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How people think of Wikimedia and the work that we do is our brand. Our logo is the trigger, or signifier, for thoughts and feelings about our brand.
- Read about the relationship between brand and logo.
- Read the trademark policy to see who can use the Wikimedia marks, and how.
ウィキメディア財団の文字マークならびに代表的な文書の題名の書体はMontserrat で指定します。文書の本文の書体はSource Serif Pro で指定します。どちらの書体もオープン・フォント・ライセンスのもと、無料でダウンロードしてご利用いただけます。
For additional character support (e.g. Arabic, Armenian, Bengali type) we have been using Noto. This entire type family is free to download under the Open Font License, but you will need to select the specific character type file (e.g. "Kufi" for Arabic) you intend to use.
The Wikimedia Foundation mark is one-color. There are two options: black or white. This approach makes it more flexible and easier to use in different situations.
For example, here is the white mark on a black background:
Use the mark on any color background, and even on top of a busy background like a photo, and it reads well. The forms are clear. The type is wide. The contrast is high.
Using the Wikimedia colors
There are three colors closely associated with the Wikimedia movement. They are green, blue, and red. They can be used as background colors, title or headline colors, in branded apparel. For example, they are used as part of the Wikimedia Foundation business card design.
These are specific color values used by the Wikimedia Foundation:
R51, G153, B102
C67, M0, Y33, K40
PMS 347U
R0, G99, B191
C89, M63, Y0, K0
PMS 2388U
R153, G0, B0
C24, M100, Y100, K25
PMS 2350U
- Note: The blue CMYK value is inconsistent on Adobe applications. Use the blue hex value and set up your document in CMYK color mode.
- Some logos use for blue instead of #0063BF the "non-dithered colors" #069
Using the Wikimedia mark
This mark is used by the Wikimedia movement around the world.
Click the icons to continue
How you can add to this collection
- Upload your asset to Wikimedia Commons
- Navigate to an existing gallery page within the brand wiki eg. Brand/Envelopes
- Describe your asset with a meaningful label and add to the gallery with your image eg. specific envelope size.
- If none of the existing categories apply, you can make your own! Follow the Click-IT module guidelines.
You can review some common questions, and their answers, at our frequently asked questions page. Don't see something you are wondering about? Add a question on the Talk page!