Communication Projects Group/Meetings/2007-06-06
18:05:46 <seanw`> Let's highlight everyone 18:05:54 <seanw`> SOmeone using a proper client copy paste /names? 18:06:19 <schiste> cary-office CraigSpurrier_aw Jhs Majorly newmanbe Nicolas_Guerin me ping! 18:06:26 <schiste> pong 18:06:34 <newmanbe> PONG 18:06:35 <Nicolas_Guerin> hi 18:07:05 <schiste> who can log ? 18:07:11 <Nicolas_Guerin> ? 18:07:14 <Jhs> schiste, pang 18:07:19 <seanw`> I can, but it's better if someone else can 18:07:20 <seanw`> Martinp23? 18:07:32 <newmanbe> I think I just turned logging on. 18:07:34 * newmanbe checks. 18:08:00 <newmanbe> We have logging! 18:08:01 <Martinp23> pong 18:08:02 * Martinp23 logging 18:08:23 <schiste> Good, so today's meeting is mainly about the Board Election 18:08:24 <Nicolas_Guerin> i'm here 18:08:35 <schiste> If you wanna raise any other issue, just do it. 18:08:46 <seanw`> Let's do other issues first. 18:08:51 <seanw`> As election is so much bigger. 18:08:52 <seanw`> So, anyone? 18:08:55 <schiste> yep 18:09:27 <schiste> ok :D 18:09:44 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin as you're a newcomers, can you present yourself quickly 18:09:50 <schiste> s/present/introduce 18:10:29 <Nicolas_Guerin> sure : living in Zürich - researcher in Physics 18:10:44 <seanw`> ooo physics 18:10:45 <Nicolas_Guerin> mainly on french Wikipedia and Commons 18:10:46 <seanw`> What kind? 18:11:16 <Nicolas_Guerin> electromagnetism - photonics - grating theory ... 18:11:24 <seanw`> Coolio. 18:11:27 <seanw`> Physics is the best science :) 18:11:55 <seanw`> Why did you want to help cpg? 18:11:57 <Nicolas_Guerin> well, some interest also in History, geography, biology, science in general 18:12:11 <seanw`> Had my last ever bit of biology today :) 18:12:27 <Nicolas_Guerin> Just i started to read news about wikipedia few month ago 18:12:37 <Nicolas_Guerin> and it's not good all the time 18:12:54 <Nicolas_Guerin> so i want to help to improve the communication about WP 18:13:22 <schiste> ok :) 18:13:31 <seanw`> Groovy. 18:13:34 <seanw`> Okay, anything else? 18:13:35 <Martinp23> welcome! 18:13:41 <Nicolas_Guerin> So, i would like to improve the com with specialist actually 18:13:49 <Nicolas_Guerin> in science for ex. 18:14:09 <seanw`> Nicolas_Guerin: I have a job for you in taht respect, remind me later 18:14:15 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin this issue does more concerns your wonderfull local chapter :p 18:14:21 <schiste> oh ok 18:14:28 <Nicolas_Guerin> ok 18:14:46 <schiste> whatever you should subscribe to the best local chapter ever 18:14:57 <schiste> Wikimedia France 18:15:01 * schiste is recruiting 18:15:24 <Nicolas_Guerin> Schiste : ok, but i participate to international conference also 18:15:31 <seanw`> Let's move on :) 18:15:37 <seanw`> Any other issues before we discuss elections? 18:15:48 <Nicolas_Guerin> so i know also international community in photonics 18:16:11 <Nicolas_Guerin> ok, finish presentation of myself 18:16:27 <Nicolas_Guerin> let's move on to the topic... 18:17:34 <seanw`> Clearly not; schiste off you go :) 18:17:54 <schiste> Hmmm ok so elections stuff ? 18:18:18 <seanw`> Yup. 18:18:20 <seanw`> Go ahead :) 18:19:00 <schiste> Ok so for those who are not aware of this, in few weeks Board Election will be held 18:19:08 <seanw`> Excitement. 18:19:13 <schiste> we, for the moment, don't know exactly when. 18:19:17 <seanw`> Who is expiring? 18:19:22 * seanw` is out of it due to exas 18:19:24 <seanw`> m 18:19:38 <schiste> Erik, Kat and Oscar IIRC 18:20:23 <schiste> Erik, Kat and Oscar per 18:20:44 <schiste> Ok so normally at least three new board members should be elected 18:21:31 <schiste> As we grew a lot since last year, and there will be more translation 18:21:46 <schiste> we're heading t share works 18:21:52 <schiste> Elecom > official com 18:21:59 <schiste> Transcom > Translation 18:22:05 <schiste> cpg > com 18:22:31 <schiste> The point is, even in the Wikimedia Projects, few people do understand what are exactly the Board Members 18:22:34 <schiste> etc... 18:22:47 <schiste> The I though this could be a job for the marvellous cpg members 18:23:05 <seanw`> Okay 18:23:24 <seanw`> Apaphia (sp) joined our ml and posted, so your ideas are known about. 18:23:34 <seanw`> What is the plan? 18:24:28 <schiste> The plan is, from now, to prepare good mails 18:24:40 <schiste> to prepare a "where to spread list" 18:24:49 <schiste> mainly those two things 18:25:03 <schiste> 18:25:20 <schiste> mails about the elections, the candidates and Call for Translation 18:25:46 <seanw`> So we write it 18:25:50 <seanw`> And someone else translate 18:25:52 <seanw`> s 18:25:54 <seanw`> Then we distribute? 18:25:59 <schiste> kinda 18:26:07 <schiste> we translate it "if we can" 18:26:19 <schiste> for example 18:26:25 <schiste> now till the openning 18:26:43 <schiste> we work on mails, the translations, and sprea list 18:26:48 <schiste> spread* 18:26:55 <schiste> then we fix deadline 18:26:56 <seanw`> All on meta, I presume. 18:27:00 <schiste> yes 18:27:09 <seanw`> Sounds sensible. 18:27:17 <schiste> why so ? 18:28:50 <seanw`> Well, we want it easy to edit, surely? 18:29:08 <schiste> I think so, why wouldn't we ? 18:30:36 <seanw`> What did you mean by 'why so?' 18:30:40 <seanw`> :) 18:30:42 <Martinp23> Jhs: I don't know if you've seen Apaphia (sp)'s email, which has more info, but do you have anything to add about the election process, and details on what you want our job to be? 18:30:45 <seanw`> That was my attempt at an answer. 18:31:13 <Martinp23> schiste, seanw`: To be abrupt: you're both in agreement that using meta is best? 18:31:22 <seanw`> We are. 18:31:26 <seanw`> Good point, let's move on. 18:31:26 <schiste> I think there's been a language loophole ^^# 18:31:28 <schiste> ok :D 18:31:35 <Martinp23> :) 18:31:37 <seanw`> Okay 18:31:38 <Jhs> Martinp23, i'm not sure, no 18:31:42 <seanw`> I can read but not answer as I need to eat. 18:31:49 <seanw`> Hilight me if nececessary. 18:31:51 <schiste> k 18:32:45 <schiste> well the idea has been raised last night will discussing about it with patoschild and britty I think 18:32:52 <schiste> Majorly was there too I think 18:33:05 <schiste> and then we though that to help elecom and transcom 18:33:18 <schiste> cpg should help on informing peoples 18:33:48 <schiste> contributors of the projects are unaware of what's the WMF, the Board of Trustee, etc... 18:33:52 <Martinp23> indeed - if this does come up at other points on IRC, feel free to ping me so I can see more :) 18:34:23 <schiste> ok 18:34:43 <schiste> So, do you see anything else the cpg should perform for the elections 18:34:44 <schiste> ? 18:34:46 <Martinp23> So, it would be a good idea to have a page with info about what these elections are, and a Q&A section, and spread that out amongst all the projects. 18:34:59 <schiste> 18:35:09 <schiste> oh 18:35:10 <schiste> Hmmm 18:35:18 <schiste> there's a FAQ 18:35:32 <schiste> or a page like "Election quick overview" 18:35:57 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin you're point of view, as you're a newcomer, might be really helpfull 18:36:08 <Martinp23> Well, yep, and a place where people can ask their own questions 18:36:24 <schiste> I have to check but I think this is already created 18:36:33 <Martinp23> Oooh ok :) 18:37:02 <Nicolas_Guerin> schiste : that's true that the last board elections were quite discret 18:37:17 <Nicolas_Guerin> and few people know for the new election 18:37:27 <schiste> 18:37:39 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin for the new it's normal, we don't when it'll be held 18:38:21 <Martinp23> schiste: Yep - that's what I was thinking :) 18:38:58 <Martinp23> When we have an info page ready, we might be able to get away with spamming it to site-notices in some places (only shown to registered users). 18:39:01 <Martinp23> If poss. 18:39:16 <schiste> yes I though about that 18:39:20 <schiste> Plan is : 18:39:27 <Nicolas_Guerin> where to spam? 18:39:36 <schiste> 1) when we know the date = spam ml and sitenotice 18:39:58 <Nicolas_Guerin> and other IRC? 18:39:59 <schiste> 2)The day the candidate can release their statements = mails 18:40:10 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin nobody's on IRC 18:40:19 <Nicolas_Guerin> ok 18:40:23 <schiste> well those on IRC are mainly aware of stuff like that 18:40:50 <schiste> I'm trying to write a mail explaining what is the Board of Trustee, the WMF 18:44:03 <seanw`> Hmm 18:44:07 <seanw`> I suggest we write it on a page 18:44:11 <Martinp23> ok :) - that sounds great. Are we going to all do that on meta? 18:44:12 <seanw`> And mail/sitenotice the link only 18:44:14 <seanw`> (back) 18:44:19 <schiste> what the hell ? 18:44:36 <seanw`> Well 18:44:48 <seanw`> Don't mail out the explanation, mail out a link to an explanation.# 18:44:52 <schiste> no not for you ^^# 18:45:21 <seanw`> ? 18:45:27 <seanw`> s/.#/?/ 18:45:36 <Martinp23> ooh me? I meant the email, and was wondering if we could all contribute to it 18:45:52 <seanw`> Martinp23: mailing a link to a meta page we all worked on :-) 18:46:07 <schiste> yes 18:46:22 <Martinp23> seanw`: indeed - that's what I'm getting at ;) 18:47:32 <seanw`> gdgd... 18:48:36 <schiste> [[Communication Projects Group/Board Election/What is the Board Election?]] 18:48:53 <schiste> 18:50:02 <seanw`> Hang on 18:50:10 <seanw`> Let's use Board election 2007/Page name :-) 18:50:18 <seanw`> In case we do another one. 18:50:23 <seanw`> (I moved the main page already) 18:50:45 <schiste> that's fine for me :) 18:53:44 <seanw`> 18:55:06 <seanw`> So 18:55:12 <seanw`> Good brainstorming session folks. 18:55:14 <seanw`> Are we done? 18:56:18 <schiste> dunno, thinks. But I wish we had more awaken elecom members ^^ 18:56:56 <Nicolas_Guerin> Question : should be "Board elections/2007/Candidates/en" translated in other languages? 18:57:27 <Martinp23> exams = bad time to get into a -com for me :-( 18:57:47 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin yes 18:58:15 <schiste> Martinp23 when your exams will be over ? 18:58:54 <seanw`> schiste: mine are over 22nd June 18:59:00 <seanw`> Martin's around that time I assume. 18:59:16 <schiste> arg really late 18:59:32 <Martinp23> schiste: Yeah - mine may be 23rd. Two weeks tomorrow 18:59:43 <Martinp23> (whenever that is) 19:00:10 <Martinp23> oh - the 20th :D 19:01:02 <schiste> huhu lucky you 19:01:13 * schiste is glad his uni time is over 19:01:25 <seanw`> schiste: this is ordinary school for us :P 19:02:02 <schiste> rah 19:02:30 * Wiki_Blue ( has joined #wikimedia-cpg 19:02:42 * schiste feels old suddenly 19:03:03 <seanw`> Hey Wiki_Blue 19:03:11 <seanw`> Wiki_Blue: we were kind of finishing 19:03:18 <Nicolas_Guerin> hi Wiki_blue 19:03:50 * schiste waves at Wiki_Blue :) 19:04:11 <schiste> Nicolas_Guerin 19:04:19 <schiste> see this board for the translations 19:05:16 <Nicolas_Guerin> wow! should we translate this for the candidates? 19:05:30 <schiste> Hmmm ? 19:05:50 <Nicolas_Guerin> i mean, who is giving translation? 19:06:01 <schiste> TransCom and all volounteers 19:06:05 <Nicolas_Guerin> ok 19:06:13 <schiste> In fact I do a lot of translations 19:06:56 <Nicolas_Guerin> Are you so good in Japanese XD ? 19:07:32 <schiste> I'm not ^^# 19:07:42 <schiste> I studied japanese years ago 19:07:52 <Nicolas_Guerin> If you are interested, i can find people who can translate in polish :) 19:08:09 <schiste> We'll see what we needs 19:08:27 <schiste> but if they're involved in a Wikimedia Project, recruit them ! 19:10:11 * LeBron ( has joined #wikimedia-cpg 19:10:17 <seanw`> Hey LeBron 19:10:25 <seanw`> Look, all, we've been going for an hour. 19:10:29 <schiste> hey LeBron 19:10:29 <seanw`> I think we ought to wrap up :) 19:10:32 <LeBron> Hiho seanw. 19:10:37 <seanw`> Any other issues? 19:10:42 <schiste> don't think so 19:10:48 <schiste> Well not for me 19:10:54 <LeBron> Geee, right on time. 19:10:54 <seanw`> Well, thanks schiste for leading all our election stuff. 19:10:59 <seanw`> hehe sorry LeBron 19:11:13 <LeBron> seanw` my fault not yrs :D 19:11:28 <seanw`> In that case, meeting closed ~~~~ 19:11:35 <seanw`> Martinp23: please post logs etc.
And it was done.