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Communication Projects Group/Meetings/2007-05-23

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Log times are UTC +1.5 (yes, the pc clock is losing time at an appalling rate!).

--- Log opened Wed May 23 22:02:10 2007
22:02:23            * Martinp23 has a log open
22:03:13  Platonide ) pong
22:03:27  HistoryBu ) pong pong
22:03:51 Topic for #wikimedia-cpg: Wikimedia Communication Projects Group | http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/ComProj | Meetings are being held every Wednesday, 2030 UTC (9:30 PM BST) | Note: Channel logs will be public
22:03:51 Topic set by Martinp23 [] [Wed May 16 21:59:57 2007]
22:05:12      seanw ) Martinp23, thanks
22:05:33      seanw ) OKay I have my notes.
22:05:38      seanw ) First, who is here and who isn't?
22:05:48      seanw ) [20:40:57] [@ChanServ     ] [ HistoryBuff] [ LeBron   ] [ Platonides] [ unilinky]
22:05:52      seanw ) [20:40:57] [ cary-office  ] [ husky      ] [ Martinp23] [ seanw     ]
22:05:53      seanw ) ^ please indicate if alive
22:05:56      seanw ) [20:40:57] [ CraigSpurrier] [ jtico      ] [ newmanbe ] [ symode09  ]
22:06:08            * HistoryBuff seems lucid
22:06:09      jtico ) pong
22:06:11            * Martinp23 checks pulse
22:06:16            * husky alive
22:06:17  cary-offi ) barely
22:06:26            * Platonides espires
22:06:28  CraigSpur ) I am here
22:06:28            * LeBron breathes.
22:06:48  HistoryBu ) symode09: ping
22:07:07      jtico ) :(
22:08:34      seanw ) Okay
22:08:41      seanw ) Someone who is more awake than me list who didn't answer? :)
22:09:18  cary-offi ) newmanbe:
22:09:21  cary-offi ) Symode09 is probably snoring
22:09:36  cary-offi ) Symode09 Symode09 Symode09 Symode09 Symode09
22:09:44  cary-offi ) He says his PC is on full volume
22:09:46  HistoryBu ) Sandy is absent too
22:09:52  cary-offi ) Sandy will return on Tuesday
22:10:05  cary-offi ) Her mother was very ill and has now passed away
22:10:09  cary-offi ) The funeral was today.
22:10:13      seanw ) cary-office, please send condolences
22:10:23  HistoryBu ) :( yes, sorry to hear that.
22:10:26      seanw ) cary-office, I'll leave you to explain what we've been up to (if anything) rather than hammering with e-mails
22:10:29      jtico ) ho wow, :(
22:10:42  Martinp23 ) :( - condolences from me too (in fact, from us all, I'm sure)
22:10:50            * newmanbe was signing for a package and is here.
22:10:55  cary-offi ) Will do
22:11:00   newmanbe ) But I'm not a member, so it doesn't really matter. 8)
22:11:48      seanw ) newmanbe, sorry, do you want me to add you?
22:11:57      seanw ) cary-office, so: ComProj send their condolences :)
22:12:00            * newmanbe is just observing for now.
22:12:04      seanw ) Right, I'll move on if that's okay.
22:12:04  cary-offi ) indeed
22:12:14      jtico ) seanw: yes
22:12:15      seanw ) I want to move a bit faster in order to 'force' us to get some good stuff out.
22:12:23      seanw ) First item was symode09
22:12:26      seanw ) I guess we'll pass on that.
22:12:37  cary-offi ) he'll be so upset
22:12:41      seanw ) Next was Martinp23 and Wikiwx search engine - wnt to talk mart? :)
22:12:52  Martinp23 ) If I must :)
22:13:21      husky ) do you have a demo / link somewhere online to view?
22:13:35  Martinp23 ) Some of you may know of a new search engine being developed by the same great guys who are bringing us the cd releases of Wikipedia
22:13:59  Martinp23 ) It uses up to date data, and is tailored to mediawikis: http://www.wikiwix.com
22:14:47  Martinp23 ) So, for example: http://www.wikiwix.com/?lang=en&action=paris
22:14:57      seanw ) So it *actually works*?
22:15:09  Martinp23 ) Has small image thumbnails, and if you click that small compass icon, you get smething nice :)
22:15:10      seanw ) Unlike Special:Search due to server load :)
22:15:16  Martinp23 ) seanw: Surprisingly :)
22:15:20   newmanbe ) It does not seem to search Wikimedia Commons.
22:15:26  Martinp23 ) It's the decent search engine we never had
22:15:53  Martinp23 ) newmanbe: It just does Wikipedia-en at the moment, I think
22:15:53      seanw ) newmanbe, we have tangotango's mayflower for that
22:16:03      seanw ) Martinp23, so how do you think comproj should be involved with this?
22:16:24  Martinp23 ) newmanbe: Actually it does all languages of wp, but I can suggest commons and other projects
22:16:57  cary-offi ) press release?
22:17:13      husky ) the image search engine seems to be a bit heavy (in terms of load times), at least on my browser
22:17:29  Martinp23 ) seanw: basically, just offer it to your home project and see if you can get it on MediaWiki pages (etc), and spread the word about it.
22:17:45   newmanbe ) It gives me fair use images too, which I suppose it what you want...
22:18:08  cary-offi ) Isn't the Kiwi a symbol of New Zealand?
22:18:31      husky ) having a license aside from the image would be good addition
22:18:57      seanw ) cary-office, how far can we do those?
22:19:08  Martinp23 ) hehe - the Wiki-side of the company is called "Kiwix", I think, so hence the appearance of the kiwi
22:19:19      seanw ) Martinp23, right, so, how do you want to use comproj as comproj, rather than just a group of people? :-)
22:19:19  cary-offi ) do what?
22:19:21  cary-offi ) press releases?
22:19:24  cary-offi ) I think I really mean well-crafted annoncements
22:19:30      seanw ) Ah gotya
22:19:32      seanw ) We cfan do those.
22:19:33  cary-offi ) carefully spammed across the projects
22:19:33  Martinp23 ) cary-office: Exactly :)
22:20:16            * Martinp23 hoped to have his contact, pm27, in here, but he seems to be eating
22:20:53      seanw ) Okay let's move on in that case.
22:20:56      seanw ) Thansk Martinp23
22:21:10  Martinp23 ) For the francophones of you, I do have a link - one moment please seanw :)
22:21:14   newmanbe ) Their default font size is tiny.
22:21:16      seanw ) Oh alright
22:21:19   newmanbe ) And is broken at large sizes...
22:21:59      husky ) i have some problems using the atlas search option, although the results it gives are pretty cool
22:23:20      seanw ) Martinp23, I'm going to have to push you, as Chris Tarrant says :)
22:23:42   newmanbe ) It also presents wiki markup as wikimarkup.
22:23:50  cary-offi ) Interesting
22:24:09  Martinp23 ) seanw: go ahead - it seems to have vanished :)
22:24:26   newmanbe ) And has an advertisement for their Wikipedi DVD. 8)
22:24:38   newmanbe ) Using Flash...
22:24:45      seanw ) Right
22:24:50      seanw ) Next thing is how we are linking with Wikimania
22:25:01      seanw ) Craig Spurrier?
22:25:10            * seanw looks up nick *hides*
22:25:13  cary-offi ) Flash?
22:25:32   newmanbe ) Adobe/Macromedia Flash.
22:25:47  cary-offi ) I mean... FLASH?
22:25:59      husky ) ?
22:26:01  Platonide ) it's not free... booo...
22:26:13  cary-offi ) I'm sorry all, I have to leave.
22:26:15      jtico ) :(
22:26:15  CraigSpur ) I am not sure exactly what to say about it, but I think we should be involved/more involved in with Wikimania PR stuff
22:26:17  cary-offi ) I didn't have anything anyway
22:26:30  cary-offi ) Nothing real
22:26:36      seanw ) cary-office, okay, thanks, cya!
22:26:47      seanw ) CraigSpurrier, that makes sense.
22:26:51      husky ) bye
22:26:58  Martinp23 ) (sorry to drop in: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilisateur:Pmartin/Wikiwix )
22:26:59      seanw ) I would suggest we establish a contact for Wikimania <> ComProj
22:27:00  Martinp23 ) bye
22:27:13      seanw ) Any volunteers?
22:27:21   newmanbe ) What would said contact do?
22:27:47  HistoryBu ) seanw: Does the PR person have to be attending?
22:27:53  HistoryBu ) If not, I will.
22:27:54      jtico ) Well, IIRC shiste said he would be our contact with wikimania
22:27:58   symode09 ) here ::'(
22:28:08  cary-offi ) Symode09: You made it!!!
22:28:10  cary-offi ) Finally
22:28:24   symode09 ) srry, i a,m smashed
22:28:25 cary-offic x [n=carybass@wikimedia/Bastique] has quit irc []
22:28:34      seanw ) symode09, think you can do your bit?
22:28:36  CraigSpur ) I would imagine they would help with the press inquires as well as help ensuring the public Wikimania site and contact is professional (mostly copy editing and fighting vandalism)
22:29:10   symode09 ) kk, whan do you want me to edit
22:29:20  CraigSpur ) It would also be nice to try to ensure that the contact information for all members of the press that contact the Wikimaina people get added to our database.
22:29:43  HistoryBu ) symode09: lol. wait, let's finish this wikimania thing, then do your video spiel
22:29:57   symode09 ) \kk
22:30:04  HistoryBu ) CraigSpurrier: Where is "our database"?
22:30:23      seanw ) CraigSpurrier, presslist, you mean?
22:30:31  CraigSpur ) the press contact list on google documents
22:30:33  CraigSpur ) yes
22:31:00  HistoryBu ) URL?
22:31:24  CraigSpur ) Sandy needs to send you an invite to use it
22:31:47  HistoryBu ) Ah ok
22:32:03  HistoryBu ) So, that's in limbo until next Tuesday
22:32:04  HistoryBu ) :)
22:32:48  HistoryBu ) Was schiste going to be the point person? I'll defer to him, if that is so.
22:33:07   symode09 ) :s - I'm still recovering - the house was being knocked over by the pvt. messages
22:33:16  CraigSpur ) having more people doing RC patrol and copyediting on the wikimania site would probably be good as well
22:34:31  CraigSpur ) I am a bit concerned that the Wikimania people may not know the they have comproj available to help. Anyone know if anyone has contacted them about it?
22:34:40  HistoryBu ) true enough. Should someone ping him and confirm?
22:34:57  HistoryBu ) CraigSpurrier: I've not seen anything on planning-l about it.
22:35:03  HistoryBu ) Sandy is on that list though.
22:35:11   symode09 ) Should I contact them?
22:35:17  HistoryBu ) So, that might be mute when she returns.
22:35:27      seanw ) Okay
22:35:33      seanw ) I think schiste wants to bne that guy
22:35:36      seanw ) Can we move on>?
22:35:41   symode09 ) kk
22:35:45  CraigSpur ) sure
22:35:53  HistoryBu ) seanw: ok ... should we ping him on that?
22:36:24      seanw ) Yes, we can use the list after the meeting to round up stuff like that.
22:36:35      seanw ) That is everything project related
22:36:38      seanw ) Next is simply us.
22:36:40  HistoryBu ) k. please proceed
22:36:42      seanw ) Where are we going?
22:36:54  HistoryBu ) Rule the universe? :)
22:37:00   symode09 ) :s - I'm lost
22:37:26  HistoryBu ) I think better inter-project co-operation ... and communication ... should be a key strategy
22:37:37  HistoryBu ) symode09: we're following an agenda
22:37:55   symode09 ) i see
22:38:42  HistoryBu ) We had chatted about a strategy paper, or something of that sort.
22:39:16      jtico ) Are the other WMF projects aware of our existence?
22:39:43  HistoryBu ) jtico: No one that I know at WV knew ... and we are a pretty small project.
22:40:28      jtico ) Yes, you are right
22:40:51  HistoryBu ) CPG should be a means though, not an end.
22:41:16  HistoryBu ) If people find out about CPG through the work we do, I think that is the best way.
22:41:30      husky ) definitely
22:41:40      jtico ) sounds good
22:42:28  HistoryBu ) Now we need some of the tactical "doing" stuff to get that happening :)
22:42:41      seanw ) Definately.
22:42:46      seanw ) How about our methodology?
22:42:53      seanw ) How much do we want to use meetings and the list etc.?
22:43:33   symode09 ) btw, can we find another time to meet/have 2 meetings - this is killing me
22:44:09      seanw ) Right, yes
22:44:23      seanw ) I propose we make mailing list primary and meetings secondary, rather than the other way round.
22:44:26      seanw ) Thoughts?
22:44:56      husky ) it depends on what we want to do
22:45:07  Martinp23 ) Yes - the best way to have meetings would be on an "as and when needed" basis, with them being arranged to fit around those who need to attend, with prior discussion
22:45:23   symode09 ) I think we need to use the project discussion page more
22:45:38      jtico ) We could use one of the proyect discussion pages to agree about this
22:45:40      husky ) a mailing list is probably better for long pieces, large discussions, announcements, etcetera
22:46:48      husky ) while irc is better if you want to make appointments, have a discussion which requires input at a faster rate, go trough a lot of items quickly
22:47:12      jtico ) or brainstorming
22:47:23      seanw ) So
22:47:23      husky ) yes
22:47:26      seanw ) Project takl page more?
22:47:34      seanw ) Mailing list for announcements, talk page for dicsussion, IRC when needed?
22:47:57      jtico ) sounds good to me
22:48:00  HistoryBu ) I think we should use the wiki more
22:48:03      husky ) maybe we could only do IRC meetings when we have a few items which require a lot of attention from many people in a short time
22:48:37  HistoryBu ) We're a wiki based initiative, the mailing list should be a tickler for the wiki.
22:48:44  HistoryBu ) IMHO, of course
22:49:02      husky ) a talk page is especially handy if you want to share media files
22:49:16      husky ) although it does have it's disadvantages too
22:49:20  HistoryBu ) I'm a bit lagged, sorry .. catching up
22:49:29      seanw ) So, my plan makes sense?
22:49:32      seanw ) Anyone else want to comment>
22:49:58  HistoryBu ) I think it's good to have some planning session in IRC
22:50:17  HistoryBu ) the "doing" is more suited for the wiki.
22:50:56      jtico ) yes
22:51:16      seanw ) Right
22:51:20      seanw ) So, let's wrap this up for tonight
22:51:23      seanw ) Martinp23, pleas publish logs
22:51:38      seanw ) I will post to list (hopefulyl) on what we have discussed for hte enegit of others.
22:51:38   symode09 ) kk, srry bout tonigh
22:51:47      seanw ) And with that, good night, meeting closed! ~~~~
22:51:52      seanw ) symode09, np
22:52:00      husky ) so can we conclude that mailing list = discussion & announcements, wiki talk page = doing things, irc = occasional meetings?
22:52:17   symode09 ) kk, cya
22:52:31            * symode09 collapses on floor
22:52:32      husky ) cya
22:52:40  HistoryBu ) husky: yes
22:52:46  Platonide ) xD bye
22:52:48      husky ) ok
22:52:50   symode09 x [n=chatzill@124-168-115-252.dyn.iinet.net.au] has quit irc ["ChatZilla [Firefox]"]
22:53:38  Martinp23 ) seanw: Certainly
22:54:17            * Platonides thinks about joining the mailing list
22:54:22      seanw ) nn all