CIS-A2K/Requests/Archive 2018 2
(January—June, July—December)
(January—June, July—December)
(January—June, July—December)
(January—June, July—December)
(January—June, July—December)
(January-June, July-December)
Hindi wikipedia participation in World Hindi Conference 2018
[edit]विश्व हिन्दी सम्मलेन २०१८ के विषय में मेरी और आशीष भटनागर जी की हुई एवं ३ मई एवं २८ जून २०१८ को विदेश मंत्रालय, नई दिल्ली में हुई विदेश मंत्री माननीया श्रीमती सुषमा स्वराज एवं सम्मनित मंत्रीगणों माननीय,(रवि शंकर प्रसाद, राज्यवर्धन सिंह राठौड़,विजय कुमार सिंह) पद्मश्री अशोक चक्रधर एवं अधिकारीगणो के साथ हुई बैठकों एवं टेलीफोन के माध्यम से मंत्रालय से हुई कई चर्चाओं के के बाद सकारात्मक नतीजे मिले है।हम CIS के अत्यंत आभारी है जिन्होंने इस मीटिंग हेतु आवश्यक यात्रा , भोजन एवं आवास हेतु समय पर सहायता की, विदेश मंत्रालय ने इस कार्यक्रम में हमें आमंत्रित करते हुए निम्न सुविधाए प्रदान की है। The
- पंजीकरण शुल्क भुगतान न करने की छुट (अधिकतम 2 प्रतिनिधि),
- प्रदर्शनी स्थल में 3 × 3 मीटर का स्थान जिसका उपयोग चर्चाओं आदि हेतु किया जा सकेगा,
- अतिरिक्त सामग्री ले जाने के संबंध में भारत के उच्चायोग, पोर्टलूई द्वारा कस्टम निर्गम तथा अन्य प्रशासनिक प्रक्रिया में प्रकाशक को सहयोग प्रदान करना,
- 18 से 20 अगस्त 2018 तक स्थानीय यातायात (वैबसाइट पर उपलब्ध होटलों में से प्रदर्शनी स्थल व वापिस) की सुविधा,
- 18 से 20 अगस्त 2018 तक प्रदर्शनी स्थल में खान पान की सुविधा (अधिकतम 2 प्रतिनिधि)।
हिंदी विकिपीडिया के लिए यह कार्यक्रम अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है, जिसमे भाग लेने से ना केवल विकिपीडिया का वैश्विक हिंदी समुदाय में प्रचार प्रसार होगा बल्कि , भारत की शैक्षणिक संस्थाओं एवं अन्य महत्वपूर्ण संस्थानों के साथ आगे कार्य करने की संभावना भी प्रबल होगी।इस कार्यक्रम हेतु पूर्व में एक TPS ग्रांट भी डाली गई है पर चूँकि कार्यक्रम में अब बहुत कम समय बचा है अतः त्वरित सहायता हेतु एक रैपिड ग्रांट भी डाली गई है जिसे पर्याप्त मात्रा में समर्थन प्राप्त है । . ( )
यदि यह रेपिड ग्रांट स्वीकार होती है तो चूँकि इस की मर्यादा 2,000USD की होती है एवं हमारी आवश्यकता 3,142 USD (लगभग ₹ 2,15200) की है , जो की आवश्यक है। मेरा अनुरोध है कि इस अतिरिक्त बजट को वहन कर हिंदी विकी समुदाय की सहयता करें, एवं यदि यह स्वीकार्य होती है तो समय बचने के लिए एडवांस में धनराशि उपलब्ध / टिकिट आदि की बुकिंग कर सहायता करें। आप स्थानीय एवं, मॉरीशस की यात्रा का खर्चा वहन कर हमारी सहायता कर सकते है अथवा आप टेबल में दिए गए खर्च (कृपया रेपिड ग्रांट की खर्चों लिंक को देखें ) के प्रकार देख कर बेहतर सुझाव दे सकते है।
Number | Category | Item description | Number of units | Cost per unit | Total cost in INR | Total cost in USD (approximate) | Notes |
1 | International Travel | Two way travel from Delhi/Mumbai to Port Louis for 2 participants. | 2 | ₹47,000 | ₹94,000 - 20% (*Discount as offered ) ~ ₹ 75,200 | 1,098 USD | estimates based on rates obtained from the Internet might vary depending upon flight cost at the time of booking |
2 | Domestic Travel | Cost of travel from individual Cities to International Airport for 2 participants. | 2 | ₹8000+10,000 | ₹18,000 | 263 USD | Cost of travel from individual Cities to International Airport for 2 participants. |
किसी भी प्रकार के सपष्टीकरण हेतु आप मुझसे सहर्ष चर्चा कर सकते है। Suyash Dwivedi (talk) 20:27, 19 July 2018 (UTC)
- Hello User:Suyash.dwivedi, thank you for letting us know about this plan. We are delighted to know about the plan and we thank you for your effort.
- As this request consists of allocating large amount we request your patience and seek your assistance in making the right decision.
- As far as I can understand the WMF rapid grant (linked in your post above) is expected to be the primary source of the fund required for this initiative, and CIS-A2K is asked for help as a second support structure. Correct me, if I am wrong here. If that's the case, the model of support has been tried earlier during a community's 10 year celebration where WMF, WMIN and CIS supported. I have a few observations here.
- As WMF rapid grant is the primary grant structure here, a) please inform and update the rapid grant page about this request and/or inform grants officer accordingly. This will clarify any doubt and will be useful future reference b)the major components such as travel might be asked from WMF rapid grant. What do you think, kindly let us know.
- We are also interested to learn a little more about the plan and earlier involvements. We are optimistic about the expected outcomes you have told. The 10th Vishwa Hindi Sammelan took place in 2015 at Bhopal, CIS-A2K would like to know a little about the output of the involvement in the earlier 2015 iteration of the conference. It would be great if you kindly provide some idea about the collaborations or partnerships came out of it and how that helped to improve the movement (such as number of pages created/books donated/new editors). This will help us to understand the past performances.
- I once again thank for your interest. Please let us know if you have any question. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 10:56, 23 July 2018 (UTC)
- Hello Tito Dutta thanks for the reply. You are very much correct as WMF Rapid grant is the primary source of the fund required for this initiative and CIS-A2K is asked for help as a second support structure.
in reply to your part (A)yes we will definitely inform about this request to grant page/grants officer once you confirm(B) yes we understand that major components as travel should ask from the rapid grant but I believe that you can also understand that there are few days left for conference and any delays might catch high airfares (Travel booking is at High priority now) that's why we had asked to CIS for this part but if you think it is so necessary, then you may change it to any other head of your convenience for the amount exceeding rapid grant.
- I was a participant of 10th Vishwa Hindi Sammelan, Bhopal as my professional work. This is the First time where Hindi Wikipedia is participating in Vishwa Hindi Sammelan so I don't have any data you are asking for the previous one, However, I am sure our participation will bring at least 20 new editors/books donors and we are expecting 50-100 new articles/expansion. Thank you again and waiting for a quick reply --Suyash Dwivedi (talk) 18:04, 24 July 2018 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in India
[edit]In this year, the West Bengal Wikimedians User Group has decided to organize the Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in India. Through this competition event the people are invited to upload images of monuments under a free license for usage on Wikimedia projects.
After finishing the event, the community will declare the names of ten winners and award them the prizes apart from sending those entries for the global challenge. The prize will be Gift Vouchers (like Amazon, Flipkart etc) and SWAG materials like Post cards. We are requesting CIS to provide us the prize money/ financial support.
The Gift voucher may be distributed as follows:
- 1st Prize ( 10,000 INR ) worth Gift voucher
- 2nd Prize ( 8,000 INR ) worth Gift voucher
- 3rd Prize ( 6,000 INR ) worth Gift voucher
- 4th to 10th ( 3,000 INR X 7 = 21,000 INR ) worth Consolation Gift voucher
So, the total gift voucher amount will be 45,000 INR
For the SWAG material, it will be 2,000 INR for preparing 500 post cards.
Total Expenses (45,000 INR + 2,000 INR) = 47,000 INR--Atudu (talk) 16:01, 20 July 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, any update? -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 16:41, 28 July 2018 (UTC)
- Hello, it is good to know that West Bengal Wikimedians are eager to work on this.
- Starting with a few questions:
- This seems to be national-event. Please inform Wikimedia India mailing list, preferably other community mailing lists. Please inform the organisers of previous iterations. This will not only inform others about your plan, they can share ideas, and collaborate with you. If you have done this step already, please let us know. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 08:57, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, thanks for your response. We have already talked with previous year's organizer @KCVelaga:. We will soon let all Indic communities know through mailing list, once we complete our remaining ground work and get confirmation that we will recieve the necessary fund. Thanks, -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 09:13, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
- Funding is not the most difficult thing here. The general flow is community discussion>>grant request>>funding. My initial comment comes from another point of view. Once you inform the community (at least Wikimediaindia-l) and people know about it, it'll encourage collaboration, and more importantly it'll inform us the about any parallel plan (if any). An email with details like "West Bengal Wikimedians are going to work on WLM India this year. Please see the event page here and join if possible. . . ." will also work. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 09:21, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, posted in mailing list. Thanks -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 09:36, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, any update? -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 14:53, 14 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the post on the mailing list, and expanding the event page. We would like to support such an initiative. Very soon, I'll get back with more details. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 17:05, 15 August 2018 (UTC)
- Hello, I wanted to ask a couple of question: a) could you please let us know about the geographical location of prize distribution? It might a bit difficult to send prizes outside India, so we'd like to know this details. b) could you please make the consolation prize amount slightly less? Thanks. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 18:13, 15 August 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, any update? -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 14:53, 14 August 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, posted in mailing list. Thanks -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 09:36, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
- Funding is not the most difficult thing here. The general flow is community discussion>>grant request>>funding. My initial comment comes from another point of view. Once you inform the community (at least Wikimediaindia-l) and people know about it, it'll encourage collaboration, and more importantly it'll inform us the about any parallel plan (if any). An email with details like "West Bengal Wikimedians are going to work on WLM India this year. Please see the event page here and join if possible. . . ." will also work. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 09:21, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, thanks for your response. We have already talked with previous year's organizer @KCVelaga:. We will soon let all Indic communities know through mailing list, once we complete our remaining ground work and get confirmation that we will recieve the necessary fund. Thanks, -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 09:13, 29 July 2018 (UTC)
@Titodutta:, I have discussed with the organizing team about your questions. a) It is not possible to know the geographical location of the prize winners from now, but I guess, most of them, if not all, will be from India. If photographers from outside India gets selected for any prize, please send them any suitable gift voucher of your choice, which is most convenient. b) As per your request, the organizing team has agreed to reduce the prize money. Please find below the modified request.
Prize | Amount/Unit | Unit | Total Amount | Items | To be sent by |
1st place | 10,000 INR | 1 | 10,000 INR | Gift voucher | CIS-A2K |
2nd place | 7,000 INR | 1 | 7,000 INR | Gift voucher | CIS-A2K |
3rd place | 5,000 INR | 1 | 5,000 INR | Gift voucher | CIS-A2K |
4th -10th place | 2,000 INR | 7 | 14,000 INR | Gift voucher | CIS-A2K |
SWAG | 4 INR | 500 | 2,000 INR | Post cards | WLM Team |
Total | 38,000 INR |
Please let me know, if it is ok now. Waiting for your confirmation. Thanks, -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 21:45, 15 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the clarification and changes. The requested is
Approved. Please keep us updated about different stages and development. All the best. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 18:33, 16 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks @Titodutta: for the approval. -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 03:26, 17 August 2018 (UTC)
Travel support -Tulu Wikipedia 2nd anniversary meetup
[edit]Tulu Wikipedia completed 2 years on Aug 6, 2018. On this account a small meeting is planned at Mangaluru on Aug 11, 2018. The agenda is to discuss the current status of Tulu Wikipedia, on the various tasks planned earlier, prioritizing the works from those tasks, approaching different people and institutions, etc. We have got an appointment with Dr. Veerenda Heggade at Dharmasthala on Aug 12, 2018. The agenda on Aug 11 meeting will include the topics to be discussed with Dr. Veerendra Heggade. We request travel and accommodation sponsorship as follows -
- Travel (Dr. U.B. Pavanaja & Dhanalakshmi K.T. from Bengaluru) = ₹ 2000 x 2 x 2 = 8,000
- Accommodation (Dr. U.B. Pavanaja, 1 night, 2 days) = ₹2400 x 2 = 4800
- Food (tea & snacks, for the meetup, for 12 persons) = ₹50 x 12 = 600
- Food (Pavanaja & Dhanalakshmi, 2 days) = ₹ 500 x 2 x 2 = 2000
- Travel (4 persons from Mangaluru to Dharmastla, by car, fuel cost) = ₹1,000
- Total = ₹ 16,600
The meeting has been decided at the last minute. Hence this last minute request. We will spend the money and request reimbursements.--Dhanalakshmi .K. T (talk) 06:40, 9 August 2018 (UTC)
- Hello, thanks and letting us know about this plan. We generally ask to inform us about a plan at least 2-3 weeks prior to an event. I'll discuss with the team and let you know. Meanwhile, could you please add an event page link? Feel free to ask question. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 07:02, 9 August 2018 (UTC)
- There is a link to the VP post in this request. Event page has not yet been created. Some cleanup is needed for the event pages. Event page will be created after the cleanup--Dhanalakshmi .K. T (talk) 09:18, 9 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the response User:Dhanalakshmi .K. T. We have seen the VP post. It would be great to see some constructive discussion there. Please let us know once the event page is created. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 12:44, 10 August 2018 (UTC)
- Here is the event page -Dhanalakshmi .K. T (talk) 16:00, 10 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the clarifications. Request is
Approved. Will contact you over email. --Gopala Krishna A (talk) 08:24, 19 September 2018 (UTC)
Request for support for CC-India re-creation
[edit]Hi, the Creative Commons India chapter is reformed. The old structure will be changed to match the newly introduced Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN). There are going to be two meetings — one in Bangalore (at CIS office) and one in Delhi (see venue details below - both events are organized at the former CC affiliate institutional space). I'm writing to you to request three things:
- Help with CIS office space, a projector, Internet connectivity for about 40 people
- Have some staff members to join both the CCGN (here) and the meetings in either of/both the places (please sign up to join)
- A small support of 2000 INR for refreshments for the attendees
- Venue for Bangalore
- CIS Bangalore office (have confirmed with admin staffer)
- Venue for Delhi
- Acharya Narendra Dev College, Govindpuri, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019
Please do let me know if there are any follow up questions or comments. Thanks in advance! --Subhashish Panigrahi (talk) 04:37, 13 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks Subhashish for letting us know about this plan. I'll discuss with team, and get back to you in next 36 hours. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 18:14, 15 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for informing us about this exciting idea. We hope Indian Wikimedians will attend the event. The above-mentioned request is
Approved -- Tito Dutta (talk) 04:32, 22 August 2018 (UTC) About office space, please write to Mr Ajoy for date availability. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 04:46, 22 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for informing us about this exciting idea. We hope Indian Wikimedians will attend the event. The above-mentioned request is
- Thanks Tito for the confirmation. Please do share the word among the Indian Wikimedian community if you could. Folks from CIS-A2K and CIS are most welcome as well considering their long-standing support for CC. I have already written to Ajoy about this. Thanks again. --Subhashish Panigrahi (talk) 05:08, 24 August 2018 (UTC)
- The event report is posted here publicly under an open license. --Subhashish Panigrahi (talk) 10:52, 3 December 2018 (UTC)
- Hi @Titodutta:, just confirming that I have received the reimbursement recently. Thanks again for the support. --Subhashish Panigrahi (talk) 17:19, 16 April 2019 (UTC)
- The event report is posted here publicly under an open license. --Subhashish Panigrahi (talk) 10:52, 3 December 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks Tito for the confirmation. Please do share the word among the Indian Wikimedian community if you could. Folks from CIS-A2K and CIS are most welcome as well considering their long-standing support for CC. I have already written to Ajoy about this. Thanks again. --Subhashish Panigrahi (talk) 05:08, 24 August 2018 (UTC)
हिंदी विकि भारतीय स्वतंत्रता दिवस लेख प्रतियोगिता २०१८
[edit]भारतीय स्वतंत्रता दिवस, 15 अगस्त के अवसर पर हिंदी विकिपीडिया समुदाय लेख संपादन प्रतियोगिता एवं सम्पादनोत्सव का आयोजन किया गया था जो 10 अगस्त से 20 अगस्त तक चला था। (हिंदी चौपाल पर चर्चा यहां देखें) इसमें भारतीय स्वतंत्रता सैनानी और भारतीय स्वतंत्रता में महत्वपूर्ण घटनाओं पर आधारित विषयों पर लेखों में विस्तार, सुधार तथा नये लेखों को बनाया था। हिंदी विकी समुदाय चाहता है की विश्विक रूप से CIS इस प्रतियोगिता के पुरस्कार विजेताओं के लिए अनुदान हेतु हिन्दी की समुदाय की सहायता करे।
- First winner, 3000 INR
- second winner, 2000 INR
- Third winner, 1000 INR
- Total = 6000 INR
--J. Ansari Talk 14:57, 24 August 2018 (UTC)
- @J ansari: प्रणाम। इस प्रतियोगिता में लगभग कितने लेखों का सुधार / निर्माण हुआ ये आप अगर बता सकते है तो बेहतर होगा। प्रतियोगिता आयोजित करके फरक कितना पडा है उसपर पुरस्कार का निर्णय होना चाहिए। Dharmadhyaksha (talk) 06:04, 29 August 2018 (UTC)
@Dharmadhyaksha: जी आप लेखों की संख्या ओर प्रतियोगिता का प्रभाव उपर प्रतियोगिता लिंक पर क्लिक करके देख सकते हैं जहां सब कुछ विस्तार से दिया गया है। धन्यवाद --J. Ansari Talk 09:18, 29 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for letting us know about this plan. I have a few comments and questions: a) generally CIS-A2K does not provide cash prizes, although CIS-A2K has supported gift vouchers, b) as the edit-a-thon seems to be over, could you please let us know about the winners, jury, and related details?, c) the villahe pump discussion you have linked, I can not see any discussion other than an opening post. Is there any other discussion on the proposal? Finally, I thank you for the initiative you have taken and your contribution. Regards. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 18:43, 30 August 2018 (UTC)
@Titodutta:, Here the list of winners about the competition and the number of total articles created is given in the other detail and if the CIS provides prizes to the winners it would be great. Thank you --J. Ansari Talk 14:07, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the detailed discussion. As mentioned above, we can not provide cash prizes, we request to keep organizers and jury members out of the prize winners' list. Following the observation, the request is
Approved. We'll contact you over email. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 10:04, 12 September 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the detailed discussion. As mentioned above, we can not provide cash prizes, we request to keep organizers and jury members out of the prize winners' list. Following the observation, the request is
Requesting support for Wikigraphists Bootcamp (2018 India)
[edit]Dear A2K team,
As mentioned in the grant proposal for Wikigraphists Bootcamp (2018 India), I would like to request you the following financial and logistical support from CIS-A2K.
- Travel for two participants and the five members from organizing team (to Delhi)
- Accommodation for 3 nights * 6 rooms
- Logistics for the main event; such as a projector, mikes-speakers etc.
A couple of things were added to this request (in view of more participation) in addition to the things mentioned in proposal, and also please note that this request is for contingency purpose, if there are funds left from the original grant, we can adjust it from that. Thanks, KCVelaga (talk) 16:14, 31 August 2018 (UTC)
- Hello, CIS A2K team is willing to support this proposal. This proposal opens up new avenues of skill building in the Indian context and we believe that we can support not only by providing financial assistance but also by contributing to the design structure and follow up of the workshop. We have taken note of the online sessions being organised as pre work and have observed progress. This workshop has great potential for follow up and theme specific interests. We are immensely happy to support you with the services of a A2K team member specialising in design. Following the observations, the request is
Approved -- Tito Dutta (talk) 06:26, 17 September 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta: Hi Tito, thanks for the approval and your extended support. We'll definitely collaborate more on this. Please check this category on Wikimedia Commons which contains the files created by participants as a part this program, c:Category:Creations from WB2018IN. I'll keep you updated. KCVelaga (talk) 12:42, 17 September 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta and Tito (CIS-A2K): Thanks for supporting this initative. The final report is available at Grants:Conference/KCVelaga/Wikigraphists_Bootcamp_(2018_India)/Report. We will soon discuss about the follow-up activities to take this forward. KCVelaga (talk) 13:43, 8 January 2019 (UTC)
- @Titodutta: Hi Tito, thanks for the approval and your extended support. We'll definitely collaborate more on this. Please check this category on Wikimedia Commons which contains the files created by participants as a part this program, c:Category:Creations from WB2018IN. I'll keep you updated. KCVelaga (talk) 12:42, 17 September 2018 (UTC)
Requesting Support for Promotion of Punjabi Wikipedia Animation Movie
[edit]Dear A2K Team,
I would like to request for financial support for promotion of Animation movie: Punjabi Wikipedia Tales - A Trip To Lahore( A part of promotion of Punjabi Wikipedia on Social Media Project). The funds from the Rapid grant have been exhausted but the results from the minimal budget were nothing short of spectacular and produced a stellar effect for the awareness campaign among the masses. We have by now, gotten 70 thousand views with 10,000 INR of paid campaigning, which is quite exceptional from professional point of view as well. The daily average of Punjabi Wikipedia Main Page has gotten to 2700 views per day from 300-500 views of daily average (before launch of video). I think continuous promotion of the video would have a more positive effect. We request financial aid for another 12,000 INR for the promotion of animation movie on Facebook so we can reach more masses and create awareness about Punjabi Wikipedia on Facebook, India's most popular platform among people of all age groups( Something that is more powerful than TV Adverts). If possible, I would like to request permission to continue using my own funds which later can be reimbursed by A2K Team so the promotion continues with the same level and keeps producing great results. Best Regards and wishes--Wikilover90 (talk) 05:26, 11 September 2018 (UTC)
- This is an interesting and unique idea Wikilover90. Thanks for the proposal. We have 2 questions, as of now:
- a) could you get some Punjabi community discussion(s) either on Punjabi village pump or here,
- b) could you kindly provide a more detailed stat report of the impact (views, remarks, translation request (if any)) so dar?
Thanks, -- Tito Dutta (talk) 14:00, 13 September 2018 (UTC)
Hello Tito. I am providing the links for the above stated queries. Hope that clarifies more.
- Discussion on Village Pump
- Pageviews for Main Page before and after the campaign launched.
Also, there have been requests from 3 Indic Communities who want to dub the video in their regional language.
--Wikilover90 (talk) 11:10, 15 September 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for these details. This request is
Approved. We'd like to see a report after this promotion. We'll contact you over email. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 14:52, 21 September 2018 (UTC)
Internet support request
[edit]Hello, I am c:User:Yann. I am administrator on Wikimedia Commons, and I need support for my Internet connection. A 6 months or 1 year advance rental plan with a 4G hotspot would be very useful. Thank you very much in advance. Regards, Yann (talk) 14:11, 14 September 2018 (UTC)
[edit]Strong support Their contribution to Wikimedia is very great, This will help him --J. Ansari Talk 07:53, 17 September 2018 (UTC)
Approved, the request is approved. CIS-A2K would support your internet for 6 months. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 08:21, 19 September 2018 (UTC)
Comment Yann is an outstanding contributor to Wikimedia projects. I really appreciate this support. Regards, KCVelaga (talk) 16:49, 19 September 2018 (UTC)
Request for support for Hockey World Cup 2018 Edit-a-thon on-site event in New Delhi
[edit]Hello, I am requesting for some conditional non-cash support at CIS Delhi Office. Hindi Wikimedians would be conducting one onsite event in New Delhi. May refer to this link for more information and community consensus on the same. Malayalam community members would also jointly collaborate with us along with other Wikimedians whosoever is based in New Delhi. We would request help with CIS office space, a projector, Internet connectivity for about 25 people. We request the needful to be arranged on a weekend so that more people can attend the event. If there is a possibility of the said event to be arranged on a weekend, we will discuss among-st our self and find out the most convenient week.
Also copying my fellow Wikimedians who are taking up this initiative.
- @Sidheeq: Ji from Malayalam
- @Raju Jangid:Ji from Hindi.
Thanks. --Abhinav619 (talk) 12:21, 27 September 2018 (UTC)
- Thank you Abhinav619 for letting us know about the plan. Could you please suggest the dates when you want to conduct the Wiki-event. I'll check with CIS Delhi office and their team if they are available for the date(s). -- Tito Dutta (talk) 13:52, 27 September 2018 (UTC)
- Hi @Titodutta:, Sunday, 28th October would work for us. --Abhinav619 (talk) 15:37, 27 September 2018 (UTC)
- Hello @Titodutta: and CIS Team, requesting for an update.--Abhinav619 (talk) 06:12, 4 October 2018 (UTC)
- Hello Abhinav619, I am checking with Delhi team. We'll surely provide venue support for the event. I'll inform you very soon. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 06:15, 4 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thank You @Titodutta: -Abhinav619 (talk) 07:22, 4 October 2018 (UTC)
- User:Abhinav619, this is confirmed. Apologies it took a little time. We will share details about the logistics-suport person closer to the event. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 23:09, 11 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thank You @Titodutta: for facilitating this--Abhinav619 (talk) 00:15, 12 October 2018 (UTC)
Support for promotion of Wikisource general awareness videos
[edit]Hi, I would like to request CIS-A2K to provide financial support of Rs. 10,000/- only for the promotion of the upcoming Bengali Wikisource general awareness videos in Youtube and social media. More details of the project is here. I have also informed the Bengali Wikisource community about this request here. Please grant the request and oblige. Thanks, -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 07:25, 28 September 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for letting us know about this idea. Thanks for sharing the village pump links. Please share the video link with us. Thanks -- Tito Dutta (talk) 16:13, 30 September 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta:, These are the links of the videos - 1) লে হালুয়া, 2) মায়ের নজর, 3) দুনিয়া যখন দোরগোড়ায়. -- Bodhisattwa (talk) 12:11, 1 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the links. The videos look interesting. The request is
Approved. Please post a report to us (on this page) after the promotion is done. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 21:05, 1 October 2018 (UTC)
Request for Support for "Digital Medium and Telangana Culture" conference
[edit]Dept. of Language and Culture, Telangana Government is helping as to conduct "Digital Medium and Telangana Culture" conference on 12-13th October which aims to improve awareness activity and reach of Telugu Wikipedia projects in Telangana. During this Conference, dept. is going to resilience books, photos and other educative content into free license. Department is also going to publish a book which highlights contribution of digital Telugu activists and projects to Telangana Culture and Telugu Language. which also cover Telugu wikipedia's contribution Telugu Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wikidata related activities also being part of the conference.
Department is also going to felicitate Telugu Wikipedians who contributed to the projects. we are requesting CIS to provide financial support for travel and accommodation of Wikipedians, Designing and Printing of Posters. requested budget break up is as follows.
- Travel for Wikipedians (Other than Hyderabad) - Rs. 15,000/-
- Accommodation for 2 days - Rs. 10,000/-
- Designing and Printing - Rs. 3,000/-
Total = 28,000/-
- Links
Regards, -- Pranayraj Vangari (talk) |Contribs) 10:43, 4 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for letting us know about this plan. CIS-A2K Telugu community advocate User:Pavan santhosh.s will co-ordinate with you on this. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 04:06, 10 October 2018 (UTC)
Requesting refund support for Hockey World Cup 2018 Edit-a-thon on-site event at Thrissur
[edit]Hello, We at Malayalam wikipedia conducted first onsite Edit-a-thon at Thrissur on 7th October 2018. This event was planned very quickly from the suggestion from Sailesh Pat in a conversation about Edit-a-thons. The event was conducted at an office space at thrissur. 10 People participated the event and 35 articles about Hockey, Hockey players in Odisha was created on Malayalam Wikipedia. 2 New users are joined into the Edit-a-thon and started their wikimedia career.
The event page can be found Here.
If you can refund the expense of the food and travel expense of the event then that will be very help full.
--Ranjithsiji (talk) 16:43, 7 October 2018 (UTC)
- Hello, thanks for letting us know about this plan. Could you please share the event report and the budget with us? Regards. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 23:14, 11 October 2018 (UTC)
- Event Report and expense report are given in the Event page. The total expense is Rs 2629/-. The original bills will be handed over to CIS. --Ranjithsiji (talk) 07:20, 18 October 2018 (UTC)
- Bills and Reports are handed over to CIS. --Ranjithsiji (talk) 16:58, 8 November 2018 (UTC)
Participation in World Heritage Cuisine Summit 2018
[edit]This is to request approval for participation in World Heritage Cuisine Summit 2018. We organized an online edit-a-thon prior to the event. Event organizers are going give us free Delegate passes for 3 people for 3 days including free lunch and free accommodation as well.
We need CIS to fund other costs like transportation, banners and stationery. Estimate budget is as below:
- Transportation - 3000 INR
- Banners - 2000 INR
- Stationery - 1000 INR
- Food - 3000 INR
- Miscellaneous - 1000 INR
Total - 10,000 INR
Punjabi Wikimedians is a partner organization in the event and we will be visually documenting the event and plan to add about 200 images of various food items and the event in general. --Nitesh Gill (talk) 05:05, 14 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for letting us know about this event. Please share the event page and community discussion (such as Village pump) links. Regards. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 20:15, 14 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thank you Tito, I am sharing the links as below:
- Online Edit-a-thon
- Category:World Heritage Cuisine Summit & Food Festival 2018
- Discussion on Village Pump
--Nitesh Gill (talk) 12:06, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the update. We won't support the banner, perhaps you can reuse an existing Punjabi Wikipedia banner? Please share the list of the participants who performed really well, and will get the passes. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 21:26, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
পেনড্রাইভ কেনার খরচ প্রদানের আবেদন
[edit]সম্প্রতি আমার ল্যাপটপের উইন্ডোজ অপারেটিং সিস্টেম নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। ফলে বাংলা উইকিপিডিয়ায় অবদান রাখতে আমার সমস্যা হচ্ছে। আমি যদি কোন দোকানে ঠিক করতে নিয়ে যাই তবে ৪০/৫০ পাউন্ড লাগবে। অন্যদিকে উইন্ডোজ ১০-এর লাইসেন্স চাবি কিনতে গেলে খরচও অনেক। আমার বিশ্বাস আমি ঘরে বসেই নিজে কম খরচে নতুন উইন্ডোজ ইনস্টল ও উইন্ডোজ সক্রিয় করতে পারবো। উইন্ডোজ লাইসেন্স চাবির একটা ব্যবস্থা আমি করতে পারবো আর উইন্ডোজ ইন্সটলের জন্য পেনড্রাইভ ৮ জিবি ক্ষমতা একটি পেনড্রাইভ লাগবে। তাই আমি পেনড্রাইভ কেনার খরচ প্রদানের আবেদন করছি। --আফতাবুজ্জামান (talk) 01:22, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks আফতাবুজ্জামান for the post. I'll discuss this with team and get back to you. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 21:23, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the request. The request is
Approved. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 19:45, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
- The process is complete. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 06:10, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
পেনড্রাইভ কেনার খরচ প্রদানের আবেদন
[edit]সম্প্রতি আমার ল্যাপটপের উইন্ডোজ অপারেটিং সিস্টেম নষ্ট হয়ে যায়। ফলে বাংলা উইকিপিডিয়ায় অবদান রাখতে আমার সমস্যা হচ্ছে। আমি যদি কোন দোকানে ঠিক করতে নিয়ে যাই তবে ৪০/৫০ পাউন্ড লাগবে। অন্যদিকে উইন্ডোজ ১০-এর লাইসেন্স চাবি কিনতে গেলে খরচও অনেক। আমার বিশ্বাস আমি ঘরে বসেই নিজে কম খরচে নতুন উইন্ডোজ ইনস্টল ও উইন্ডোজ সক্রিয় করতে পারবো। উইন্ডোজ লাইসেন্স চাবির একটা ব্যবস্থা আমি করতে পারবো আর উইন্ডোজ ইন্সটলের জন্য পেনড্রাইভ ৮ জিবি ক্ষমতা একটি পেনড্রাইভ লাগবে। তাই আমি পেনড্রাইভ কেনার খরচ প্রদানের আবেদন করছি। --আফতাবুজ্জামান (talk) 01:22, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks আফতাবুজ্জামান for the post. I'll discuss this with team and get back to you. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 21:23, 15 October 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the request. The request is
Approved. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 19:45, 17 October 2018 (UTC)
- The process is complete. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 06:10, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
Additional Support Requested for Wikipedia Workshop Modi College
[edit]The event was outreach cum Wikipedia training workshop covering Hockey world cup 2018 edit a thon done in official collaboration with MM Modi college which is one of the top reputed government institute of Punjab. The institute and students showed great enthusiasm for participating in the event which resulted in 3 times the normal participation and increased expenses. I would like to request additional 5000 INR in addition to Hockey edit a thon sponsored by odisha govt for the amount of 7000 INR.
[edit]- 1 Outreach session
- 2 sessions on Wikipedia policies and introduction
- 3 edit-a-thon (around 45 articles and 59 new accounts made)
[edit]- 4000 inr for travel reimbursement of instructors
- 770 for certificates
- 6000 for snacks and lunch
- 1100 for banners
- 500 for flowers for speakers
Link for village pump
[edit] --Wikilover90 (talk) 14:07, 3 November 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for letting us know. We'll contact you for bills and other details. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 16:14, 4 November 2018 (UTC)
Support for Wikipedia Training programme for Schoolwiki students and teachers at Kollam
[edit]Wikimedians of Kerala UG is organizing a training cum hands-on edit a thon programme for students and teachers in schoolwiki at Kollam. The event is happening on 10th November at Govt. Model Boys higher secondary school Kollam. This event was planned with the teachers in schools at Kollam. A detailed training about Wikipedia, how to start an article in Wikipedia and basics of editing in Wikipedia are included in this one day training programme.
40 students and 25 teachers from various schools around Kollam will participate in this event. 4-5 Malayalam Wikipedia editors will lead the event and explain various aspects of editing in Wikipedia.
Programme Leads
[edit]- Wikimedians of Kerala UG
- Little Kites club Kollam
- Viswaprabha
- Ranjithsiji
- Kannan Shanmugham
[edit]- [ page on Malayalam Wikpedia]
[edit]- To create new articles and enhance existing articles
- Introduce Wikipedia editing to Students and teachers from Schools in Kerala
Estimated Budget
[edit]Total funding needed = Rs.16,900
Item Details | Nos | Rate | Cost (in ![]() |
Description |
Travel | 3 | ![]() |
![]() |
3 Persons Travel to Kollam and Back to Thrissur |
High Tea(Snacks) | 60 | ![]() |
![]() |
for participants of the program |
Lunch | 60 | ![]() |
![]() |
for participants of the program |
Stickers | 5 | ![]() |
![]() |
5 Sticker sheets |
Grand Total | Rs.16,900 |
--Ranjithsiji (talk) 16:35, 8 November 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the request. Your request is
Approved --Gopala (CIS-A2K) (talk) 06:41, 7 March 2019 (UTC)
Camera and tripod
I am making a request to borrow a superzoom or DSLR camera with a memory card and a tripod for about 15 days, from November 26 to December 11. I am leaving on a trip to Manipur in this time and need the camera for recording some language preservation videos/ audio clips. I could not find any reliable source on the Internet that contains audio or other material about languages from the region. I will return the equipment once my trip ends. Thanks, -- Rohini (talk) 09:42, 13 November 2018 (UTC)
- The request is
Approved. Please post a brief report after the event. Regards. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 06:09, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
Jiofi Recharge request
[edit]Hi, Under project tiger I got Cromebook and jiofi. Now I can't afford recharge of Jiofi. There is plan for 499/3months. I request to CIS, please help me for internet support for 2019 (1 year). Thank you. NehalDaveND (talk) 05:52, 14 November 2018 (UTC)
Support -- I support Nehalji for his genuine request. Further I suggest CIS to chose some of the active wikipedians from Indic languages and extend support for internet. Ahmed Nisar (talk) 18:33, 14 November 2018 (UTC)
- --J. Ansari Talk 05:42, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
Jiofi Recharge request
[edit]Hello, I got the Jiofi dongel under Project Tiger Event. My humble request to CIS, please give me a Internet Support. It would help me to extend my future endorsements. Thank you.--Ajaybanbi (talk) 02:57, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
Strong support -- Pranayraj Vangari (talk) |Contribs) 19:56, 21 November 2018 (UTC)
Internet support request
[edit]Hello, My name is Pranayraj Vangari (User:Pranayraj1985) I'm one of active Wikipedian in Telugu Wikipedia and Wikimedia Projects. I've been on the path of contributing #1000Wikidays challenge for the past two years in Telugu Wikipedia. Now i need support for my Internet Connection (ACT Fibernet Rs. 3000/- per six Months) for completing #1000WikidaysChallenge. It would be helpful to me to complete 1000WikidaysChallenge in successful way.-- Pranayraj Vangari (talk) |Contribs) 17:54, 14 November 2018 (UTC)
[edit]Support -- I support Pranayraj's genuine request. He needs it, as he is a committed wikipedian. Ahmed Nisar (talk) 18:38, 14 November 2018 (UTC)
Support -- Pranay is a dedicated wikipedian on Telugu wiki and is on a mission to complete 1000 wikidays challenge which nobody has achieved! రవిచంద్ర (talk) 00:06, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
Support --Rahmanuddin (talk) 00:52, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--Abhinav619 (talk) 03:10, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
I support Pranay Raj Vangari.Pranay Raj was completed 500 wikidays which is not done by the any wikipedian in the world.
- I
Support Palagiri (talk) 09:18, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--స్వరలాసిక (talk) 16:42, 15 November 2018 (UTC)
Support Kasyap (talk)
Support--T.sujatha (talk) 03:22, 17 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--Viswanadh.BK (విశ్వనాధ్) (talk) 07:11, 17 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--K.Venkataramana (talk) 13:37, 17 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--శ్రీరామమూర్తి (talk) 15:29, 17 November 2018 (UTC)
Strong support --Ajaybanbi (talk) 02:51, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
Text-Performance-Documentation and Reconstruction of rare Folk Performing Art Sidda Vesha Dance
[edit]Coastal Karnataka has a rich oral literature and folk dances. They relate to the life and culture of the region and are inextricably linked with the tradition and culture of the region. They take us into a complex world of rituals, beliefs, practices, customs, traditions, and entertainment. Therefore, it is imperative to understand their meaning, nature, structure, and subject- matter in order to understand their function in a traditional Tuluva society.
The rapid urbanization of the region and increase in literacy level among the rural populace seem to have had an impact on traditional Tulu culture, even as a part of that rich culture it is fading away and certain practices are undergoing modifications.
Captioned folk dance, Sidda Vesha, is coming under the above mentioned category where the performance is in the night and requires 15 members. So far not documented or video graphed or audio graphed. Hence a canopy of scholars, performers and villagers of Mandekolu(Badikana) has now engaged to revamp the folklore and need financial support and require patronizing.
As the community is active, and enthusiastic to take things forward in a creative manner to preserve a rare folk art, kindly support us
[edit]- Dr. Poovappa Kaniyooru ,Kannada Associate Professor, NM College, Sullia
- Dr. Yadhupathi Gowda, Principal, Vani PU college Belthangady
- Dr. Vishwanatha Badikana, Kannada Assistant Professor, St. Aloysius College(Autonomous), Mangaluru
- Dr. Kishore Kumar Rai, Principal, Shri Ramakrishna PU College, Mangaluru
Proposed Activities
[edit]- Performing in small village outskirt of Sullia Mangaluru
- Photothon
- To create new articles and enhance existing articles of Sidda Vesha
- Login to a new members of Tulu Wikipedia
- Introduce Tulu Wikipedia to Village people, teachers and students in and around
- It is a text-centric subject so Mangalore University Evening College - Tulu MA Students will be more beneficial.
Programme Leads
[edit]- Karavali Wikipedians
- Kannada Wikipedia
- Tulu Wikipedia
- Vishwanatha Badikana
- Kishore Kumar Rai
- Bharathesha Alasandemajalu
[edit]- Number of presentation attendees: 120 Students, Teachers and Performers
- Tulu Wikipedia reaching Village people and that encourages to use daily
- Number of new editors: 10
- Number of articles created or improved in Tulu, Kannada, English: 10
- Offline outreaching programme, will reach number of audience of that village.
- A Very valued resources of documentation will help for future research students.
- Will help for offline Tulu Text Book project
- Photothon
- Photos: More than 200
- Video: More Than 20
- Audio: More Than 20
Initially estimated budget
[edit]Total funding needed = ₹ 54,500.00
Item Details | Nos | Rate | Cost (in ![]() |
Description |
Travel | 4 Experts and Guests | ![]() |
![]() |
Accommodation and Travel to Sullia and Back to Mangaluru |
Travel Local Taxi | 15 | ![]() |
![]() |
Sullia to Badikana(Performers) |
10 | ![]() |
![]() |
10 Students Travel to Sullia and Back to Mangaluru |
Break & High Tea (Snacks) | 60 | ![]() |
![]() |
for Performers and Participants of the program |
Lunch | 100 | ![]() |
![]() |
for participants and Performer of the program |
Dress, Costumes, Makeup | 4Set | ![]() |
![]() |
for Performer of the program |
1 | ![]() |
![]() |
Pendal, Chair, Stage, Backdrop and lightings |
Grand Total | ₹ 54,500 |
Revised estimated budget
[edit]Total funding needed = ₹ 42,000.00
Item Details | Nos | Rate | Cost (in ![]() |
Description |
Break & High Tea (Snacks) | 60 | ![]() |
![]() |
for Performers and Participants of the program |
Lunch | 100 | ![]() |
![]() |
for participants and Performer of the program |
Travel | 4 experts and guest | 1000 | ![]() |
Accommodation and Travel to Sullia and Back to Mangaluru |
Travel Local Taxi | 15 | 200 | ![]() |
Sullia to Badikana(Performers) |
Dress, Costumes, Makeup | 4 set | 1000 | ![]() |
for Performer of the program |
1 | ![]() |
![]() |
Banners, Pendal, Chair, Stage, Backdrop, lightings and miscellaneous |
Grand Total | ₹ 42,000 |
Thank you --BHARATHESHA ALASANDEMAJALU (talk) 15:23, 17 November 2018 (UTC)
[edit]Support I Support Folk Art Sidda Vesha Dance --Ashay vb (talk) 17:07, 17 November 2018 (UTC)
Support I Support Folk Art Sidda Vesha Dance, because this dance is rarely performed and has to be documented ----Kishorekumarrai (talk) 08:28, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
Support I Strong Support in Folk Art Sidda Vesha. it is very importent Document. in Indian Folk art.--Lokesha kunchadka (talk) 08:49, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
Support I support as it is very much needed to be documented.--Ashoka KG (talk) 09:00, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
Support This has to be documented.--Adarsh Jain (talk) 09:28, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
Support This is very good project. --Vishwanatha Badikana (talk) 15:56, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
Support Good project --Vinoda mamatharai (talk) 01:43, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
Support - This is really a very good project and need support --Pavanaja (talk) 05:50, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
Support -Tulu has a rich cultural heritage but very little has been documented. This project will help in that endeavor and needs support --Dhanalakshmi .K. T (talk) 05:54, 19 November 2018 (UTC)
Support -This project need much support.--BENET G AMANNA (talk) 04:03, 20 November 2018 (UTC)
-Sidda Vesha Tulu traditional dance-art form that needs strong support in terms of appropriate documentation.--Ravi Mundkur (talk) 14:20, 22 November 2018 (UTC)
I support this project, Sidda - vesha folk dance art has to be documented.
[edit]Dear Tito Dutta We have planned well and our preparation is almost complete. The event page is here. Now we want your CIS assistance and guidance for further proceedings--BHARATHESHA ALASANDEMAJALU (talk) 02:22, 4 December 2018 (UTC)
- This is an interesting project. I will engage with you in this program. This request is
Approved. We will contact you over email for reimbursements and further details. --Gopala Krishna A (CIS-A2K) (talk) 12:52, 4 December 2018 (UTC)
[edit]- Due to unavoidable circumstances we are finding it difficult to organize the Sidda Vesha on the earlier decided date and are planning to conduct the same at some date in the near future. Details shall soon be displayed here.--BHARATHESHA ALASANDEMAJALU (talk) 17:23, 12 December 2018 (UTC)
[edit]- Gopala Krishna A (CIS-A2K) We are going to conduct Sidda Vesha at Ujire on 21 March 2019, 6:30 onwards. Now we want you and CIS assistance and guidance for further proceedings. Thank you for your continues support --BHARATHESHA ALASANDEMAJALU (talk) 04:16, 20 March 2019 (UTC)
[edit]Thank You for your support Tito (CIS-A2K) and Gopala Krishna A (CIS-A2K) and the event page for Text-Performance-Documentation and Reconstruction of rare Folk Performing Art, Sidda Vesha Dance is available here. All the original bills are sent to CIS by post.
TWL Con (2019 India): Request for Support
[edit]Dear A2K team,
With reference to our previous discussions and as mentioned in this funded rapid grant proposal, I am here to request to provide travel support for 7-8 participants (costs equivalent to approx. ₹68,000) and also provide programmatic support for the event. We also request one representative on behalf of CIS-A2K to take part in the event. So that it would add more context to the discussions in terms of strategy and further support + followup. The event page is at TWLCon (2019 India).
Regards, KCVelaga (talk) 20:10, 18 November 2018 (UTC)
[edit]- KCVelaga has been a very hardworking outreach coordinator of the TWL, I am very positive about his ability to lead this mini-conference and to increase activity around partnership with libraries and publishers in India.--FNartey (WMF) (talk) 12:42, 26 November 2018 (UTC)
[edit]Thanks for letting us know about this plan. We'd like to know the plan in detail. Please share more ideas about is vision and objective. Why do you think this that the program is important? Please also know about the pre-event and follow-up plans. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 13:00, 9 December 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta: Thanks for the message. Following the establishment of Hindi TWL Branch, #1Lib1Ref sessions earlier this and an awareness session about TWL at Wiki Advanced Training 2018, there has been an increased interest in TWL and library partnerships in India. The primary aim of this event is outreach of TWL (and its programs) to Indian Wikimedia communities and know (+document) about their experiences working with libraries and other relevant services. The secondary goals are outreach of TWL (or just Wikip[m]edia in general) and a discussion with professional communities working on sources and reference services, which can include librarians, archivists, academicians etc. All these will be documented for a later use by others and be followed-up if needed. I agree that this may seem limited in several aspects, but it is intended to consider this is as a pilot before engaging a larger outreach plan. The learning will be shared with others and followed-up as required. The two day event will have two parts as listed below:
- Part 1: TWL outreach to Wikimedians
- About, various programs (how can they be worked out in India), relevant tools such as Citation Hunt
- Part 2: Open discussion with external personnel; librarians, archivists, academicians etc.
- Introduction to Wiki and TWL, their experience, areas where Wiki and these can collaborate for mutual benefit
- Part 1: TWL outreach to Wikimedians
- It is also an objective to understand how library networks, librarians, academicians, archivists etc. function practically in India, and also explore the ways in which Wikimedians can successfully collaborate with them to increase the footprint of Wikimedia movement across the related professional networks in India, with proper documentation. During the conference, participants will be sharing their experiences with each other, and discussing how we can do things better. During some of the sessions, we will also be interacting with professionals from Pune (+Mumbai) and listen to their experiences with Wikimedia (or Open Access) in general. As a pre-event work to participants three types have been planned. The first one is organising small satellite events locally by 3–4 participants in their cities by inviting experts and interacting with them for 3–5 hrs. The second one is pre-planning for a #1lib1ref session that is to be conducted after this event during the campaign period in Jan-Feb 2019. The third one is community consultation. Participants will reach out their language communities via village pump and explain them about TWL and its program. The community will be requested to comment how do these things best suit their needs. All the requests and comments will be noted and be discussed at the conference. Not all the participants will be doing all three (if they want to, that is awesome), but the participants were given a choice of selecting atleast one from the three or even suggest something different that they would like to pursue individually and is relevant to the theme. For follow-up, it'll be based on the pre-work. For example, if you did community consultation for pre-event work, the learning from the conference will be used to fulfil or plan activities to fulfil the needs. KCVelaga (talk) 04:13, 10 December 2018 (UTC)
- Thanks for the detailed response. The request is
Approved. -- Tito Dutta (talk) 15:50, 18 December 2018 (UTC)
- @Titodutta and Tito (CIS-A2K): Thanks for supporting this initiative. The final report is available at Grants:Project/Rapid/KCVelaga/TWLCon India - 2019/Report. KCVelaga (talk) 16:45, 2 April 2019 (UTC)
Support for Wikimedia Training program for Research Scholors at University of Kerala Thiruvananthapuram
[edit]Wikimedians of Kerala UG and Malayalam Department, University of Kerala jointly organizing a training cum hands-on programme for research scholors and post graduate students at Kerala University Karyavattom campus, Thiruvananthapuram. The event is planned from 16th December 2018 to 20th December 2018 at Campus computing facility in the University of Kerala. This event happening in connection with National Workshop of Malayalam Computing and was planned with Malayalam Department in the University. A detailed training about Wikipedia, Wikisource, Commons, Wiktionary, Wikiquotes and how to start an article in Wikipedia and basics of editing in Wikipedia are included in this training workshop.
50 students from University of Kerala will participate in this event. 4-5 Malayalam Wikipedia editors will lead the event and explain various aspects of editing in Wikipedia.
[edit]- Wikimedians of Kerala UG
- Department of Malayalam, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram
Programme Leads
[edit]- To create new articles and enhance existing articles
- Introduce Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects to Students, Research scholors and teachers from University of Kerala
- To add new books to Wikisource
Estimated Budget
[edit]Total funding needed = Rs.17,500
Category | Item | Nos. | Rate | Amount (in ![]() |
Description |
Travel | Train (Aluva-Thiruvananthapuram) | 4 | 200 | 800 | 4 Resource Persons Travel from Aluva to Thiruvananthapuram on Train |
Travel | Taxi | 4 | 150 | 300 | 4 Resource Persons Travel from Thiruvananthapuram to University campus Taxi |
Accomodation | Room Rent | 2 Rooms 4 Days | 1000 | 8000 | 4 Resource Persons Accomodation near University (2 Rooms) |
Food | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner | 4 Persons 4 Days | 1200 | 4800 | Food for Resource Persons |
Travel | Train (Aluva-Thiruvananthapuram) | 4 | 200 | 800 | 4 Resource Persons Travel from Thiruvananthapuram to Aluva on Train |
Travel | Taxi | 4 | 150 | 300 | 4 Resource Persons Travel from University campus to Thiruvananthapuram Taxi |
Printing | Handbook | 50 | 50 | 2500 | Malayalam Wikipedia Handbook printing Cost |
Grand Total | 17500 |
--Ranjithsiji (talk) 13:06, 28 November 2018 (UTC)
[edit]Support —Jyothishnp (talk) 04:36, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
Support --Kannan Talk 04:37, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
Support --Ambadyanands (talk) 05:58, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
Support -- Abijithka (talk) 10:52, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
Support -- Akhiljaxxn (talk) 17:02, 29 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--SijiR (talk) 03:13, 30 November 2018 (UTC)
Support--Akbarali (talk) 19:38, 1 December 2018 (UTC)
[edit]- Thanks for letting us know about this plan, and sorry for the delay in replying. This request is
Approved, and User:Ananth subray will contact you with details. --Tito (CIS-A2K) (talk) 13:17, 31 December 2018 (UTC)
[edit]A detialed report about the event is now availble on the Event Report page. All the original bills are sent to CIS by post. --Ranjithsiji (talk) 13:30, 2 January 2019 (UTC)
Support requested for Wikisource events
[edit]Hello, I want to request financial aid of 4000 rupees for 3 Wikisource events for outreach and new editor engagement and improve the contribution at Punjabi Wikisource. The assistance is for the following three events:
- 23 December 2018 Proofreading Edit-a-thon
- 3 January 2019 Wikisource Workshop
- 15 January 2019 Wikisource-1lib1ref Workshop
[edit]- Benipal hardarshan (talk) 11:26, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Support ਲਵਪ੍ਰੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਸਿੱਧੂ (talk) 11:24, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Support Jagseer01 (talk) 11:43, 30 December 2018 (UTC)
Support (Mr.Mani Raj Paul (talk) 12:19, 30 December 2018 (UTC))
Hello, thanks for letting us know about this plan. The village pump post does not have much information and discussion. Please a) share the event page link(s), and b) it would be great to see some more discussion on the village pump. --Tito (CIS-A2K) (talk) 08:17, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hello Tito (CIS-A2K), Thank you for the message. Please check the meta links; they will be updated with stats by tonight. Regards. Wikilover90 (talk) 11:48, 15 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hello, Wikilover90 thanks for the update. Please share the expenditure details with us. --Tito (CIS-A2K) (talk) 09:30, 4 February 2019 (UTC)