CIS-A2K/Work plan July 2015 - June 2016/Kannada Wikisource

CIS-A2K (Centre for Internet and Society - Access to Knowledge) is a campaign to promote the fundamental principles of justice, freedom, and economic development. It deals with issues like copyrights, patents and trademarks, which are an important part of the digital landscape.
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Kannada is one of the major languages of India. Kannada Wikipedia has been one of the focus language areas as part of CIS-A2K’s work plan during previous years. While implementing the work plans on Kannada Wikipedia, as a spin-off, lot of content came into Kannada Wikisource as well. There was an increase in the associated community also. These results encouraged CIS-A2K to evolve a plan to work on strengthening Kannada Wikisource and the associated community. The plan gives an overview of CIS-A2K's work since April 2014 and presents the plan of activities for the year starting July 2015 to June 2016. The details of the work plan are available in the implementation plan below.
Journey so far
[edit]Kannada Wikisource was moving at a very slow pace till last year. Due to CIS-A2K’s efforts lot of content has come under Creative Commons License. Notable among these are the 14 volumes of Kannada Vishwakosha (Encyclopaedia) by University of Mysore, 122 books by the Kannada and Culture Department of Govt of Karnataka and 55 books of late Niranjana by his daughter and copyright holder Prof. Tejaswini Niranjana. These are being added to Kannada Wikisource there by increasing the number of folios as well as editors on Kannada Wikisource. Partnership with Christ University, Bengaluru, has contributed a lot in increasing the folios on Kannada Wikisource as the first year students of the Christ university have contributed on this platform as a part of their internal assessment. A pro-active collaboration has been initiated by the Kannada Wikimedia community in digitising and uploading the content on Wikisource. CIS-A2K looks forward to working closely with the community volunteers and to successfully digitise the complete corpus of content donated towards Kannada Wikisource during this plan year.
Parameters | Expected target
(by June 30, 2015) |
Dream target
(by June 30, 2015) |
Actual figure
(As of Jan 2015) |
No. of Editors | 1000 | 1200 | 679 |
No. of New editors | 300 | 500 | 62 |
No. of Active editors | 50 | 80 | 69 |
No. of Articles | 20,000 | 22,000 | 20,034 |
No. of Outreach Events | 12 | 15 | 17 |
Implementation Plan
[edit]Adding content released under CC License
[edit]University of Mysore had released first 6 volumes of the Kannada Vishwakosha (encyclopaedia) under CC-BY-SA on May 27, 2014. Later on jan 19, 2015, it released remaining 8 volumes of the encyclopaedia under CC-BY-SA. There are about 14,970 articles in the encyclopaedia. About 2000 articles have been already added to Kannada Wikisource. This is an ongoing work and efforts will be made to add remaining articles. Kannada and Culture Department of Govt of Karnataka has released 122 books under CC-BY-SA. Tejaswini Niranjana, who is the daughter of famous Kannada writer late Niranjana, has released 55 books of late Niranjana under CC-BY-SA. Efforts will be made to add these books to Kannada Wikisource. Plan: Add content that have been released under CC to Kannada Wikisource Execution: Digitisation meetups will be organised where volunteers who have shown interest in participating in this venture will be participating. Scanning of the books, using OCR to convert into text as much possible, cleaning up and uploading to Kannada Wikisource will be done in this meetups. Projection: 5 to 10 books are aimed to be uploaded in each meetup. We aim to organise at least 3 such meetups.
Christ University partnership
[edit]CIS-A2K has signed a MoU with Christ University to run a tailored Wikipedia in UG Education program. This is running successfully for two years now. As part of this program, UG students of first and second semester will be digitising Kannada text and adding them to Kannada WIkisource Plan: Add Kannada content that have been released under CC to Kannada Wikisource by students Execution: UG students of first and second semester will be trained on editing Wikisource and typing in Kannada. They will type the Kannada text by looking at the scanned pages of Kannada books that have been added to Commons. Projection: About 750 folios are expected to be added to Kannada Wikisource by this project.
Partnership with TESS India
[edit]TESS-India project is a project led by The Open University in the UK and is funded by the UK government. It is working towards improving the quality of teacher education in India. TESS India creates lot of teacher education material. These include text, audio and videos. CIS-A2K will partner with TESS-India to bring them under CC as OER. Plan: Partner with TESS India in the area of OER and release under CC and add them to Commons and Wikisource Execution: Arrive at the modality of working together, design the training where needed, work together and bring the content under CC Projection: This partnership will ensure quality teacher education resources and will contribute to Kannada and other Wikimedia projects.
Content from Other Universities, Academies, Govt departments and Institutions
[edit]CIS-A2K has been negotiating with many institutions, NGOs and universities to get the content generated by them to be released under CC. Remarkable success has been achieved so far which is mentioned above. The efforts will continue to convince others and to bring more content under CC.
Bringing Textbooks into Public Domain
[edit]We wrote this as one of the action items in last year’s work plane. But due to many reasons, change of officials at Govt department being the main one, this could not be achieved last year. We try again this year to achieve this. Plan: To bring the textbooks of primary and secondary schools published by the Education Department of Karnataka State under CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. Execution: Efforts will be made to convince the Education Department to bring the textbooks into public domain. Already there is an example from Kerala State which will be used to persuade the Department of Education of Karnataka State. Projection: If successful, this will improve Kannada Wikisource and also help grow the Kannada Wikisource as an OER which could benefit thousands of students.
[edit]The CIS-A2K team will strive to achieve the following goals for Kannada Wikisource, in collaboration with the Kannada Wikimedia community during 2015-16.
Parameters | Expected target | Dream target |
No. of Editors | 300 | 400 |
No. of New editors | 170 | 270 |
No. of Active editors | 20 | 30 |
No. of Articles | 5,000 | 12,000 |
No. of Outreach Events | 5 | 7 |
Activity-wise break-up of Goals
[edit]Activity | No. of New Articles |
Christ University | 750-1200 |
Encyclopaedia donation (Mysore University) | 800-12000 |
Digitsation meetups | 30 books |
[edit]Expenditure Item | FDC Support (INR) | FDC Support in US$ | Other Sources and in kind support (INR) | Other Sources and in kind support (US$) |
1 PM x 30% & | 316,800/- | 5,119.49 | - | - |
1 PD x 5% && | 79,200/- | 1,279.87 | 40,800/- | 659.33 |
Travel and Stay &&& | 20,000/- | 323.20 | 20,000/- | 323.20 |
Volunteer Support | 50,000/- | 808.00 | 20,000/- | 323.20 |
Events/Meet-ups/Workshops | 50,000/- | 808.00 | 20,000/- | 323.20 |
Digitisation costs | 50,000/- | 808.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Consumables/Printing/Stationery/Swag | 10,000/- | 404.00 | - | - |
Miscellaneous | 5,000/- | 80.80 | - | - |
Equipment/Permissions/Licenses | 20,000/- | 323.20 | - | - |
Total | 601,000/- | 9,712.16 | 100,800/- | 1,628.93 |
& 30% of Dr. U.B. Pavanaja's time as Program Manager at CIS-A2K, who will anchor this plan at CIS-A2K
&& 5% time of Program Director, CIS-A2K
&&& Expenses incurred by the CIS-A2K program team towards executing the plan
[edit]After going through the plan, please do let us know your consent by "logging in" and share your support. Please sign right after your endorsement note by clicking on the icon in the edit tool bar or typing --~~~~ at the end of the feedback.
I endorse the implementation plan. Srimysore (talk) 09:14, 1 April 2015 (UTC)