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Chapters Reports April~June 2011

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Wikimedia Czech republic
  • WMCZ had organized in April 2nd General Assembly (GA) in 2011, WMCZ has elected 1 new member of the board (user:Limojoe). There were 5 members of the Board in total. Financial Report was not accepted on the 2nd GA, it was postponed for the so called e-mail election. WMCZ members also met Anna and Sebastian from WMDE coming on OGDN workshop.
  • Final version of Mediagrant was presented and submission for subgrants was opened.
  • There were intense internal discussions about Agreement with Foundation, which should be accepted on Wikimania 2011.
  • One new small sponsor supported WMCZ.
  • After abdication of Chairman Juan in May, Board annunciated 3rd GA scheduled on June 25. Limojoe (new chairman) and Jirka O. (vice-chairman) were reelected. Two new board members were elected - Jan Spousta and Aktron. One chair was left empty for the future voting.


Wikimedia Czech republic
  • 5 new members entered the Chapter. The Chapter had around 35 members (one woman).

Technology & Cultural

Wikimedia Czech republic
  • Some members continued their cooperation with GLAM (user:Gampe – museums, DannyB - Glam conference NY) and educational institutions.
  • New tradition of wikimeetings and wiki workshops organized on every 3rd Monday every month started in May. GLAM and internal grant system were presented on first two meetings.
  • WMCZ attended in April on Open Source conference and NGO market. We partecipated in May and June on two huge book/booksellers exhibions and participated on Prague Museum night in June too.

See Also
