CEE/Newsletter/Newsroom/Wikimedia International Update Corner June 2023

Wikimedia International Update Corner May 2023
The many meetings and conference of May and June are now over and we're heading into a quieter time, so let's look back at what happened and what you could catch up on if you missed it:
- News and current calls for feedback
There is a distinct lack of publicly available news from the conferences and meetings that happened. I guess we all have to get better at summarising events and taking forward conversations that started there, otherwise we end up repeating discussions (again).
- The next drafts of two sections of the Movement Charter will be published on July 16th and July 30th. While a lot of this is very high-level strategy work, it's worth taking your time and thinking through what the drafting committee proposes. It's unclear yet what kind of option there is to change any of the drafts (the ratification process was not changed at all since April, which was before the public sessions), but voicing your opinion about the drafts, especially if you don't see them as workable or fair, will play a big part in how these drafts will be perceived and how they will hopefully be reworked.
- The Wikimedia Foundation discussed their annual plan for the year from July 2023 to June 2024 with communities worldwide. In essence (at least for the event most of us attended) this turned into a meeting with 111 people and a series of presentations with no actual meaningful discussion of the annual plan. It's unclear if the Wikimedia Foundation sees this as a success or not, but in terms of actually changing the discussion around how the Wikimedia Foundation uses the resources of the movement, not much has changed. But there's always next year!
- The CEE Meeting 2023 is only 10 weeks away at this point. The proposed sessions have been evaluated and are now awaiting being slotted it into a proper schedule. If you are one of the people who received a scholarship for attending this meeting, the CEE Hub would also like to talk to you in the next few weeks!
- Upcoming meetings & conferences in July and August
In the summer months not much is going on usually, except for one big event...
- Wikimania 2023 - the annual global meeting is back and will take place from the 15th to 19th of August in Singapore. There will be online participation at the meeting but please note that Singapore is 5 hours (EEST) or 6 hours (CEST) ahead, so you will only be able to take part in the afternoon sessions, unless you're willing to get up in the middle of the night!
- Recordings of past meetings & conferences in May and June
- EduWiki Conference 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia. The videos are still unfortunately all stuck together in a day-long video. You'll have to use the programme schedule of the conference and then try to find the exact spot in a 6 hour long video on this playlist on Youtube to find your session, but there are definitely some interesting ones if you can find them!
- Wikimedia Europe General Assembly, the annual meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, of the newly incorporated Wikimedia Europe organisation (although it was more like a small Wikimedia Summit for the bigger European affiliates). No archives of the livestream unfortunately, but some Etherpads are available to illustrate some of the interesting discussions that happened there.
- Further information