ウィキメディア財団にはいくつか小規模グループがあり、私たちはウィキメディア運動内で実施されてきたコンテンツのキャンペーンやコンテストから学ぶことを担当します。2022-2023年度は研修コースのベータ版である主催者ラボ Organizer Lab を実施する予定で、気候変動と持続可能性に関連する知識の格差についてキャンペーンを設計し、ウィキは人権を支持キャンペーン#WikiForHumanRightsを反復開発します。キャンペーン主催の詳細を知りたい、ご自分もやってみたいと思われたら、ぜひちょっと話を聞かせてください。
- Liaising with the Wikimedia Foundation communications teams, to help organizers communicate on Community channels, like the Diff blog, and leverage the visibility of movement channels, like the Wikimedia Foundation’s social media presence.
- Supporting movement-level partnerships that connect with community groups working on campaigns.
- Providing consultations on technologies, tools and tactics that improve the ability to organize content campaigns.
- Advising meta organizers and partners on effective community-organizing and training tactics for engaging communities through campaigns.
- Helping organizers identify and seek capacities, funding needs, and other resources that they may not have yet for their campaigns.
- Build better software and tools that meet the needs of campaign organizers.
- Build training and documentation that helps more organizers create effective, highly scalable campaigns.
- Improve Foundation-level support of strategic topics for impact that require large-scale engagement of new contributors and partners.
- 財団が後援するキャンペーン類 -- 時に応じてウィキメディア財団のプログラムまたは 提携関係先から、コンテンツのキャンペーンに国際的に広く関心を集める機会が与えられ(つまり持続可能な開発目標SDGs関連その他のウィキメディア運動の優先事項に関連するなど)、一般の観衆に響いてウィキメディア運動で活動してみようかと勧誘する契機となります。例として、図書館員の典拠補足活動(#1lib1ref)ならびに人権ウィキ(WikiForHuman Rights)は当チームが支援しました。
- Movement Campaigns with Demonstrated High Impact – the Wikimedia movement runs a number of campaigns that have demonstrated that they can scale (e.g. Wiki Loves Monuments, Wiki Loves Africa, Wikipedia Asian Month, and Art+Feminism) or are in partnership with international organizations or networks that make them high profile and increase their potential for impact or media interest (e.g. the BBC 100 Women or WikiGap). These campaigns are of importance to the health of the movement, encouraging widespread international participation and have organized partners or collaborators outside the movement.
- Emerging International Campaigns – campaigns or contests which will likely scale through the movement, if implemented well. For example, the recently developed WPWP and AfroCine Month campaigns. We suspect these kinds of campaigns have potential because: they have had broad community endorsement and participation in different geographies, contribution is both targeted and accessible for new contributors and experienced editors, and there is a diverse team of organizers working on the campaigns.
If you are working on something else, we are happy to connect with you and provide advice, documentation and resources. In some situations, we may be able to provide mentoring or assistance. However, campaigns run in one geography or language context may be best implemented or advised by a local affiliate, who better understands how that particular Wikimedia community has engaged in campaigns in the past.
WMF 主催のキャンペーン情報
- 1Lib1Ref 報告書 図書館司書
- WikiForHumanRights 報告書 人権
お問い合わせメールは astinsonwikimedia
Office Hours
You can also reach us via our pilot monthly office hours over the next 3 months. Follow the links below to join us for a discussion.
Office Hour 1: What are the gaps in our content?
In this office hour we will be showcasing the Taxonomy of Knowledge Gaps developed by the WMF research team, Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos and showcasing how a content campaign has been used to bridge one of the known gaps in our movement.
- 日付:2020年9月23日
- 時間:3:00pm UTC
- リンク:https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/99382142655
Youtube リンク:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jtjMCbP-AQ
- How do cash or other prizes strike a balance between fairness and motivation to participate?
- What alternatives to cash prizes can we offer in Campaigns?
- How do we include GLAMs in photograph campaign initiatives? How can photography campaigns develop institutional roles? Or partner with public funded institutional projects? -- This is heavily related to what emerging communities need to do to document cultural content -- GLAM institutions themselves don’t meet this need.
- How do communities develop better ways to reach new audiences and grow campaigns?
Office Hour 2: Filling Content Gaps with targeted article campaigns
This office hour will include a focus on what we have Identified about Audience-based design for campaigns, the WikiGapFinder Tool and showcasing how regionally themed campaigns such as the Wikipedia Asian Month can be used to bridge content gaps in a region.
- Date: 2020年10月28日
- Time: 11:00am UTC
- Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/91573962012?pwd=NmthbVB2N2hiZGJkMEdLT3VWZ1FSZz09
Youtube link:
Office Hour 3: Strategising for the future of campaigns
Don't miss the last session in our campaigns office hour pilot series! This session will focus on highlighting the Wikipedia20 activities and the role campaign organizers can play in the messaging for the celebration, sharing insights about the 1Lib1Ref January strategy and how you can participate (1Lib1Ref human challenge, 1lib1ref CEE strategy, etc.) and to further discuss the future of campaign office hours.
- Date: 2020年12月2日
- Time: 3:00pm UTC
- Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/94391226637?pwd=MHovSVBnczdicnJLUWVTK2RXRGNuUT09
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5xAXtNvA-Y
Office Hour 4: WikiForHumanRights 2021
Learn more about the WikiForHumanRights campaign will be arriving for Earth Day this year: April 15-May 15. The theme is “Right to a Healthy Environment” -- connecting the 20th Birthday “Human” theme with the global conversations about COVID-19, environmental crisis, like climate change, and human rights .You can learn more about the the theme at our under-development home page: WikiForHumanRights.
- Date: 2021年2月25日
- Time: 3:00pm UTC
- Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/97336292017
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_QEE60hcFk
Office Hour 5: Evaluating ideal use of prizes or rewards for campaigns
Prizes or awards are key to volunteer organisations such as Wikimedia. It's one way of providing motivation or encouraging continuous participation. Even so, it's often very hard to decide on what could be an ideal prize for a campaign. We have heard concerns and have been asked questions about why certain kinds of awards or prizes are given out for some campaigns. Join us to discuss and steer the conversation towards a much clearer and consistent reward philosophy for campaigns within the Wikimedia Movement.
- Date: 2021年3月25日
- Time: 3:00pm UTC
- Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/95921708595
Youtube link: 要確認
Office Hour 6: Introducing the Campaigns Product Team
The Wikimedia Foundation now has a Product team focused on the needs of campaign and event organizers in the Wikimedia Movement. In this meeting, we will introduce the product team, and how we will be addressing the first feature, Participant Registration. Join us and give feedback on our first thoughts!
- Date: 2021年9月9日
- Time: 15:00 UTC
- Link: https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/87427100681
Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jT8fRUWjfI
Office Hour 7: Event Registration Tool: Namespaces, Wireframes and other Updates
In this meeting, we will introduce a new version of the desktop wireframes, the first version of the mobile wireframes and the possibility of creating new namespaces for the first feature of the Event Center, the Event Registration Tool. The Campaigns Product Team will also be providing community updates on the usability test findings, current project timeline and answer any questions you may have. Join us and share your thoughts on these developments!
- 日付:2022年3月31日
- 時間:15:00 UTC
- リンク:https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/82046580320
Youtube リンク:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYXEduCaKtE
In these office hours, we will be demoing the new event registration tool, and we will teach you how you can use it yourself. You will learn how to:
- Create an event page in the new event namespace (as an event organizer)
- Enable registration on your event page (as an event organizer)
- Collect data on who registered for your event (as an event organizer)
- Register for an event on the event page (as an event participant)
- Youtube link" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xb6-ZElpN4
In these office hours, we will introduce V1 of the Event Registration Tool. In this version, the following features will be included.
- 主催者をたすけてイベントの標準時を示す
- 参加登録をした利用者に確認メールを送信
- 主催者による参加者へのメール発信(受信者が利用者アカウントにメールアドレスを紐づけしている場合)
- プログラム・イベント・ダッシュボードとの 連携
- 特定のイベントに複数名の主催者を 紐付けする
- 非公開の参加登録:参加しても自分の登録利用者名は、そのイベントの主催者以外に表示されない選択肢で、主催者に使い方の講習を提供します。
- 日付:2022年12月5日
- 時刻: - UTC
- Zoom リンク:https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/87853269514
- Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNMNSrMovQI
- 日付:2022年12月10日
- 時刻: - UTC
- Zoom リンク:https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/87853269514
WikiForHumanRights 2023 Organizing Hour
- Jan 16, 2023 04:00 PM in Universal Time UTC
- An opportunity to learn more about the #WikiForHumanRights campaign in 2023 and connect with international organizers for the campaign.
- Recording can be found here.
Women History Month Conversation 2023
For the registration see Event:Women History Month Conversation
You are invited to join an Office Hour led by Masana Mulaudzi, Senior Manager of the Campaigns Programs team on Feb 16, 2023 at 4pm UTC.
March 8 marks the annual celebration of International Women’s Day, and an opportunity to advance the achievements of the women’s rights and gender equality movement globally. This seminal international holiday also coincides with Women’s History Month in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia.
To respond to the gender gap and create opportunities to strengthen the gender diverse content on Wikipedia, the Gender Organizing community in the Wikimedia Movement host an annual campaign during International Women’s Month. This campaign is an important opportunity for the Wikimedia movement to engage with the work of different communities highlighting the gender gap in each Wikimedia project.
The Office Hour will facilitate connection with gender organizers in the movement to understand how we can better respond to this community’s needs ahead of big annual campaigns, like the ones planned for International Women’s Day.
We would like to invite you to a conversation hour to:
- Share what your community is doing for this year in campaign organizing on the Gender Gap during International Women’s Day and beyond.
- Learn about this year’s Central Notice banner and central calendar and how you can give feedback to them.
- Learn how the new event registration tool can help improve your registration experience for newcomers joining events.
Slides from the event can be found here and the recording is on Commons