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CIS-A2K/Events/Train the Trainer Program/2018 Advanced TTT

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Train the Trainer Program
Train the Trainer (TTT) is a residential training workshop to groom leadership skills among the Indian Wikimedia community members.
Main page202420232020201920182017201620152013

2018 Advanced Train-the-Trainer is an upcoming residential workshop to be conducted in Kolkata (proposed, logistics work to be done). Since 2015, Train-the-Trainer has been conducted 5 times (2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018). The aim of 2018 advanced TTT is to take TTT to the next level and discuss/train advanced topics.

Who can participate

  • Any TTT alumnus: one who has attended any of the iteration of TTT as a participant
  • Any TTT alumnus who is actively working on outreach, community strengthening and other Wiki events
  • Activity: other than being an alumnus, being active is important. The person must be actively working on Wikimedia projects
  • Edit count: Edit count is not the ultimate way to assess someone's contribution, however, this is one of the mostly used tool, and more edit count generally shows more involvement. Following this observation: at least 2,500 mainspace edits are required.

Date and place

  • 12-14 October, Kolkata (Exact venue yet to be finalized)

Topics of discussion

Final list of topics will be updated 7-10 days before the event.
  • Advanced discussion on grants structure, specially simple APG
  • User group and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP, may include MoU and other things)
  • Relationship building with different entities such as organisations, govt sectors for partnership, content donation
  • Leadership enhancement
  • Dispute resolution and conflict management: How to handle difficult situations
  • Advanced copyright training: Indian and Federal copyright, URAA and other stuff