CIS-A2K/Reports/CIS-A2K Quarterly Report 5/Telugu
[edit]During this quarter, CIS-A2K worked with the Andhra Loyola College collaboration. A two month Wikipedia Camp was organised during November and December. As part of the Camp, a five day production sprint for Physics students was conducted. Apart from ALC collaboration. Annamayya library from Guntur has released an index of Annamacharya songs.A hackathon covering various topics about Mediawiki was organised at Hyderabad towards the end of the quarter.
Key Highlights
- Telugu Wikipedians participate at ICC 2014
- ALC Wikipedia camp starts in November 2014
- Production sprint for Physics at ALC
- Annamayya sankeertana catalogue released under CC-BY-SA license
- Telugu wikimedians participate at Hyderabad book fair
- Production sprint for Telugu Wikisource at ALC
- Mediawiki hackathon at Hyderabad
Statistical analysis
[edit]Note: At the time of writing this report (January 19, 2015), the statistics for December 2014 for Telugu Wikipedia are not available. Hence we have taken an anticipated figure based on live database figures for December also.
During this quarter there was not so drastic change in Telugu Wikipedia except for the total number of edits.
Total Editors
Total number of editors grew by which is comparable with the growth in other quarters.
New Editors
The number of new editors was 13, 17 and 19 respectively for October, November and December. These are slightly better than the previous quarter on an average.
Active Editors
The number of active editors was 63, 63 and 65 respectively for October, November and December. The trends are almost the same as previous quarter.
Very Active Editors
The number of very active editors was 16, 15 and 16 respectively for October, November and December.
No. of Articles
Total number of articles in Telugu Wikipedia grew from 59496 to 60106 in this quarter. The number of new articles per day was 11, 9 and 12 respectively for October, November and December. These are better than the previous quarter values.
Overall the statistics for Telugu Wikipedia has improved slightly in this quarter.