لجنة الفصول المحلية/القرارات/الوصول إلى اللجنة الداخلية – مايو/أيار 2006
Resolution Access to internal
The Chapters Committee asks the board to clarify the question, who is supposed to be member of the internal group (list and wiki).
عرض الأسباب
At some point Jimmy Wales suggested that he - due to the amount of chapters and the huge number of people on some boards - is no longer comfortable with having all chapter board members in the internal group. There was a suggestion to reduce the number of people from each chapter to four or five, which has not really been opposed. But there was never some kind of official statement on this. Some members of recently elected chapter boards are complaining about not being given access to internal. The problem is that the list or wiki administrators have to deal with this kind of requests without any real decision to back their position up, so it seems to be a good idea to have a formal decision about this issue.
A reasonable policy would be, to give access to
- all board members and officers of the Wikimedia Foundation
- up to five persons from each chapter's board, among which president and treasurer
- up to three persons from each committee, preferably chair and vice-chair
- employees of the Wikimedia Foundation and its chapters (on request of the employer)
- any individual that gets 80% support among the current members of internal who expressed their opinion
Resolution passed with 4 votes in favor, 1 votes not cast on 26 May 2006.
لائحة النتائج
Amended and adopted on 26 May 2006 - see Resolution chapters committee/Access to internal