki_Blue: (maybe two or three weeks)
[4:47pm] Wiki_Blue:  anyone intersted?
[4:47pm] Wiki_Blue: going once, going twice
[4:47pm] Wiki_Blue: and then I'll move on
[4:47pm] seanw: Sorry, not time 
[4:47pm] schiste: move on 
[4:47pm] Greeves: So is this fundraising or getting pics?
[4:47pm] cary-office: spreading the message
[4:47pm] cary-office: and getting the stuff
[4:47pm] cary-office: Greeves, want to take that on?
[4:47pm] Wiki_Blue: greeves, it would be provding communications assistance
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: to fundraising
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: NO fundraising perse
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: you will do nothing related to fundraising
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: just pure comm8unications work
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: but geared toweards communication
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: okya moving on
[4:48pm] Greeves: I can't really make a committment, but can I enter the spam list for interested people?
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: no no no
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: lolol
[4:48pm] Wiki_Blue: do not spam anyone now
[4:48pm] loco085: i'll busy the next week... with Wikimedia Argentina 
[4:48pm] seanw: Wiki_Blue, I think he meant be spammed himself
[4:49pm] Wiki_Blue: 2) this is a touch base
[4:49pm] • cary-office is waiting for his ticket to B.A.
[4:49pm] Greeves: Exactly
[4:49pm] Wiki_Blue: I think we need to regroup
[4:49pm] loco085: lol cary-office  
[4:49pm] seanw: Wiki_Blue, yes, I agree here
[4:49pm] cary-office: Call Patricio
[4:49pm] seanw: We are becoming somewhat fragmented - the summer does that though.
[4:49pm] Wiki_Blue: okay....thats what I wanted to know
[4:49pm] loco085: you're invited cary-office..
[4:49pm] loco085:
[4:49pm] Wiki_Blue: to find out what is working or not working
[4:49pm] cary-office: but not paid for
[4:49pm] Wiki_Blue: what i could do different
[4:49pm] cary-office: *sigh*
[4:49pm] Wiki_Blue: etc
[4:49pm] loco085: we are poors, cary-office  
[4:50pm] cary-office: Wiki_Blue: I don't think there's any more that you can do
[4:50pm] cary-office: It's not up to you
[4:50pm] cary-office: Like seanw said, it's summer
[4:50pm] seanw: Agreed.
[4:50pm] Wiki_Blue: okay
[4:50pm] seanw: Perhaps we shouldn't put too much effort into comproj as a group (but keep going with its projects) until mid September.
[4:50pm] loco085: i can help to find some people's histories here 
[4:50pm] cary-office: But we can talk to people
[4:50pm] Wiki_Blue: this virutal thing can be a pain in the ass some times
[4:50pm] Wiki_Blue: OHHH LOCO YES
[4:50pm] Wiki_Blue: that would be soo cool
[4:50pm] zuirdj: read my email about argentina and probably south america, Wiki_Blue
[4:51pm] Wiki_Blue: like maybe how a kid in argentina has used wikipedia
[4:51pm] Wiki_Blue: (which one juan)
[4:51pm] Wiki_Blue: really, stories from South America are really needed particularly
[4:51pm] Wiki_Blue: we want to start promoting more what you wree saying juan
[4:51pm] Wiki_Blue: how we help the world through education etc
[4:51pm] Wiki_Blue: providing info, and SHOW how that is changing people's life
[4:52pm] Wiki_Blue: okay. enough
[4:52pm] Wiki_Blue: for me
[4:52pm] Wiki_Blue: anything for anyone else?
[4:52pm] seanw: Not really.
[4:52pm] Wiki_Blue: lol
[4:52pm] Wiki_Blue: okay is that it?
[4:52pm] seanw: I was going to talk a bit about ComProj falling apart, but you did that 
[4:53pm] Wiki_Blue: lolololol
[4:53pm] Wiki_Blue: i hope its the summer
[4:53pm] seanw: Right guys, remember to e-mail me stuff for next week.
[4:53pm] Wiki_Blue: you guys are so helpful
[4:53pm] Wiki_Blue: and really have done so much in such a short time
[4:53pm] Wiki_Blue: its been very valuable i think for both the projects and foundation
[4:53pm] loco085: Wiki_Blue: the histories may send to bastique's mail?
[4:53pm] Wiki_Blue: please cc me
[4:53pm] seanw: --- meeting closed ---