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Brazil Program/Education program/Timeline

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2013 roadmap and timeline[edit]

See here.

2012 roadmap and timeline[edit]

June - August[edit]

Deadlines and plans
Field Task Semester Deadline Importance State

Email template before the open call


June 8




Open call message


June 12




Open call


June 18


In progress


Open call set up




In progress


Open call and IRC sessions




Not yet started


Próximo semestre
  • Email padrão para professores (7, no máximo 8 de junho)
  • Texto para chamada aberta (12/06)
  • Chamada (dia 18/06)
  • Panfletos para professores e estudantes
    • Text translated (11/06)
    • Nosso texto (13/06)
    • Versão com design (18/06)
    • Versão impressa (25/06)


  • Página principal do Projeto Wikipédia na Universidade (máximo dia 22/6 ter uma boa cara)
    • Fazer com a comunidade (página dos embaixadores e anunciar na esplanada)
  • Palestras (tem que fazer? quantas? onde?) - a partir do dia 18/6
    • PUC / USP (FFLCH)
    • Agenda de palestras convidando voluntários
  • Página de ajuda com perguntas e respostas (como participar, sobre o programa etc.) (22/6)
  • Material mais detalhado para professores
Semestre atual
  • Questionários pós-semestre (22/6)
    • Tradução (15/6)
    • Estudantes (18/6) (impresso)
    • Embaixadores (online - formulário)
    • Professores (online - email)
  • Remind Campus Ambassadors to reach out to professors and offer to host 1-3 more sessions teaching how to edit
    • Have CAs reach out to Online Ambassadors (OAs) and let them know timelines for courses, so they know to start watching articles
    • Ask the CAS to update the student names (for Heloisa, Vera, and Pablo's courses)


Próximo semestre
Semestre atual
  • Material de síntese dos resultados (como peça de comunicação interna) (5/7)
  • Análise estatística (10/7)


A draft for 2012 year.

Plans and terms
Term Field Task
late January professors recruitment
mid-February ambassadors


  • online - village pump, talk pages, email
  • presential - faculty/university outreach, WikiMeetings, chapter, events
late February orientation campus ambassadors and professors (Rio de Janeiro)
early March training/orientation campus ambassadors and professors (São Paulo)
mid-March training/orientation campus and online ambassadors (skype/IRC)
March-May classroom conduct training sessions in class; execute courses
mid-April evaluation assessment of current activity of courses
April-May outreach some outreach in some universities
mid-May evaluation assessment of current activity of courses
late-May evaluation plan strategy for second semester (sustainability)
late June evaluation final assessment of courses
ealy July evaluation connect with all ambassadors and professors about their experiences in the course
early July strategy revise strategy for second semester 2012 made in the late May
early July ambassadors


  • online - village pump, talk pages, email
  • presential - faculty/university outreach, WikiMeetings, chapter, events
mid to late July professors and ambassadors forming groups for the second semester
early August training/orientation ambassadors and professors (workshop?)
September-October Classroom Conduct training sessions in class; execute courses
mid-September evaluation assessment of current activity of courses
September-October outreach some outreach in some universities
mid-October evaluation assessment of current activity of courses
late November evaluation final assessment of courses

Editing and surveys: 1st semester[edit]

Editing timeline
Course Class on WEP Wikipedia activities Estimative of Wikipedia activities Pre-semester survey # of students who filled the pre-semester survey Post-semester survey (days it was sent per class) Finishing semester activities
Electromagnetismo (Edivaldo) 3 April Signed up in Wikipedia; some Wikipedia editing April, May and June April 28 ? June 25 July 10
Memória e Vivência (Heloisa) 12 April Signed up in Wikipedia; some Wikipedia editing; articles choosen by students April, May and June (x1) 12 April 5 out of 20 (4 students who attend the WEP class + 1 external student) June 27 June 28
Políticas Culturais (Pablo) 14 and 16 March None yet Late April or early May (2x) 20 March and 20 April ? June 26 July 4 and 6
Espalhamento (Vera) 11 April Signed up in Wikipedia Late April or early May ? ? June 28 Late June/Early July
Antiguidade Clássica (Juliana) TBD March None yet ? ? ? Dia que foi enviado por email/forum de discussão Early July