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Category:Problem statements

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a category.

This is a legacy page that has not been monitored in years. Any new problems should be reported on Phabricator. The original description below follows.

See Also: Category:Problem solutions and Category:Feature requests

Wiki users have many feature ideas, that get spread out along bug reports and feature request pages, with many duplicates. Our friend, the Category feature will allow us to organize these problems and feature requests alphabetically, on their own page.

Common usage


This page is a category page, that lists pages that link to it. It is a list of pages with problem statements... things for people to eventually get arround to solving.

List a problem


If you have a problem while using mediawiki, browse this category and search for the matching problem... If it does not exist create a page by linking to it from your User page.

Create the problem statement page

  • state the problem as clearly as possible
  • If you have an idea how to solve the problem, add a feature request
  • If the problem is already solved, somebody should link to the feature that solves the problem, and change the page category to Category:Problem solutions ... If there is merely a work arround (soemthing that is not quick and easy) add the work arround to that page, and list it under Category:Problem workarrounds
  • Add the page to the appropriate categories..

When you Promote a feature


If you have a feature that you want to add to MediaWiki, link to it from your User page, and be sure to name the feature something relatively short, and descriptive. Also, be sure to list what problem you are trying to solve with the feature.

This is also known as Promote by linking -- very similar to how Google's Page Rank (tm)? system works. except, just the fact that there are more links will guide the person to the solution.

Implement a feature


If you have a feature, that you are capable of developing, and or wish to request for inclusion to MediaWiki, go to the roadmap page, or appropriate version page, and add a link to the feature page under the appropriate header (i.e. feature requests)... If you are in the position to actually include the feature to MediaWiki, place it in the list of features to be included in the next version.

It is generally hard to manage feature requests that are on a large page, and some features may be regarded as missfeatures by some... but... problem statements are not as contriversial... because if you have the problem, then somebody has the problem, and it can't be denied that somebody has that problem... (however, some people will view the problem as a feature, and will try to bash your feature... or, if you're lucky (as is often the case on WikiMedia projects) somebody will help point out reasons to keep the features the way they are, and still solve your problem easily.


This category has only the following subcategory.


Pages in category "Problem statements"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.